I'm extrememly nervous! It's tomorrow!!
An oral surgeon has far more experience and is likely to have better skills at extraction. He or she will also have more experience in pain management both during the tooth removal and afterward.
an oral surgeon actually knows how to do it. A dentist doesn't.
Being put to sleep. I just had 3 of my wisdom teeth pulled by the regular dentist and just shots were not enough for the pain, trust me! And if any of the teeth are impacted in any way the oral surgeon can manuever these better than the regular dentist.
The benfits are this is what the oral surgeon does for a living. All he does is pull teeth and do oral surgery.
There isn't any difference in it really. It may cost a little bit more but it will be worth it in the long run.
Usually when a oral surgeon pulls a tooth you are totally unconscious under and this alone is well worth the extra cost!
I agree, oral surgeon is way better.
They can put you to sleep, which some dentists can also do. And, if it is a tricky tooth/extraction they have all the instruments necessary for surical extractions.
A dentist can deal with a normal extraction. The Oral surgeon is a specialist and is better trained to deal with any problems. The surgeon is more expensive, but there must have been a reason you were referred to him . You can get a pill if you are very nervous.
None, but if the tooth is under the gum line and not actually exposed the dentist will send you to an oral surgeon. When I was younger my mouth was too small for the baby teeth to fall out, they would get loose, but get stuck between other teeth, I had to have several removed by a dentist. Recently they found my wisdom teeth never came up, so I was refered to an oral surgeon to have them removed Monday. Either way it will hurt afterwards. A dentist will numb you with a needle, the needle hurts, but only for a second or two, the pain comes when you're all done and go home, just be happy you don't need an actual extraction from under the gum line and they don't need to cut into you! You'll do just fine, when you worry it is much more worse, because you panic, just try to relax and it will be over with soon enough. Good luck!
Anesthesia and better perscriptions! You'll pay more, but it's worth it. I hate the dentist. I have to have a vallium for a filling. If you're scared go to the surgeon and get anesthatized. I wouldn't think twice about it.
A huge deffirence between them
You can just relax under the hands of surgeont because he has a huge experience in this and have the proper instrument and he can easly solve any problem that he might face also the time much shorter
Go for the more experience and the more science
An oral surgeon just has more practice at oral surgery (obvious, no?) He isnt responsible for your oral hygine, like brushing teeth, etc. hes just there to pull teeth really. But ive had 4 teeth removed in one sitting, i was perfectly OKAY when it was done. I was nervous to.. what happens is you go in, they tell you not to eat a while before so you fall asleep easier, they use a small needle, on a prenumbed portion of your arm to help with the sleep process, you get woozy and you inhale sleeping gas and fall asleep, you wake up with a small hole in your gums clotting itself and your givien powerfull pain killers to help numb the already numb pain. Its no big deal, actually.
An oral surgeon can put you under so you dont have to feel anything or be awake. A dentist can numb you so you dont feel anything and possibly give you a little gas to calm you, but at the dentist office you will be coherent during the visit.
I used to work at the Oral Surgery Unit at the Bellevue Hospital Center in New York City, and we have both general dentists and oral surgeons on-staff. This is how they usually route the extraction cases-- Non-surgicals go to the GPs and the surgicals go to the OMFSes.General practice dentists are very well-trained in doing non-surgical extractions (i.e. extractions that do not require cutting away gum and drilling away bone).Oral surgeons are very well-trained in doing surgical extractions (i.e. extractions that requires cutting away gum and drilling away bone, such as bony-impacted wisdom teeth) and other oromaxillofacial surgery such as sinus lifts, orthognathic surgery, etc.If your dentist feels an extraction is too complicated, he will refer you to an oral surgeon. If it is a non-complex straight non-surgical extraction, any general-practice dentist can handle it.Hope this helps.
The stuff the oral surgeon uses to knock you out is great! I felt so at peace and at ease the rest of the day. Think it was the valium in it. I had four wisdom teeth pulled all at once. During the prep, they stuck a big black rubber block in my mouth, and about at time I decided I didn't want to be there. About two seconds later, I was out! When I woke up, I felt so relaxed. I'd love to be put out for all my dental needs! If you're worried, don't be. You won't be awake for any of it.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
What are the benefits of chewing gum?
please only list the BENEFITS not whats bad 4 u
Thx! :)
Improves Concentration
At work, chewing gum helps us concentrate on the task at hand. Many truck drivers find that chewing gum helps them stay alert at the wheel. Eases Tension
As early as 1939, scientific studies showed how chewing reduces muscular tension and helps people feel more at ease. Because it is so well-recognized for helping stay alert at the same time it eases tension, the U.S. Armed Forces have supplied chewing gum to its soldiers ever since World War I. It is still included in field and combat rations today. Freshens Breath
Chewing gum, especially a mint-flavored gum like Wrigley's Spearmint or Doublemint, moistens and refreshes the mouth and throat and sweetens the breath. Provides a Low-calorie Snack
Chewing gum often satisfies the desire for a between-meals snack, yet each stick averages less than 10 calories. Helps Fight Tooth Decay
After meals, it isn't always convenient to use a toothbrush. Chewing gum stimulates the production of saliva, which helps neutralize acids from foods that may cause tooth decay.
Freshens breath
some kinds can whiten teeth, I think
tastes good and there's a variety of flavors
apparently it can help you concentrate somehow, and maybe keep you calm
Well, I guess it can clean your teeth by keeping you salivating, and gives you fresh breath. I hear that it can also help people concentrate/think, though this isn't true for everyone.
Thx! :)
Improves Concentration
At work, chewing gum helps us concentrate on the task at hand. Many truck drivers find that chewing gum helps them stay alert at the wheel. Eases Tension
As early as 1939, scientific studies showed how chewing reduces muscular tension and helps people feel more at ease. Because it is so well-recognized for helping stay alert at the same time it eases tension, the U.S. Armed Forces have supplied chewing gum to its soldiers ever since World War I. It is still included in field and combat rations today. Freshens Breath
Chewing gum, especially a mint-flavored gum like Wrigley's Spearmint or Doublemint, moistens and refreshes the mouth and throat and sweetens the breath. Provides a Low-calorie Snack
Chewing gum often satisfies the desire for a between-meals snack, yet each stick averages less than 10 calories. Helps Fight Tooth Decay
After meals, it isn't always convenient to use a toothbrush. Chewing gum stimulates the production of saliva, which helps neutralize acids from foods that may cause tooth decay.
Freshens breath
some kinds can whiten teeth, I think
tastes good and there's a variety of flavors
apparently it can help you concentrate somehow, and maybe keep you calm
Well, I guess it can clean your teeth by keeping you salivating, and gives you fresh breath. I hear that it can also help people concentrate/think, though this isn't true for everyone.
What are the benefits of brushing teeth and mouth wash as opposed to just brushing?
bad breath... just brushing does not kill alot of the bacteria in your mouth, mouthwash helps with that. Another thing to look at is flossing, people think this is not important, but it is. Ever wonder where the food particles go after you eat? Most stay stuck between your teeth giving you very bad breath because the food is rotting there.
What are spacers?
I have an appointment to get spacers on before braces. What are they, exactly? Rubber bands? Metal? Do they hurt? Do they make your teeth feel loose? I'm an adult getting braces and am a little anxious about the whole process.
They are thick pieces of rubber that they put between tow teeth, normally in the back. It helps seperate them so that the dentist can put a metal band around your back molars. These are used as anchors in the straightening process. They dont make your teeth feel loose, they make it feel like you have something big between your teeth.
they are like little rubberbands that they put between your teeth to spread it out so that they can then fit the metal appliences on them i thought that they hurt a little sice they are moving your teeth i recomend eating mac and chesse and applesause and stuff like that
spacers are rubber that the dentist fit in between some of your teeth to get space in between...it does not hurt when they put them in, maybe some soreness or tenderness as your teeth move a tiny bit, but it shouldn't hurt that bad at all...I had them before my braces and I never felt them or hurt at all...But some people are different..Good Luck! :)
they're little rubber bands they stick between your back teeth so spread them out so they can fit the brackets around the teeth when you get your braces on. it feels like you have a big piece of food stuck in your teeth. they can make your mouth really sore too so you'll probably want to eat some softer foods and take plenty of tylenol!
Spacers are these little blue rubber disk like things that go between the molars. the ortho or dentist will put them in with floss. They don't really hurt when their going in, but after a few days they make you a little sore. They won't make your teeth feel loose though.
