Sunday, October 25, 2009

Top and Bottom Teeth Expanders ?

well I just got braces and I got top and bottom expanders, I have a serious lisp that I can not stand! I don't know if it will go away! and I keep getting food stuck in the top one and the bottom one is cutting up my tung! I need some serious help! I going through total hell!
Hi there!
Talk to your orthodontist about things..maybe adjustments can be made.
I'm 45 and I can't remember what expanders are but let me tell you my story.
I had buck teeth w/a big gap. I had eye teeth that grew in higher than my other teeth and looked like fangs. My lower teeth were not neat either.
I was made to go to a speech therapist for a lisp that I explained was due to crooked teeth.
Thanks to braces and some tooth extractions, I have nice neat teeth and no more lisp. :) It wasn't easy, but it was worth it.. good luck!

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