Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What are wisdom teeth?

They're the smart ones all the way in the back.
3rd molars that usually erupt between17-25 years old if they have room to erupts.
These are the teeth in the very back of your mouth, upper and lower, that make you smart. That is why you will notice that people who have their wisdom teeth removed usually become very dumb in a short period of time.OR do they become numb in a short period of time?I forget.
last teeth to appear in late teens early 20s to get them you are older and supposed to be wise hence 'wisdom teeth'.however they can be the most painfull teeth if they grow wrong ,i.e,'impacted wisdom teeth'.can also be the last teeth to fall out or be removed when you get older.
well actually there in the very back of youre mouth you dont have to be a certain age to get them either im only 11 and i have both of mine
They are the smartest teeth in your mouth.
they make u smarter
When people lived in caves their teeth would be severely degraded by the time they were in their early 20s, as obviously they didn't have brushes and mouthwash in those days! The wisdom teeth would come through, giving you a few extra teeth and bolstering the crappy ones still there. In those days teeth were a matter of life and death- no teeth and you couldn't eat
they grow on ur feet.and also make u smarter
iam manju i will studay in R.C college
^^^^Lol WTF? I got all mine out and it was the worst pain ive ever gone through. The bottom left tooth was jarred in so the guy had to cut it in half and pull out half a tooth at a time.
Wisdom teeth are the last four teeth grow at the mid of teenager and the immediate of twentieth. According to human physical develoment, wisdom teeth represent hard tissue in human body system. i think the reason they always grow last, maybe to give more support to the existing teeth. they also added, so a human being can reach a maxmum full potential teeth of 32. It's up to God plan to reserve these 4 wisdom teeth to give extra help during the late adulthood and the the old age. To my understanding, they are big, strong and perminent; they are not replace like milk teeth. So people should have to take more cuation by not eating agents that can spoil the final wisdom teeth. Another answer, is that, they grow last because they're more painful than any other teeth in our live. During the time of their grow, some people will not chew hard %26 taugh food; its hurt a lots. that's why they grow when you reach the age you can endure those painful moment.
i'm now afraid!
i knew all about what they were and where they grow,but a few mention late teens to twenties they come thru.
i'm 30 bloody 2 and get jip with mine every few months when they have a growth spurt!my dentist doesn't seem worried but now i am!!!!
they are the teeth in the very back of your mouth that mean half of your life is gone.(my mom told me that.)

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