Don't worry I've got them in right now:)
the spacers are used to provide room to pu thte brackets, which hold the wires, which hold the braces***they put the bands, and then every time u go back u get to choose new colorsk
i have gotton em on over 6 times (dont ask!)it doesnt hurt dont worry-it is just a long process and it tastes kinda badthey give u a band on ur molars fiist, to see ur size and stufffirst theu put this positioner thing is ur mouth, it makes your mouth stretch a lkot so they can see ur teeth, it will bother u for a minute or 2 but u will get used to it, u keep that thing on the WHOLE timethen there are these things that look like shots and stuff, i got really freaked out when i first saw them but actually, they dont go in ur mouth! this is the cement that they put on ur braces then they stick the braces on ur teeth
**the cement kinda tastes bad!then they will put the rubber bands on ur braces with things that look like sisscors (they dont hurt) after that they put the wire-this is the most anoying part cause after they slip it in ur mouth, they have to cut it to make it fit rightthen that is it!Ur done
but after u do it, ask ur doctor for dental wax, and rubber cover upwhen u get home use ACT mouthwash and for the first hour, ur teeth may be a little numb so drink mainly fluids-clear fluidsthen for the first day or 2 ur teeth may be a little sensitive so stick with eating soup, pasta, and soft foods-avoid strawsevery night use Peroxyl mouthwash for like a week to keep ur gums storng from cuts and use dental wax and rubber coverups so u wont get blisters, they hurt a little but arent that bad. avoid sleeping on ur side, try to keep ur head straight up for a couple of daysevery morning and every night use the Peroxyl mouthwash again for 2 weeks then after that just use ACT mouthwash to keep ur teeth and gum s healthy. get some Super floss, made for braces-i sugest elictrical toothbrushes they keep ur mouth cleanerdont worry-trust me- i have had my braces on for almost 4 years, i am gettin em off on July 3-my friend says it acutally hurts more to get em off so yea
spacers are small rubberbands that your orthodontist or dentists will place between your teeth to create a space. Its been a while since i had my braces but if i remember correctly, The spacers were only there for a week or 2. Because the space between your teeth are so small, it makes it easier to put in the brackets around your teeth. They'll probably give you 4 spacers. 2 for the top set of teeth %26 2 for the bottom %26 placed between your second to the last tooth and your last tooth. These brackets are like a ring, but they hold the wire in place at all times. Yes the braces will hurt a little but will ease within a few days. When you get your braces ( yes they hurt like HELL) But with in a few days they will feel much much better. and I broke all the rules and chewed gum but doing that made my teeth stonger and made it easier when I went back to get my wire tightened and checked out. Good Luck. Its worth it just trust me. - Shelle
Spacers are little rubber balls-not balls but...well...they are shaped like a small piece of pencil eraser. I am not going to lie to you and tell you they don't hurt...they do hurt. I got them too! And I am just starting off with my braces. What spacers do is that they put pressure on your teeth and they force them to make room in between your teeth!Haha! I hope you understood that! lol.
Well, I had to have them too. They are pieces of plastic (round, they look like the rubber bands you get on your braces) but really hard pieces of plastic. The ortho uses pliers to put them between your molars to make spaces so when they put the braces on it will be easier to realign everything. They hurt for a while (2-3 days), and it's hard to eat hard foods (carrots, etc.). Your jaw will be sore for a while but you will get used to it.
They are thick pieces of rubber that they put between tow teeth, normally in the back. It helps seperate them so that the dentist can put a metal band around your back molars. These are used as anchors in the straightening process. They dont make your teeth feel loose, they make it feel like you have something big between your teeth.
they are like little rubberbands that they put between your teeth to spread it out so that they can then fit the metal appliences on them i thought that they hurt a little sice they are moving your teeth i recomend eating mac and chesse and applesause and stuff like that
spacers are rubber that the dentist fit in between some of your teeth to get space in between...it does not hurt when they put them in, maybe some soreness or tenderness as your teeth move a tiny bit, but it shouldn't hurt that bad at all...I had them before my braces and I never felt them or hurt at all...But some people are different..Good Luck! :)
they're little rubber bands they stick between your back teeth so spread them out so they can fit the brackets around the teeth when you get your braces on. it feels like you have a big piece of food stuck in your teeth. they can make your mouth really sore too so you'll probably want to eat some softer foods and take plenty of tylenol!
Spacers are these little blue rubber disk like things that go between the molars. the ortho or dentist will put them in with floss. They don't really hurt when their going in, but after a few days they make you a little sore. They won't make your teeth feel loose though.
Don't worry I've got them in right now:)
the spacers are used to provide room to pu thte brackets, which hold the wires, which hold the braces***they put the bands, and then every time u go back u get to choose new colorsk
i have gotton em on over 6 times (dont ask!)it doesnt hurt dont worry-it is just a long process and it tastes kinda badthey give u a band on ur molars fiist, to see ur size and stufffirst theu put this positioner thing is ur mouth, it makes your mouth stretch a lkot so they can see ur teeth, it will bother u for a minute or 2 but u will get used to it, u keep that thing on the WHOLE timethen there are these things that look like shots and stuff, i got really freaked out when i first saw them but actually, they dont go in ur mouth! this is the cement that they put on ur braces then they stick the braces on ur teeth
**the cement kinda tastes bad!then they will put the rubber bands on ur braces with things that look like sisscors (they dont hurt) after that they put the wire-this is the most anoying part cause after they slip it in ur mouth, they have to cut it to make it fit rightthen that is it!Ur done
but after u do it, ask ur doctor for dental wax, and rubber cover upwhen u get home use ACT mouthwash and for the first hour, ur teeth may be a little numb so drink mainly fluids-clear fluidsthen for the first day or 2 ur teeth may be a little sensitive so stick with eating soup, pasta, and soft foods-avoid strawsevery night use Peroxyl mouthwash for like a week to keep ur gums storng from cuts and use dental wax and rubber coverups so u wont get blisters, they hurt a little but arent that bad. avoid sleeping on ur side, try to keep ur head straight up for a couple of daysevery morning and every night use the Peroxyl mouthwash again for 2 weeks then after that just use ACT mouthwash to keep ur teeth and gum s healthy. get some Super floss, made for braces-i sugest elictrical toothbrushes they keep ur mouth cleanerdont worry-trust me- i have had my braces on for almost 4 years, i am gettin em off on July 3-my friend says it acutally hurts more to get em off so yea
spacers are small rubberbands that your orthodontist or dentists will place between your teeth to create a space. Its been a while since i had my braces but if i remember correctly, The spacers were only there for a week or 2. Because the space between your teeth are so small, it makes it easier to put in the brackets around your teeth. They'll probably give you 4 spacers. 2 for the top set of teeth %26 2 for the bottom %26 placed between your second to the last tooth and your last tooth. These brackets are like a ring, but they hold the wire in place at all times. Yes the braces will hurt a little but will ease within a few days. When you get your braces ( yes they hurt like HELL) But with in a few days they will feel much much better. and I broke all the rules and chewed gum but doing that made my teeth stonger and made it easier when I went back to get my wire tightened and checked out. Good Luck. Its worth it just trust me. - Shelle
Spacers are little rubber balls-not balls but...well...they are shaped like a small piece of pencil eraser. I am not going to lie to you and tell you they don't hurt...they do hurt. I got them too! And I am just starting off with my braces. What spacers do is that they put pressure on your teeth and they force them to make room in between your teeth!Haha! I hope you understood that! lol.
Well, I had to have them too. They are pieces of plastic (round, they look like the rubber bands you get on your braces) but really hard pieces of plastic. The ortho uses pliers to put them between your molars to make spaces so when they put the braces on it will be easier to realign everything. They hurt for a while (2-3 days), and it's hard to eat hard foods (carrots, etc.). Your jaw will be sore for a while but you will get used to it.
What are spacers and how are they involved with getting braces?
I'm 13 and I might get braces soon. I'm very nervous about them (pain)
spacers are wat they usely put a week before u put onthe braces. they r used to provide room for the bands, which hold the wires, which hold the braces***pink and light blue are cute colors***NEVER get white or clear bands cause white looks like food is stuck in ur braces and clear like it u eat ketchup or a lollipop or somethin, they stain***they put the bands, and then every time u go back u get to choose new colorsk
i have gotton em on over 6 times (dont ask!)it doesnt hurt dont worry-it is just a long process and it tastes kinda badthey give u a band on ur molars fiist, to see ur size and stufffirst theu put this positioner thing is ur mouth, it makes your mouth stretch a lkot so they can see ur teeth, it will bother u for a minute or 2 but u will get used to it, u keep that thing on the WHOLE timethen there are these things that look like shots and stuff, i got really freaked out when i first saw them but actually, they dont go in ur mouth! this is the cement that they put on ur braces then they stick the braces on ur teeth
**the cement kinda tastes bad!then they will put the rubber bands on ur braces with things that look like sisscors (they dont hurt) after that they put the wire-this is the most anoying part cause after they slip it in ur mouth, they have to cut it to make it fit rightthen that is it!Ur done
but after u do it, ask ur doctor for dental wax, and rubber cover upwhen u get home use ACT mouthwash and for the first hour, ur teeth may be a little numb so drink mainly fluids-clear fluidsthen for the first day or 2 ur teeth may be a little sensitive so stick with eating soup, pasta, and soft foods-avoid strawsevery night use Peroxyl mouthwash for like a week to keep ur gums storng from cuts and use dental wax and rubber coverups so u wont get blisters, they hurt a little but arent that bad. avoid sleeping on ur side, try to keep ur head straight up for a couple of daysevery morning and every night use the Peroxyl mouthwash again for 2 weeks then after that just use ACT mouthwash to keep ur teeth and gum s healthy. get some Super floss, made for braces-i sugest elictrical toothbrushes they keep ur mouth cleanerdont worry-trust me- i have had my braces on for almost 4 years, i am gettin em off on July 3-my friend says it acutally hurts more to get em off so yea
I know I had a spacer before I had my braces and that was to keep my teeth from going into the spot that i lost one of my molars too soon. They put a spacer in so the tooth could eventually come in with enough room. Braces really dont hurt that much, I mean you get use to them. I had them for almost 2 years and got them taken out a couple months ago. Trust me it is totally worth it to have them!
They're little plastic, rubber like disks that get inserted in between your molars to create a small space there. It hurts a little, kind of like a dull ache. Its not that bad. Take some tylenol. You need the spacers to get braces. The bracket that goes on your molar has a metal ring that fits around the tooth, and the space in between your teeth are necessary for this to fit on.
