Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What causes bad breath and how can you get rid of it?

80% of bad breath comes from bacterias on your tongue, roof of your mouth and internal cheeks and gums. most people think it's just a tounge problem.
what i would reccomend is a mouth rinse prior to brushing, brush for at least two min, then brush the inside of your cheeks, the roof of your mouth and of course, your tounge. rinse well, floss followed by a mouth wash.
they do make separate cleaners for your cheeks and tounge, over the counter, and of course both mouth washes/rinses.
also, talk to your dentist on your bi-yearly visits if more help is needed. good luck.
mouth wash
bacteria in the mouth get a good dental routine
bacteria on the tongue can cause bad breath, the tongue should periodically be cleaned using a toothbrush lightly.
bacteria use mouthwash brush teeth and tongue and floss twice daily
Most of the time it is your toung. Or it could be a bad tooth. Lots of time I notice people who don't eat have bad breath.
Bad breath can be caused by a number of things, like smoking, eating, etc. Other bad breath is caused by the bacteria in your mouth.
Remedy: Brush teeth and tongue after meals, and first thing in the morning, use Listerine as directed, keep breath mints or breath spray with you for the in-between moments.
Sugar and food. Brush, floss and chew sugar-free gum. You may have a gum disease or rotting tooth so you may have to visit the dentist.
hahahah you havent got bad breath hen cos i sit beside you at work every day
Certain foods, such as garlic and onions
Particles of food remain in the mouth
Dry mouth (xerostomia)
Tobacco products
May be it is the sign of a medical disorder, such as a local infection in the respiratory tract, chronic sinusitis, postnasal drip, chronic bronchitis, diabetes, gastrointestinal disturbance, liver or kidney ailment.
Brush your teeth after you eat
Floss at least once a day
Brush your tongue
Drink plenty of water
Use a fairly new toothbrush.
Schedule regular dental checkupsThis links will tell you more details
GET A TONGUE SCRAPER (dont brush your tongue until you scrape it and not with your toothbrush!) Mouthwash dries your mouth out which makes it a breeding ground for bacteria. You will be amazed at what comes off of your tongue. try it. Seriously. and floss too!
Bad breath is caused often because you haven't brushed and flossed well .If you don't keep teeth and gums free of the bacterial buildup, they'll start to cause odor as the bacteria rot leftover food particles in your mouth. A few seeds of cardamom chewed for a brief while will clear your mouth of bad breath. Chew parsley leaves,which are sure to keep your breath fresh. More useful remedies at http://useinfo5.blogspot.com/

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