Saturday, October 31, 2009

Very scared of going to the dentist?

I haven't seen a dentist for almost 10 years, I'm currently 25 years old. I'm not sure why but I seem to have developed a massive phobia of going to the dentist, despite never having had any traumatic experiences. The only dental work I ever needed as a child was the extraction of 3 premolars for braces at the age of 13, and that went pretty smoothly, I don't remember it being particularly horrific or anything like that.I've been starting to get a bit of occasional pain from a couple of teeth though and I know I need to see a dentist because they will only get worse if I leave them. But I'm absolutely terrified at the thought, it makes me feel physically sick. I don't have any huge holes in my teeth or anything like that, but I'm certain I'll need at least a couple of fillings. It's not really pain that worries me, I think it's more finding out what needs done, and the vulnerability of lying in the chair that scares me.What can I do to reduce my fear about this?
When I get freaked out about something where intellectually I know the situation does not warrant the amount of fear and anxiety I am feeling, I try to remind myself to have a little perspective.Example. I have to go in for a root canal (yes, I have had several). But what situation would I rather face? That root canal.or something like cancer? What if I were going in for radiation or chemotherapy or even surgery to remove a tumor?When I start to think about how truly bad things can (and do) get, I realize that in the big picture, something like a filling or even a root canal is small potatoes. It could be so much worse.Now as for your fear, please remember you are not alone in this. I hear commercials on the radio all the time for local dentists who say they specialize in fearful patients! They promise anxiety-free dentistry, and my understanding is that they achieve it through things like medications (mild sedatives), laughing gas, or even having you watch a movie or listen to music while they work on you.I once had a complete gum cleaning (they had to numb everything with novacaine) while watching that Sandra Bullock/Hugh Grant movie, "Two Weeks Notice". Believe it or not I got so into the movie I was actually laughing at the funny parts, and was almost able to forget I was having something mildly unpleasant done to my teeth.Get the phone book out and start calling dentists. Tell them up front you have extreme anxiety over coming in, and ask what measures they offer to alleviate your concerns. Don't be afraid to ask to come in and see their office and even speak with the dentist briefly before committing to an appointment.A good dentist will do everything in his or her power to make you feel comfortable and keep things as pleasant as possible under the circumstances. And there are a lot of good dentists out there.Don't wait much longer -- pain in your teeth is a definite sign something is going on. Everyone is different, but I have a mouthful of fillings, and with the exception of ONE, I had zero warning pains with any of them. If you are to the point of having pain, you need to have those teeth looked at. Good luck! You can do this!
Dentist now a days is painless
Some dentists offer valium or some other type of relaxing medication for those who are fearful. So you may want to request that from the dentist, so you won't be experiencing this type of anxiety.
Try to relax and take your mind off of it. If it helps talk to a friend or somebody you really trust who isn't afraid of the dentist. I just posted a week ago about being terrified of my dentist appointment that is now only 2 days away. Like you I haven't had any traumatic experiences, but I am afraid of what they'll tell me (i.e. "You need a root canal", or "Your wisdom teeth need to be pulled.") All in all I ended up talking to my best friend and she reassured me that it won't be that bad, and I won't feel anything and I started to feel a little better. If talking to someone like that doesn't help you, talk to your dentist ahead of time, some of them practice sedation dentistry which will completely relax you. Hang in there.
I suffer the same problem. I just make sure the dentist I go to has nitros oxide and tell them to crank it up. I went once and they were out of gas so I just left and rescheduled. I wouldn't see one unless they have the gas... they charge 10 or 15 more per visit for it but its worth it to me.
Rent Little Shop of Horrors Starring Rick Moranis and Steve Martin.
There are dentists out there that offer anesthesia for their patients that will allow them to be asleep as they're getting their teeth worked on, and some also offer television viewing through a special visor.
I even know a few people who are terribly frightened of the dentist that they even need to be knocked out even for cleanings.
I used to feel the same as you.
I had went to the dentist for the first time in over 15 years which was 7 years ago.
Now I go for my cleanings every 6 months and last November, I needed 3 very small fillings and my dentist was so good that I didn't even feel the needle!
Once you get a dentist that you really like and are very comfortable with, going to the dentist becomes a breeze.
I loath dentists too. Be tough and go for it. I threaten my Dentist - I tell him if he hurts me I'll be back with my BIG cousins - He always laughs but I think he is more careful and it makes me feel better anyway.PS, It's not so bad nowadays, just irritating and frustrating.

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