Spacers are to spread your 2 molars so that the braces wire can fit between your teeth.
they don't hurt AT ALL.I had 6 of them for a month, and never needed any type of medicine for pain/discomfort.
as others have said.
they are little rubber things
that normally go between your molars.
they go there
because you get brackets on your back teeth that are big
and if there isn't enough space for them...they won't go on.
don't be nervous.
braces aren't bad
good luck :)
spacers are wat they usely put a week before u put onthe braces. they r used to provide room for the bands, which hold the wires, which hold the braces***pink and light blue are cute colors***NEVER get white or clear bands cause white looks like food is stuck in ur braces and clear like it u eat ketchup or a lollipop or somethin, they stain***they put the bands, and then every time u go back u get to choose new colorsk
i have gotton em on over 6 times (dont ask!)it doesnt hurt dont worry-it is just a long process and it tastes kinda badthey give u a band on ur molars fiist, to see ur size and stufffirst theu put this positioner thing is ur mouth, it makes your mouth stretch a lkot so they can see ur teeth, it will bother u for a minute or 2 but u will get used to it, u keep that thing on the WHOLE timethen there are these things that look like shots and stuff, i got really freaked out when i first saw them but actually, they dont go in ur mouth! this is the cement that they put on ur braces then they stick the braces on ur teeth
**the cement kinda tastes bad!then they will put the rubber bands on ur braces with things that look like sisscors (they dont hurt) after that they put the wire-this is the most anoying part cause after they slip it in ur mouth, they have to cut it to make it fit rightthen that is it!Ur done
but after u do it, ask ur doctor for dental wax, and rubber cover upwhen u get home use ACT mouthwash and for the first hour, ur teeth may be a little numb so drink mainly fluids-clear fluidsthen for the first day or 2 ur teeth may be a little sensitive so stick with eating soup, pasta, and soft foods-avoid strawsevery night use Peroxyl mouthwash for like a week to keep ur gums storng from cuts and use dental wax and rubber coverups so u wont get blisters, they hurt a little but arent that bad. avoid sleeping on ur side, try to keep ur head straight up for a couple of daysevery morning and every night use the Peroxyl mouthwash again for 2 weeks then after that just use ACT mouthwash to keep ur teeth and gum s healthy. get some Super floss, made for braces-i sugest elictrical toothbrushes they keep ur mouth cleanerdont worry-trust me- i have had my braces on for almost 4 years, i am gettin em off on July 3-my friend says it acutally hurts more to get em off so yea
I know I had a spacer before I had my braces and that was to keep my teeth from going into the spot that i lost one of my molars too soon. They put a spacer in so the tooth could eventually come in with enough room. Braces really dont hurt that much, I mean you get use to them. I had them for almost 2 years and got them taken out a couple months ago. Trust me it is totally worth it to have them!
They're little plastic, rubber like disks that get inserted in between your molars to create a small space there. It hurts a little, kind of like a dull ache. Its not that bad. Take some tylenol. You need the spacers to get braces. The bracket that goes on your molar has a metal ring that fits around the tooth, and the space in between your teeth are necessary for this to fit on.
Spacers are to spread your 2 molars so that the braces wire can fit between your teeth.
they don't hurt AT ALL.I had 6 of them for a month, and never needed any type of medicine for pain/discomfort.
as others have said.
they are little rubber things
that normally go between your molars.
they go there
because you get brackets on your back teeth that are big
and if there isn't enough space for them...they won't go on.
don't be nervous.
braces aren't bad
good luck :)
What are some whitening toothpaste that actually work?
I am a smoker and I drink tea and I need a whitening toothpaste that works well. thanks.
well i would have to say in your case you should try crest whitening sensitivity care not only does it whiten your teeth it also is sensitive so when the tobacco softens your teeth the care will harden them.
go to a dentist
crest works best for me
you could get those whitening strips then brush with crest everyday twice and day and you should be good to go
Crest extra whitening. I knew this girl one time who had beautiful white teeth they were so pretty. She said the only thing she used was Crest extra strength whitening and when she brushed she made a big ol mess because she brushed for like 5 mins.
try rembrandt toothpaste. also, try crest whitening mouthwash or white strips. those work well.
Your best bet would be to quit smoking. But try Colgate (with breathstrips). My teeth are really white %26 I use that.
pepsodent and close-up
ColgateAlso use: mouth wash (from crest or listerine mouth wash), or use crest's whitening strips.Good Luck!
I've been using pearl drops recently and have to say i have noticed a difference.
I would'nt say they have whitened dramatically but they are whiter than before.
glister (amway product)
I use Colgate Whitening Oxygen Bubbles with Baking Soda and Peroxide. It always works for me. Actually any Colgate whitening works for me. I've used this kind for about a month and my teeth have become at least 3 or 4 shades whiter.
For me, Colgate works just fine.The trick is to brush the teeth ONLY with that toothpaste 3 times a day (NOT USING ANY OTHER TOOTHPASTES in between).You may also want to try ORBIT candies that are also whitening, I took three of those and my teeth became 20% whiter!(These candies are sold in Israel, and I dont have any idea if you can find them in the States - but I guess you can!)Hope that it was helpful!
to tell u the truth all u should do is try to quit smoking youll save both your money and health as well as teeth
well i would have to say in your case you should try crest whitening sensitivity care not only does it whiten your teeth it also is sensitive so when the tobacco softens your teeth the care will harden them.
go to a dentist
crest works best for me
you could get those whitening strips then brush with crest everyday twice and day and you should be good to go
Crest extra whitening. I knew this girl one time who had beautiful white teeth they were so pretty. She said the only thing she used was Crest extra strength whitening and when she brushed she made a big ol mess because she brushed for like 5 mins.
try rembrandt toothpaste. also, try crest whitening mouthwash or white strips. those work well.
Your best bet would be to quit smoking. But try Colgate (with breathstrips). My teeth are really white %26 I use that.
pepsodent and close-up
ColgateAlso use: mouth wash (from crest or listerine mouth wash), or use crest's whitening strips.Good Luck!
I've been using pearl drops recently and have to say i have noticed a difference.
I would'nt say they have whitened dramatically but they are whiter than before.
glister (amway product)
I use Colgate Whitening Oxygen Bubbles with Baking Soda and Peroxide. It always works for me. Actually any Colgate whitening works for me. I've used this kind for about a month and my teeth have become at least 3 or 4 shades whiter.
For me, Colgate works just fine.The trick is to brush the teeth ONLY with that toothpaste 3 times a day (NOT USING ANY OTHER TOOTHPASTES in between).You may also want to try ORBIT candies that are also whitening, I took three of those and my teeth became 20% whiter!(These candies are sold in Israel, and I dont have any idea if you can find them in the States - but I guess you can!)Hope that it was helpful!
to tell u the truth all u should do is try to quit smoking youll save both your money and health as well as teeth
What are some ways to save money on dental work?
I've heard of dental tourism.is there anything that can be done to save money closer to home?
X2 on the above suggestions on finding a dental school if there is one near you. Dental schools are excellent for getting great dental care at an affordable price.How do I know? I graduated from one. :-D
don't spend alot of money %26gt;.%26gt;
If you have a dental school near you. YOu can get work done for little cost by students under total supervision of the license dentists professors. It takes longer then if you where to have it done a dental practice but it's worth the saving money..Good LUck
Find a dental college in your area. They take patients on for their students to practice and learn from. The procedures are cheaper but your visit to the dentist chair can be longer as your dental work must be supervised and graded. I've heard of lots of people doing this.
You can try a dental school or a discount dental plan. I have used both and have saved money. I use a plan that costs $11.95 a month and all procedures and specialist are included for the discounted cost. If you want, you can research and see if there are providers within your area http://www.mybenefitsplus.com/40496082... . Hope this helps, I understand where you are coming from.
X2 on the above suggestions on finding a dental school if there is one near you. Dental schools are excellent for getting great dental care at an affordable price.How do I know? I graduated from one. :-D
don't spend alot of money %26gt;.%26gt;
If you have a dental school near you. YOu can get work done for little cost by students under total supervision of the license dentists professors. It takes longer then if you where to have it done a dental practice but it's worth the saving money..Good LUck
Find a dental college in your area. They take patients on for their students to practice and learn from. The procedures are cheaper but your visit to the dentist chair can be longer as your dental work must be supervised and graded. I've heard of lots of people doing this.
You can try a dental school or a discount dental plan. I have used both and have saved money. I use a plan that costs $11.95 a month and all procedures and specialist are included for the discounted cost. If you want, you can research and see if there are providers within your area http://www.mybenefitsplus.com/40496082... . Hope this helps, I understand where you are coming from.
What are some signs that a wisdom tooth is growing in?
pain, sometimes. I had slightly sore gums behind my molars. sooner than later the wisdom teeth grow through my gums. Its kinda hard to not notice.headaches and highly swollen gums appear when the wisdom tooth grows in the direction of your molars.your front teeth will start to pivot when its too late. thats a pain in da butt.see a dentist and get an xray. thats really the only way to tell before it gets to late and painful.
It grows in
You'll begin to get smarter
pain! And you may be able to feel the tooth with your tongue.
none, but ur dentist should tell u when they take ur xrays of the mouth
1) It starts To Hurt2) Feel Sick3) Bleeds4) Sharp Tooth
Pain and irritation .. that would be a obvious sign ...krGood Luck!
