Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What are the difference of braces & retainers?

Braces are used during correction and alignment of the teeth. It can be in ceramic (tooth-coloured) or the original metal ones. It is fixed dentures attached to each tooth and furthermore stringed with wires that has to be cut shorter at each dental visit. The wires will pull tighter after each cut therefore pulling the teeth straighter. Braces may take from few months to few years.After braces treatment, retainers are used to help retain the aligned teeth. It usually is plastic and colourless, more convenient in aesthetic sense. It is not fixed and can be removed when needed (during mealtimes or when brushing teeth). It is advised to put on your retainers every day and night for at least few months to retain the new aligned teeth. After it has stable down, retainers can be worn only at nights for the next few years. Retainers can sometimes be used as treatment alone for teeth that are not too disaligned.Alternative treatment now is porcelain veneers which is a faster way to align teeth and improve teeth colour, however can be much more expensive.
Braces are attached to your teeth and can do more for your teeth. Retainers are something you can remove.usually worn at night.
Generally, a retainer is made to fit inside your mouth and can come out whenever you want. Braces are little metal...track type things that are sorta cemented into place. I'm probably doing a terrible job of discribing it. Try Wikipedia.org. :)
braces move the teeth into place retainers hold them there until the teeth r steady enough to stay there on there own
Braces move the teeth.Retainers keep them in place.You may have a retainer fitted behind the teeth after braces are removed, and this can stay there for years, just to make sure the teeth do not move back. You can also have a removable retainer that you put in at night while you sleep. x
Ok, I've got this one:
Braces straighten your teeth.
Retainers keep them straight once the braces are off.
Most of the time, if you don't wear a retainer after braces are removed, your teeth will eventually go back to being crooked.
Retainers can be cemented to your teeth OR
retainers can be worn and removed as needed for cleaning and stuff.
Braces or orthodontics are used to move or correct the position of the teeth. Once corrected, they are retained or held in this new position by the use of a "retainer" which keeps them from shifting or moving back into their previous position. Braces are generally fixed or attached to the teeth. Some patients use the tray method that "looks" like a retainer but is actually an orthodontic appliance or braces. In either case after treatment, both will need to use retainers either fixed or removable, to help hold or "retain" the new corrected position of their teeth.Braces "move" teeth, retainers "hold" them in place. Hope I've been of some help and good luck!
Braces get your teeth back in allignment.. Retainers keep them there.

1 comment:

  1. Braces can prevent gaps from separating your teeth as it aligns them properly.While the retainers they hold the teeth in their new straight position.

    braces las vegas


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