Shift in teeth you can tell that your teeth are moving like going crooked. Pain in the back of the mouth. in the gums or maybe the jaw
You get smarter?
The skin is tender to the touch and sometimes it just throbs.
It'll start feeling like you have a piece of food in the back of your mouth. (gross, I know but hey...)
I know people that had actual piece of their gums come out, because of the way their wisdom teeth grew in..it's different for everyone, but when they come in you know it!
As a "more practical" method to determine the onset of wisdom teeth, you will notice a *soreness* in your teeth and jawbone.
Another sign to determine the severity of the wisdom teeth "pushing" the other teeth is to simply continue sliding some dental floss in between all the teeth effected.
The more severe the teeth are crowded, then the less space you will have in between them. - You will have to PUSH the floss in between the teeth to reach the same depth.
I was getting headaches that wouldnt go away and it happened everyday. I finally got my xrays done and saw that my 2 bottoms were growing in sideways and the two on top were growing and pushing on my back molars. My jaw feels more tense than usual now. I cant wait to have them out. Just go to your dentist and ask for an xray. Its not expensive
What are some of the signs of rejection of a dental implant?
If the implant post was placed in bone but did not osseointegrate (i.e. the bone did not heal properly around the implant), it would be visible on an X-ray. The x-ray would show a void between the bone and implant. Failure to osseointegrate will require the implant post to be surgically removed and a bone graft placed in the area.If an implant was successfuly placed and a crown put on top of it but the patient failed to maintain it properly, the bone may develop peri-implantitis. The symptoms would be a mobile implant (the implant wiggles when one tries to move it with a finger), and the X-rays would show that the bone around the implant has begun to break down. When this sort of implant rejection happens, the implant is ruined. It might fall out on its own or it should be removed by a dental professional.Hope this helps.
Since a dental implant is on the outside, you're not going to reject it like you would an internal organ. But it's probably infected, in which case a prescription for antibiotics will take care of it. Don't fool with it, your gums can send infection right to your heart.
What are some factors that contribute to getting braces off? Answers please!!?
Besides straight teeth, which is very obvious, what are some other requirements?Thanks, I would REALLY like some answers!!
That's basically it.straight teeth %26 any other conditions fixed such as under/overbite, gaps btwn teeth, etc. The fastest way to get them off is to follow the instructions given by your orthodontist.especially when it comes to rubberbands! The more you listen %26 follow orders, the quicker your teeth will straighten %26 the sooner you'll get them removed.
do you mean like what happens to get them off? well it doesnt hurt and its quick so dont worry about that. but some plus sides are you dont have to worry about having pieces of food getting caught in them and its easier to eat
Wear your retainers! I really hate to see all that money, time, and especially pain go to waste when some people who I knew had braces didn't wear them.
overbite/underbite gone.
and not just that they are straight but straight and not move back.
That's basically it.straight teeth %26 any other conditions fixed such as under/overbite, gaps btwn teeth, etc. The fastest way to get them off is to follow the instructions given by your orthodontist.especially when it comes to rubberbands! The more you listen %26 follow orders, the quicker your teeth will straighten %26 the sooner you'll get them removed.
do you mean like what happens to get them off? well it doesnt hurt and its quick so dont worry about that. but some plus sides are you dont have to worry about having pieces of food getting caught in them and its easier to eat
Wear your retainers! I really hate to see all that money, time, and especially pain go to waste when some people who I knew had braces didn't wear them.
overbite/underbite gone.
and not just that they are straight but straight and not move back.
What are some at-home remedies for TMJ (jaw stress problem)?
Relax your jaw and put your hands on your jaw, just below and behind your ears, and rub in a circular motion.
You can also buy a nighttime mouthguard (or have your dentist make one).
Try not to eat really chewy foods or chew gum.
get a splint made by your dentist preferred , or get a splint that u put in hot water and conform to your bit, you want to get the pressure off the jaw at night ( i have had surgery to help relive the stress and headache associate with TMJ) is the first step, go and talk to your dentist or orthodontist
TMJ is from Stress.
The stress can be caused from grinding your teeth at night, teeth that do not fit together properly (need braces) or just everyday stress. Even too much caffeine can give you stress and the jaw can pop down.
I have TMJ and I manage it as best I can. I was a teeth grinder all my childhood and they is what started it. Now anytime I get stress it pops out and hurts. I have to calm down and relax and massage the area where the jaw hinge is located.
But I can also get it from eatting too fast, chewing gum, too much caffeine, and lack of sleep. These all aggrevate it.
Manage it yourself. It is never worth getting surgery.
What are signs that you are about to get your braces off?
I have gotten the final wire on for my bottom braces. I have been in treatment since November of 2005
when ur teeth r straight.duh
When your orthodontist tells you you're getting them off
Well from my expericence its when your doctor takes off bands but leaves your brackets in for about 2 weeks... hope i helped good luck hope ya get em off
when ur teeth r straight.duh
When your orthodontist tells you you're getting them off
Well from my expericence its when your doctor takes off bands but leaves your brackets in for about 2 weeks... hope i helped good luck hope ya get em off
What are root canals?
I was told that I might be needing a root canal so I would like to know, what is it, how does the procedure work, is it painful, and how will this affect me. From those who have had this experience could you rate the pain from a scale of 1-10, ten being the greatest. Thank you:)
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Try this article...
What are pros and cons on lap top surgery?
are you talking lap top surgery in regards to computers? If you mean lap as in laproscopic surgery..email me and let me know what kind of surgery you are contemplating Ill tell you what I know. I'm a med/surg nurse.
Lap top sugery?
That is called lap top repair if it is on a computer and it is necessary if it is not working.
I'm not sure what you are talking about? Lap top surgery?
would that be surgery on your lap top?? that would be lap top repair. Be more specific.
What are invasalines?
ok i might need braces my mom says i am getting invasalines are they inviable?do you pick a color?can you have like gum or hard stuff with invasalines?any pics plz
They are basically like little plastic trays (or retainers) that get changed frequently to move your teeth. They are clear, other people probably won't notice you have them on. You take them out to eat, but leave them on otherwise. Check out the website for pictures and more information: http://www.invisalign.com/generalapp/us/...
There invisible braces.
If you are going to eat you have to take them out.
Try the site below
they're clear plastic thingies you wear on your teeth. they're supposed to be like "invisible" , less noticeable than braces. But i'd rather have braces b/c you can get them gold colored.
invisaligns are clear they are trays that fit over ur teeth to straighten them. less pain in the butt than braces..
they are clear plastic inserts that are removed to eat they cover the tooth completely
# Invisalign庐, also refered to as invisalign braces, is the invisible way to straighten your teeth without braces. Invisalign庐 uses a series of clear removable aligners to straighten your teeth without metal wires or brackets. Pictures here: http://www.drwinnard.com/visalign.shtml...
invisalign is like invisible braces, but they look like a clear retainer that fits over your teeth. they are most of the time clear so i haven't seen any color ones yet. if you go to google images and type in " invisalign" they show some pretty good pictures. since invisilign is like a retainer it is not suggested that you eat with them. they come in " trays" or other words they are shaped to fit your moving teeth. so remember to take some Tylenol when you get your new tray because it will hurt. good luck and be thankful your mom didn't make you go with regular braces.
invisalines are just invisible braces...and yes suppositly they do cost more than regular braces...because wheni got my braces my parental figure wouldnt let me get those because he said that they were too expensive...so im guessing that they are pretty expensive...
invisilene-around $2000
braces- $3000
They are basically like little plastic trays (or retainers) that get changed frequently to move your teeth. They are clear, other people probably won't notice you have them on. You take them out to eat, but leave them on otherwise. Check out the website for pictures and more information: http://www.invisalign.com/generalapp/us/...
There invisible braces.
If you are going to eat you have to take them out.
Try the site below
they're clear plastic thingies you wear on your teeth. they're supposed to be like "invisible" , less noticeable than braces. But i'd rather have braces b/c you can get them gold colored.
invisaligns are clear they are trays that fit over ur teeth to straighten them. less pain in the butt than braces..
they are clear plastic inserts that are removed to eat they cover the tooth completely
# Invisalign庐, also refered to as invisalign braces, is the invisible way to straighten your teeth without braces. Invisalign庐 uses a series of clear removable aligners to straighten your teeth without metal wires or brackets. Pictures here: http://www.drwinnard.com/visalign.shtml...
invisalign is like invisible braces, but they look like a clear retainer that fits over your teeth. they are most of the time clear so i haven't seen any color ones yet. if you go to google images and type in " invisalign" they show some pretty good pictures. since invisilign is like a retainer it is not suggested that you eat with them. they come in " trays" or other words they are shaped to fit your moving teeth. so remember to take some Tylenol when you get your new tray because it will hurt. good luck and be thankful your mom didn't make you go with regular braces.
invisalines are just invisible braces...and yes suppositly they do cost more than regular braces...because wheni got my braces my parental figure wouldnt let me get those because he said that they were too expensive...so im guessing that they are pretty expensive...
invisilene-around $2000
braces- $3000
What are fillings like?
ive just been to the dentist for a checkup and she told me that i need around 6-8 fillings for my back teeth! that sounds horriblle. i mean im 17 and i havent had any fillings before. i brush and floss regularly and dont eat THAT much sweet stuff.im not looking forward to it at all. i was wondering do they hurt alot or are there any side affects? and will they be really noticable? i mean im getting quite a few so will it be really obvious? i cant get the white ones either, its going to cost around 拢100 each or something if i do.
For the most part the procedure is no big deal. Afterwards you won't even know the fillings are there unless you look in the mirror. If you can actually feel them then they weren't done right.The most painful part is when they are being put in. They give you shots to numb your gums - and they should swab on a topical pain killer before giving you the shots. However, the shots never kill all the pain for me. Plus you have all the pressure from the dentist pushing around in your mouth.If you can make yourself relax and not worry too much about the procedure you will get through it much better. Once the fillings are in place you will notice an increased sensitivity to hot and especially cold foods as the metal conducts the heat/cold toward the nerve of you tooth. And you defiantly do not want to bite down on a piece of aluminum foil.Because the fillings are a different color than you're teeth, they will be visible. But since you're talking about back teeth try watching people talk and see how often you notice or can even see anything other than their front teeth.
Hello, I got my first filling when I was 17 well I say filling I mean root canal but thats only because I was scared an left it too long. So by the time I was 18 I had 2 fillings, now I am 20 I have 6 fillings. I too really look after my teeth an yet my ex bf brushed once a day an eat more sweets than me, his 28 an need just 1 filling please someone explain this to me.
I just feel some people are blessed with good tooth and others are not. I have 2 white fillings which cost 拢53 for both as my dentist gave me the 2nd for free.
They are not that noticable to be honest, an most if not all people have them except the lucky amazing stone made teeth people.
Apparently enamel is the most hardest thing on your body, I must have a very weak body then but I've broken a bone.
It also doesnt hurt when having a filling.
I bet you drink coke though,I lost 3/4 of my teeth when I was 22 because I drank the stuff.Take my advice and drink nothing but water or milk and chuck the sugary sweets, you hate yourself when you have false teeth like I do.
The first time I ever went to the dentist was when I was 15. My parents never had dental insurance and couldn't afford to take us kids. At that time I needed a bunch of fillings and a root canal!
The dentist will numb you up so you won't feel anything. The fillings are noticable but if they are on molars nobody will see them unless you open your mouth wide.
Just make sure you get them done or if you wait it could get worse and then you'd need a root canal like me
I am 16 and had a filling put in a few months ago. They give you an injection to numb it so it won't hurt - the injecton is the most painful... don't worry about the injection though because it is so quick. I panicked about it for ages but I was fine with the injection. It stings for like.. 5 seconds.People have more sensitive and thin teeth than others. I eat a lot of sweet stuff but I've only needed 1 filling so far. If you are worried about the injection then ask your denist to put gel on it first. The gel will numb the gum slightly.My filling is silver but no one ever notices it. I even look at myself in the mirror and can't see it without pulling my cheeks back.
I've had more fillings than I care to think about! It doesn't always come down to how well you look after your teeth, some people just have weak teeth. Fillings don't really hurt. The injection they give you to numb your mouth stings a little bit but that's the worst bit really. You shouldn't feel the drilling once your mouth is numb. The sensation is a little unpleasant but it doesn't hurt. And the fillings should barely be noticable if they are at the back.Good luck!
As a person who is rather phobic about my teeth (and going to the dentist), I sympathise with your plight. I've only had one filling in my adult teeth, and that was about ten years ago - since then, a regular hygiene programme verging on the paranoid has meant that I have had clear check-ups since then, and also very few trips to the hygienist.In my experience, limited though it is, I found that the fillings didn't hurt at all. It was a bit uncomfortable having it done, but that was more to do with the sensation of fingers in my mouth. The thing which was weirdest was the vibrations from the drill - I could sense it, but not feel it (make sure you get a local anasthetic!). The worst sensation was having the local - but do hang on for that to kick in!If you go to the hygienist on a regular basis, you'll know what that feels like; I think that's a lot worse than having the fillings.Once you've got your fillings, they may feel a bit sharp for a couple of days, until the top smoothes down. That takes a bit of getting used to, so watch out for your tongue!Otherwise, they're not that bad - and if they're at the back of your mouth, they won't be noticable at all. I've not experienced any side effects with my filling, and I wouldn't expect to, either. Ignore the horror stories / films about dentists - they're human, too, and not out to cause pain and disfigurement! ;-)Best of luck, and hope that you don't work yourself up into a state before the appointment - you'll make it hurt a lot more if you don't relax and are worried about it all.
When I got my fillings in, about 3 years ago it was the first time I went to the dentist. Having the actual fillings in weren't painful at all, it was the drilling that was the worst. Although, they do numb the area so don't feel it as much.I wanted white ones too but couldn't afford them either. Mine aren't too noticeable as I only have 2 but 6-8 might be, but only like when you're yawning or laughing. I was upset that had to have them done because I was only 20 when I had them put in and up until that point, I considered my teeth to be "perfect", now, I'm used to them. However, when they need to be replaced, I will get white ones...lol!Don't worry too much about it though, it happens. And although you may have good oral hygiene, there is something happening to your teeth based on what you're eating so be mindful of that.
well so many fillings at such a low age seriously not happening! amount of brushing or polishing is not important but the correct method of doing it is of more importance which usually people ignore , heriedietary factor does play role in it so check out!
well fillings dont hurt no side effects only a little sensitivity initially which subsides gradually.it wont be obvious if you get glass ionomers or composites and if they are really deep than can even go for ceramic inlays as these are the most esthetic restorations being done widely today!
Wow, 6~8 is a lot. Have you been to the dentist often? Or is this your first time in like... 10 years? But if you need the fillings, I really recommend you to get them. Getting fillings normally doesn't hurt, unless it reaches your nerves, which never happened to me yet (I'm 13, but my mom's a dentist), and I don't think there can be a lot of side affects unless they are really deep cavities. Do you drink sugary drinks or drink milk before you sleep? These are some of the worst things to your teeth. And so, are you getting the silver ones? It might be quite noticable, if you are still 17, you still have a long life so maybe you should get the white ones (even though it costs a lot). Good Luck!
For the most part the procedure is no big deal. Afterwards you won't even know the fillings are there unless you look in the mirror. If you can actually feel them then they weren't done right.The most painful part is when they are being put in. They give you shots to numb your gums - and they should swab on a topical pain killer before giving you the shots. However, the shots never kill all the pain for me. Plus you have all the pressure from the dentist pushing around in your mouth.If you can make yourself relax and not worry too much about the procedure you will get through it much better. Once the fillings are in place you will notice an increased sensitivity to hot and especially cold foods as the metal conducts the heat/cold toward the nerve of you tooth. And you defiantly do not want to bite down on a piece of aluminum foil.Because the fillings are a different color than you're teeth, they will be visible. But since you're talking about back teeth try watching people talk and see how often you notice or can even see anything other than their front teeth.
Hello, I got my first filling when I was 17 well I say filling I mean root canal but thats only because I was scared an left it too long. So by the time I was 18 I had 2 fillings, now I am 20 I have 6 fillings. I too really look after my teeth an yet my ex bf brushed once a day an eat more sweets than me, his 28 an need just 1 filling please someone explain this to me.
I just feel some people are blessed with good tooth and others are not. I have 2 white fillings which cost 拢53 for both as my dentist gave me the 2nd for free.
They are not that noticable to be honest, an most if not all people have them except the lucky amazing stone made teeth people.
Apparently enamel is the most hardest thing on your body, I must have a very weak body then but I've broken a bone.
It also doesnt hurt when having a filling.
I bet you drink coke though,I lost 3/4 of my teeth when I was 22 because I drank the stuff.Take my advice and drink nothing but water or milk and chuck the sugary sweets, you hate yourself when you have false teeth like I do.
The first time I ever went to the dentist was when I was 15. My parents never had dental insurance and couldn't afford to take us kids. At that time I needed a bunch of fillings and a root canal!
The dentist will numb you up so you won't feel anything. The fillings are noticable but if they are on molars nobody will see them unless you open your mouth wide.
Just make sure you get them done or if you wait it could get worse and then you'd need a root canal like me
I am 16 and had a filling put in a few months ago. They give you an injection to numb it so it won't hurt - the injecton is the most painful... don't worry about the injection though because it is so quick. I panicked about it for ages but I was fine with the injection. It stings for like.. 5 seconds.People have more sensitive and thin teeth than others. I eat a lot of sweet stuff but I've only needed 1 filling so far. If you are worried about the injection then ask your denist to put gel on it first. The gel will numb the gum slightly.My filling is silver but no one ever notices it. I even look at myself in the mirror and can't see it without pulling my cheeks back.
I've had more fillings than I care to think about! It doesn't always come down to how well you look after your teeth, some people just have weak teeth. Fillings don't really hurt. The injection they give you to numb your mouth stings a little bit but that's the worst bit really. You shouldn't feel the drilling once your mouth is numb. The sensation is a little unpleasant but it doesn't hurt. And the fillings should barely be noticable if they are at the back.Good luck!
As a person who is rather phobic about my teeth (and going to the dentist), I sympathise with your plight. I've only had one filling in my adult teeth, and that was about ten years ago - since then, a regular hygiene programme verging on the paranoid has meant that I have had clear check-ups since then, and also very few trips to the hygienist.In my experience, limited though it is, I found that the fillings didn't hurt at all. It was a bit uncomfortable having it done, but that was more to do with the sensation of fingers in my mouth. The thing which was weirdest was the vibrations from the drill - I could sense it, but not feel it (make sure you get a local anasthetic!). The worst sensation was having the local - but do hang on for that to kick in!If you go to the hygienist on a regular basis, you'll know what that feels like; I think that's a lot worse than having the fillings.Once you've got your fillings, they may feel a bit sharp for a couple of days, until the top smoothes down. That takes a bit of getting used to, so watch out for your tongue!Otherwise, they're not that bad - and if they're at the back of your mouth, they won't be noticable at all. I've not experienced any side effects with my filling, and I wouldn't expect to, either. Ignore the horror stories / films about dentists - they're human, too, and not out to cause pain and disfigurement! ;-)Best of luck, and hope that you don't work yourself up into a state before the appointment - you'll make it hurt a lot more if you don't relax and are worried about it all.
When I got my fillings in, about 3 years ago it was the first time I went to the dentist. Having the actual fillings in weren't painful at all, it was the drilling that was the worst. Although, they do numb the area so don't feel it as much.I wanted white ones too but couldn't afford them either. Mine aren't too noticeable as I only have 2 but 6-8 might be, but only like when you're yawning or laughing. I was upset that had to have them done because I was only 20 when I had them put in and up until that point, I considered my teeth to be "perfect", now, I'm used to them. However, when they need to be replaced, I will get white ones...lol!Don't worry too much about it though, it happens. And although you may have good oral hygiene, there is something happening to your teeth based on what you're eating so be mindful of that.
well so many fillings at such a low age seriously not happening! amount of brushing or polishing is not important but the correct method of doing it is of more importance which usually people ignore , heriedietary factor does play role in it so check out!
well fillings dont hurt no side effects only a little sensitivity initially which subsides gradually.it wont be obvious if you get glass ionomers or composites and if they are really deep than can even go for ceramic inlays as these are the most esthetic restorations being done widely today!
Wow, 6~8 is a lot. Have you been to the dentist often? Or is this your first time in like... 10 years? But if you need the fillings, I really recommend you to get them. Getting fillings normally doesn't hurt, unless it reaches your nerves, which never happened to me yet (I'm 13, but my mom's a dentist), and I don't think there can be a lot of side affects unless they are really deep cavities. Do you drink sugary drinks or drink milk before you sleep? These are some of the worst things to your teeth. And so, are you getting the silver ones? It might be quite noticable, if you are still 17, you still have a long life so maybe you should get the white ones (even though it costs a lot). Good Luck!
What are bite rings?
my dentist said i would have to get them but didnt say what they were plz help
As a dentist myself it seems like you may have confused what your dentist said. He/she probably told you that you will need Bite Wings, which are in fact a type of x-ray used in the back of your mouth for the molars. These do not hurt at all, all your dentist will do is place these small pieces of covered film in your mouth that you will bite down on.
there rings with thick rubber and you bite on them
The dentist meant "bite wings" which are x rays of your back molars. The wings refer to the way the dental film is positioned in your mouth. It looks like a wing once you bite down on the film. Don't worry - x rays don't hurt at all.
As a dentist myself it seems like you may have confused what your dentist said. He/she probably told you that you will need Bite Wings, which are in fact a type of x-ray used in the back of your mouth for the molars. These do not hurt at all, all your dentist will do is place these small pieces of covered film in your mouth that you will bite down on.
there rings with thick rubber and you bite on them
The dentist meant "bite wings" which are x rays of your back molars. The wings refer to the way the dental film is positioned in your mouth. It looks like a wing once you bite down on the film. Don't worry - x rays don't hurt at all.
What are all the steps of having brace?
First are the spacers.. The rubber bands between your teeth so they can get the braces around them. Second you get them on and then tightened every month. Most people get rubber bands which are small bands that you have to put on your braces that go from your top teeth to your bottom teeth and will move you teeth forward or backward depending on what you need. Then you just have to wait a month or two after you stop using the bands and you're done.
Well not everyone has spacers.This site may help you:http://www.braceface.com/advancedtreatme...The process is totally painless, I will also add. It is the next few days that will be sore.
What all do the dentist do when they take off your braces. do they whiten your teeth tell me what they do.and?
do it hurt
they polish your teeth and make them whiter, because usually when you get braces your teeth are whiter than when you take them off, they will whiten them so you don't have teeth with white squares in the middle
they use this thing that looks like plyers and pop off the brackets.(sounds painful but its not) then they scrap off the glue...[that kinda hurt me bc it was cold metal and I have sensitive teeth, but it wasn't too bad] then they file ur teeth. it doesn't hurt bc they do it where there is no nerves
Well, your asking the wrong girl. I have never gotten braces. They are problemly going to. it shouldn't hurt when they whiten your teeth any ways.
they polish your teeth and make them whiter, because usually when you get braces your teeth are whiter than when you take them off, they will whiten them so you don't have teeth with white squares in the middle
they use this thing that looks like plyers and pop off the brackets.(sounds painful but its not) then they scrap off the glue...[that kinda hurt me bc it was cold metal and I have sensitive teeth, but it wasn't too bad] then they file ur teeth. it doesn't hurt bc they do it where there is no nerves
Well, your asking the wrong girl. I have never gotten braces. They are problemly going to. it shouldn't hurt when they whiten your teeth any ways.
What age do you start children on flouride?
The American Dental Association's current guidelines for fluoride use in infants and children: http://www.ada.org/prof/resources/positi...The ADA recommends a minimum of age 2 before kids start using fluoride toothpaste, minimum age of 6 before kids start using fluoride rinses, and supplements are not recommended for infants under 6 months.Hope this helps.
http://www.outlawjournalism.com/news/?p=... watch this first
Children should not use flouride, it is a poison.
Fluoride is already present in drinking water, so it doesn't harm them any. The best rule of thumb is when you think they are old enough to trust them not to swallow it.
3 to 5, I was buying the special tooth paste before, the stuff for babies, and my son got used to brushing his teeth with that, so now at 3 he has moved on to the regular tooth paste. I only put on a very small amount mainly for taste, on the top of the bristles. Let him brush his teeth and get a drink, and so on. It's best to start with the baby tooth paste first. Good LuckBut they do have non floride toothpaste for kids. Check it out!
You would do best to refer this question to the dentist taking care of your children's teeth. As a rule, they don't recommend using flouridated toothpaste until they are at least 2 and won't eat it, and most flouride anticavity rinses aren't recommended until they are 5 or 6, as you need to be sure they understand to spit and not swallow. Depending on the amount of flouride in your water and toothpaste, they may not recommend it at all. While flouride is helpful, it can also damage teeth if they get too much- so best be is to ask the dentist first. Proper brushing and flossing are the first lines of defense against decay, plus dental checks- not extra doses of flouride.
Where we live we are on well water which unlike city water does not contain floride. The elementary schools here provide a monthly floride rince for the children. I would assume, without speaking to my dentist, that it is safe to start them on a floride rinse at age 4, which is school age for pre-k. I know my dentist would not even see my children until they turned age 4 when they had more developement. And at age 4 they know how to spit it out, because they are not suppose to swallow the floride. I hope this helps.
What Age Do Molars Come In?
My Son will be 7 in August he has lost one tooth on the bottom Its growing back in just fine..but he has a molar coming in on the bottom left and his second loose tooth is his upper right canine. I thought your first molar was your 12 year molar. And that you lost the middle teeth before the canines
your first primary molars come in @ 9-12 months
second primary molars 12-18 months
these are replace by bi-cuspids when your adult teeth come in
first permanent molar @ 6-8 years
second permanent molar 10-13 years
third molar (wisdom tooth) 17-20 years
this can vary some but is a general ideacheck out link below for more info Hope this helps
I Was 12 When Mine Started To Come In
FROM 16 TO 20
i dunno, it depends on what molars. my back molars came in @ 12. :D
Molars erupt at the age of 6 - 25 years.
i hope you are answered.
The molars that you see growing in are his "Six year-old" molars, not his "12 year-old" molars. Usually the middle teeth grow in before the canines, but everyones different. My canines didn't come out until I was 12! I had some long roots, so long they weren't loosening so the dentist had to pull him.
your first primary molars come in @ 9-12 months
second primary molars 12-18 months
these are replace by bi-cuspids when your adult teeth come in
first permanent molar @ 6-8 years
second permanent molar 10-13 years
third molar (wisdom tooth) 17-20 years
this can vary some but is a general ideacheck out link below for more info Hope this helps
I Was 12 When Mine Started To Come In
FROM 16 TO 20
i dunno, it depends on what molars. my back molars came in @ 12. :D
Molars erupt at the age of 6 - 25 years.
i hope you are answered.
The molars that you see growing in are his "Six year-old" molars, not his "12 year-old" molars. Usually the middle teeth grow in before the canines, but everyones different. My canines didn't come out until I was 12! I had some long roots, so long they weren't loosening so the dentist had to pull him.
What age do kids start losing teeth?
my daughter just turned four in May. She just lost a tooth, it was wiggling last night and fell out today. i was afraid she hit it on something but swears she didnt. is it normal for a kid that young to lose teeth or would she of had to hit it for it to fall out?
The average age to lose the first baby tooth is seven years old. Some start earlier, some start later. You say the tooth was hollow, so that would mean that the tooth was ready to come out and was not knocked out. You shouldn't worry about anything, your daughter is just more dentally mature than the average kid.
about 5. . so yes this should be normal. Id double check..take her to a dentist they can tell if its been hit or not.(the nerve might be damaged if so) You should begin taking children to the dentist at 3 years for cleanings and exams
normally is 6 or 7. 4 seems early but anythings possible. and maybe she forgot hitting it ... ?
around 4-5 years old... their permanent teeth come in after that. If she hit it hard enough, it could loosen or even knock it out. My son knocked his front teeth out when he was 4.
its ok my 5 yr old is already lost 3 teeth its when ever they are ready to come out
they usually start at 4,5,or,6. It is perfectly normal.
they usually lose start to lose them between the ages 4 and 5. dont worry it was a baby tooth it should grow back
I would call the dentist just so they have it on record. Most kids start losing teeth about age 5.
It depends on when your teeth start growing in. Mine started growing in when I was 3 months and they all fell out but age 8. I got my 12 yrs molars at 8 to so you have to check when they first started growing in.
My son started losing his teeth at four also. I took him to the denist and everything was fine. My daughter is six and a half and has never had a loose tooth yet! It all depends on the child. You may want to take her in for a checkup just in case, but chances are, everything is fine.
Usually by 6 years of age do baby teeth start coming out... and they don't grow back. The (two) lower front teeth are the first to be lost...When baby teeth get loose and come out, it's usually because their adult teeth are on their way in. The growth of the adult teeth 'pushes' the baby teeth out, so they will have adequate space to erupt in to.For your own peace of mind, bring your daughter to a dentist for an evaluation and possible 'picture' of the area. If the adult tooth is on it's way in, you'll see it on the xray.Good Luck!
5-7 on average
my first teeth came out when i was about six. i think it is ok. when i was in kindergarden i was always jealous of the kids who had their teeth fall out that year. its all on when the new teeth start developing
it varies from child to child
my sister lost her first tooth when she was 8 or 9.. and it wasn't replaced for about one year
The average age to lose the first baby tooth is seven years old. Some start earlier, some start later. You say the tooth was hollow, so that would mean that the tooth was ready to come out and was not knocked out. You shouldn't worry about anything, your daughter is just more dentally mature than the average kid.
about 5. . so yes this should be normal. Id double check..take her to a dentist they can tell if its been hit or not.(the nerve might be damaged if so) You should begin taking children to the dentist at 3 years for cleanings and exams
normally is 6 or 7. 4 seems early but anythings possible. and maybe she forgot hitting it ... ?
around 4-5 years old... their permanent teeth come in after that. If she hit it hard enough, it could loosen or even knock it out. My son knocked his front teeth out when he was 4.
its ok my 5 yr old is already lost 3 teeth its when ever they are ready to come out
they usually start at 4,5,or,6. It is perfectly normal.
they usually lose start to lose them between the ages 4 and 5. dont worry it was a baby tooth it should grow back
I would call the dentist just so they have it on record. Most kids start losing teeth about age 5.
It depends on when your teeth start growing in. Mine started growing in when I was 3 months and they all fell out but age 8. I got my 12 yrs molars at 8 to so you have to check when they first started growing in.
My son started losing his teeth at four also. I took him to the denist and everything was fine. My daughter is six and a half and has never had a loose tooth yet! It all depends on the child. You may want to take her in for a checkup just in case, but chances are, everything is fine.
Usually by 6 years of age do baby teeth start coming out... and they don't grow back. The (two) lower front teeth are the first to be lost...When baby teeth get loose and come out, it's usually because their adult teeth are on their way in. The growth of the adult teeth 'pushes' the baby teeth out, so they will have adequate space to erupt in to.For your own peace of mind, bring your daughter to a dentist for an evaluation and possible 'picture' of the area. If the adult tooth is on it's way in, you'll see it on the xray.Good Luck!
5-7 on average
my first teeth came out when i was about six. i think it is ok. when i was in kindergarden i was always jealous of the kids who had their teeth fall out that year. its all on when the new teeth start developing
it varies from child to child
my sister lost her first tooth when she was 8 or 9.. and it wasn't replaced for about one year
What material can i fix dentures at home with?
my plate is broken what can i use to adhere them togrther
Super glue works temp or go to a pharmacy and get the denture repair kit!
Yes, honestly, superglue. One of the dentists at my office actually used that temporarily until we could fix a patient's denture permanently. Just be sure not to get too much on the part that will touch your mouth, or it will be rough and scratchy.
Super glue works temp or go to a pharmacy and get the denture repair kit!
Yes, honestly, superglue. One of the dentists at my office actually used that temporarily until we could fix a patient's denture permanently. Just be sure not to get too much on the part that will touch your mouth, or it will be rough and scratchy.
Wen u go to the dentist to take out like a wisdom tooth and u have a Monroe piercing do u have to remove it?..
Yes. You must remove all piercings and jewlery any time you have surgery.
Well..Im getting Porcelain Braces soon, what are some good and bad things about them?
could you answer this for me soon?
I work for an orthodontist and personally we do not do porcelain braces because they change to a yellow color and patients get very upset about this. I would not recommend them because there is no way to avoid them changing from white to yellow. I would be happy to answer any more questions you have.
I had porcelain on the top teeth and metal on the bottom and honestly didn't feel that there was much of a difference . The elastomeres (elastics that hold the wire to the brackets) can stain sometimes (especially with spagetti sauce) so consider going with a subtle color. It doesn't make them completely invisible but since everyone has braces these days it shouldn't matter that much! And take good care of them, keep them clean! Good luck!
JAMRDH - a dental hygienist
I work for an orthodontist and personally we do not do porcelain braces because they change to a yellow color and patients get very upset about this. I would not recommend them because there is no way to avoid them changing from white to yellow. I would be happy to answer any more questions you have.
I had porcelain on the top teeth and metal on the bottom and honestly didn't feel that there was much of a difference . The elastomeres (elastics that hold the wire to the brackets) can stain sometimes (especially with spagetti sauce) so consider going with a subtle color. It doesn't make them completely invisible but since everyone has braces these days it shouldn't matter that much! And take good care of them, keep them clean! Good luck!
JAMRDH - a dental hygienist
Weight Loss After Tooth Extractions?
i had 24 teeth removed about a month ago. i feel great, my dentures are working perfectly, and i haven't had any pain for the past 2 weeks. 4 of the teeth were wisdom teeth. i had 2 abcessed teeth and the dentist didn't have me take any medications prior to or after the surgery. i have lost over 15lbs since the surgery, and i am beginning to look sickly. is there anything i can do, or is this a normal part of the procedure. i've been eating normally, but i continue to lose weight at a rapid rate.
Well a lot of people lose weight after extractions, its called the "dental diet" but if your eating regularly and your not taking any medications then you need to go to a physician and get some blood work done to see if something is wrong with you.
If you're eating just like you used to and have lost 15 pounds in a month, you need to see your doctor SOON. It's probably unrelated to the dental work and is definitely a cause for concern. Rapid weight loss without trying is a symptom of many illnesses, some of them freakin' serious, so don't delay.
Well a lot of people lose weight after extractions, its called the "dental diet" but if your eating regularly and your not taking any medications then you need to go to a physician and get some blood work done to see if something is wrong with you.
If you're eating just like you used to and have lost 15 pounds in a month, you need to see your doctor SOON. It's probably unrelated to the dental work and is definitely a cause for concern. Rapid weight loss without trying is a symptom of many illnesses, some of them freakin' serious, so don't delay.
Website for reviews on dentists?
does anyone know a website that you can look up a doctor or dentist and read patient reviews on them?
Dont waste your time on the web. The information you get from people with experience will be biased and not trust worthy because even the best dentist may make a mistake and get a negative rating.
Use 1-800-DENTIST. I know you see the ads and you think every dentist must be on it but ill let you in on a secret. They screen the dentists when the dentist applies. For the dentist it is a marketing tool where he will pay the company to be in their directory. If he qualifies he submits all his info which is what you find out when you call. What does the dentist get it out of it? If he gets 5-10 referrals from the company thats potentially 1000s of dollars of work and well worth the money spent. What do you get? You find out a good dentist in your area!
Hope this helps!
Dont waste your time on the web. The information you get from people with experience will be biased and not trust worthy because even the best dentist may make a mistake and get a negative rating.
Use 1-800-DENTIST. I know you see the ads and you think every dentist must be on it but ill let you in on a secret. They screen the dentists when the dentist applies. For the dentist it is a marketing tool where he will pay the company to be in their directory. If he qualifies he submits all his info which is what you find out when you call. What does the dentist get it out of it? If he gets 5-10 referrals from the company thats potentially 1000s of dollars of work and well worth the money spent. What do you get? You find out a good dentist in your area!
Hope this helps!
Ways to help me brush and floss my teeth more?
I only brush 1 a day and sometimes I don't brush at all. can you help me find ways for me to do that more
Use other things you like to do as a "reward". Tell yourself- I'm not allowed to (put on mascara, or look at my email, or put on pajamas, or watch tv, etc) until I've brushed and flossed my teeth. Make brushing and flossing part of "treating yourself" to something you DO like to do. Also, it's the cheapest and easiest way to avoid major dental problems (pain and $$$) and it is good for the overall health of your body (your heart, your pancreas, your lungs, and even your brain).
try to get into a routine of brushing after every meal...maybe eat something like onions so you'll remember
I had the same problem until I paid $5000 to have gum surgery and bone grafts!
Use other things you like to do as a "reward". Tell yourself- I'm not allowed to (put on mascara, or look at my email, or put on pajamas, or watch tv, etc) until I've brushed and flossed my teeth. Make brushing and flossing part of "treating yourself" to something you DO like to do. Also, it's the cheapest and easiest way to avoid major dental problems (pain and $$$) and it is good for the overall health of your body (your heart, your pancreas, your lungs, and even your brain).
try to get into a routine of brushing after every meal...maybe eat something like onions so you'll remember
I had the same problem until I paid $5000 to have gum surgery and bone grafts!
Way to keep mouth clean besides mouthwashes...?
I don't like these mouthwashes, etc.Is hydrogen peroxide diluted a good way to keep your mouth clean? Or rinsing with baking soda?Thanks!
Mix a glass of half water and half peroxide
Mix a glass of half water and half baking soda
A glass of warm water and saltAll of these will keep your mouth clean without using mouthwash.
The best way to keep your mouth clean is to brush 2-3 times a day, floss 1-2 times a day and use a mouthwash if you'd like. It's as simple as that! Be sure to see a dentist every 6 months!
Mix a glass of half water and half peroxide
Mix a glass of half water and half baking soda
A glass of warm water and saltAll of these will keep your mouth clean without using mouthwash.
The best way to keep your mouth clean is to brush 2-3 times a day, floss 1-2 times a day and use a mouthwash if you'd like. It's as simple as that! Be sure to see a dentist every 6 months!
Wat should i get?
which color should i get for my braces?? a.) black b.) glow-in-the-dark c.) white or d.) dark green
a.)black is good. my friend had it and it looked good on her. you could go with that.. im getting braces soon too and all my friends want me to get teal. %26lt; popular colorb) haha that would be fun to havec)don't get white! after a while your braces will get yellow and it will look gross lold) dark green is a good color too.for more help, if your not too sure, then go to this website:
and you can print them out and put it close to your mouth and decide what is best for you. :D
I'd choose black since stains are less likely to show on them. Then again you'll have to brush often since anything that gets stuck between them will stick out like a sore thumb!
I never had braces but I would think white is the best choice since they would camoflouge to your teeth the best I'm guessing.
not white,
go with dark green or black
a.)black is good. my friend had it and it looked good on her. you could go with that.. im getting braces soon too and all my friends want me to get teal. %26lt; popular colorb) haha that would be fun to havec)don't get white! after a while your braces will get yellow and it will look gross lold) dark green is a good color too.for more help, if your not too sure, then go to this website:
and you can print them out and put it close to your mouth and decide what is best for you. :D
I'd choose black since stains are less likely to show on them. Then again you'll have to brush often since anything that gets stuck between them will stick out like a sore thumb!
I never had braces but I would think white is the best choice since they would camoflouge to your teeth the best I'm guessing.
not white,
go with dark green or black
Wat kind of wisdom tooth that the dentist will tell u to go for general or local anaesthesia surgeon ..?
most of the dentist will ask u to go for general or local ..??
It really depends on the type of extraction. If they are deeply impacted, they will likely do general as it is a complex extraction and if you were awake, you wouldn't like it at all.
most general dentists don't do wisdom teeth. they refer you to an oral surgeon who will most likely put you under general anesthetic
It really depends on the type of extraction. If they are deeply impacted, they will likely do general as it is a complex extraction and if you were awake, you wouldn't like it at all.
most general dentists don't do wisdom teeth. they refer you to an oral surgeon who will most likely put you under general anesthetic
Wat is the different between sedation and general to put to sleep ..?
General anesthesia (surgical anesthesia) is a type of sedation where you are actually totally knocked out and your protective reflexes like swallowing and coughing do not function. Different kinds of sedation include: Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas)-used mainly for its anxiolytic effect (calms you down), Oral sedation- you receive a pill such as Halcion that has an anxiolytic and usually amnestic effect before the procedure begins, IV conscious sedation- an IV is placed, usually in your arm, and you receive drugs that calm you down.
Generally speaking, sedation is either localized (i.e. novaccain shot) or general which means it's either laughing gas or a needle which injects you with an anesthetic. In the latter case, an anesthesiologist has to be present and it is much more expensive than I either novaccain or laughing gas.
To continue with the previous persons answer, which is bang on the mark, aswell. If you have to have major surgery done, and they say, " Well, laughing gas is what we are going to do.." question them about it.. talk to your parents. If you have an absessed tooth.. do NOT let them talk you into laughing gas and freezing.. The freezing doesn't take and you feel everything and it's painful.. I have gone under many times.. I personally hate laughing gas, and prefer going out completely. It may be more expensive, but it makes the chance for traumatization from the ordeal pretty much disappear rather than laughing gas where you see, hear everything.. just don't care.
Wat is sedation ... which the dentist use ... if sedation applie .. what will happen and must i receive inject
injection ... or less painful ..
i dont know exactly but its helpful if you are real scared -- hugs
If the dentist uses local anesthetic, you will receive an injection. She or he will first apply a topical anesthetic so that the pain of the injection is lessened. If you are given general anesthesia, it will be administered through an IV and you will get a needle in one of your veins. Just a little pinch, then you won't even know it's there.
i dont know exactly but its helpful if you are real scared -- hugs
If the dentist uses local anesthetic, you will receive an injection. She or he will first apply a topical anesthetic so that the pain of the injection is lessened. If you are given general anesthesia, it will be administered through an IV and you will get a needle in one of your veins. Just a little pinch, then you won't even know it's there.
Wat can u do to help the pain from braces?
well, my friend just got braces today and she says they really hurt, like they're sore? idk. i just feel bad, so is there anything she cando to help stop the pain? any tricks?
bless her heart...i know exactly how she feels.the only thing i could do is take a tylenol, and rub my jaws. when i first got my braces, they were hurting me really bad, and i started to get a drink of water from my glass, and somehow hit my teeth with the edge of the glass. i wanted to die! luckily they stopped hurting after a week.
Take some tynenol and lay down.
My ortho always gave me Advil. I started taking a couple before my appointments and it helped with the pain. However, when you first get them on and after some adjustment appointments, Advil might help for long and a couple of days of soft food is the only thing that really helps. Luckily it is all worth it.
rub cocaine on her jaws
bless her heart...i know exactly how she feels.the only thing i could do is take a tylenol, and rub my jaws. when i first got my braces, they were hurting me really bad, and i started to get a drink of water from my glass, and somehow hit my teeth with the edge of the glass. i wanted to die! luckily they stopped hurting after a week.
Take some tynenol and lay down.
My ortho always gave me Advil. I started taking a couple before my appointments and it helped with the pain. However, when you first get them on and after some adjustment appointments, Advil might help for long and a couple of days of soft food is the only thing that really helps. Luckily it is all worth it.
rub cocaine on her jaws
Want causes imformation of the thoat?
I guess animal and human biologists? Or doctors?
Books have a lot of information on the throat too.What has directly caused this information? I guess research by professionals listed above.
Do you mean inflammation? If so, usually its just a virus. It should go down in a few days. If it lasts longer than a week, see your doctor. Could be something serious.
Do you mean inflammation? It could be an infection, also a lot of talking, yelling, screaming, etc. can also cause it.
inflammation is what you mean and a cold causes a sore throat..best see a doctor good luck
look on wikipedia, they have imformation on the throat
Clever teeth
uhm...reading out loud?Oh, you mean INFLAMMATION?the throat can become inflamed by: infection
over exertion (yelling at a concert, etc.)
illness (strep, etc.)
irritability (did you just swallow a bunch of pointy chips without chewing properly?)
allergy (bee sting?)If you did mean information, I am actually curious myself. Whta causes information of the throat?
do you mean inflamation ?
Usually the inability to spell, followed by the urgent need to put into written form incomplete thoughts and words used incorrectly. See an English teacher as soon as possible!!
usually my hubby,Jesus does he make me boil, guaranteed to make me have a sore throat
it could be a bacteria or a viral infection.. it could also just be sinus drainage that has irritated your throat and caused inflammation. try heating up some salt water and gargle with it, or you can gargle with listerine or any other antiseptic. take some antiinflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen.. if it doesnt get better then go see your doctor.
Video of a cavity being filled?
im getting one filled on tuesday and i just wanna see what they do to you.thanks
I really don't think you'll find a video of a cavity being filled anywhere, but the process can be explained well.1.) Your dentist will numb you up with a shot of lidocaine or another numbing agent - contrary to popular belief novacaine is not that widely used. (Some dentists will numb your gum with a gel first so you don't feel the pinch of the needle)
2.) The dentist will drill down into your tooth to clean and remove the decayed portion of the tooth.
3.) If a composite filling is being used a gel or solution will be applied to roughen up the surface of your tooth so the filling will adhere nicely.
4.) After that the composite fillings will be applied in layers, and dried between each layer with a dental light.*** If your dentist is using an amalgram filling steps 3 and 4 will be skipped, and the amalgram filling will be applied without roughing, and in one layer.***Hope this helps.
I really don't think you'll find a video of a cavity being filled anywhere, but the process can be explained well.1.) Your dentist will numb you up with a shot of lidocaine or another numbing agent - contrary to popular belief novacaine is not that widely used. (Some dentists will numb your gum with a gel first so you don't feel the pinch of the needle)
2.) The dentist will drill down into your tooth to clean and remove the decayed portion of the tooth.
3.) If a composite filling is being used a gel or solution will be applied to roughen up the surface of your tooth so the filling will adhere nicely.
4.) After that the composite fillings will be applied in layers, and dried between each layer with a dental light.*** If your dentist is using an amalgram filling steps 3 and 4 will be skipped, and the amalgram filling will be applied without roughing, and in one layer.***Hope this helps.
Very Very bad toothache at 38wks..Please Read?
Right Now i have a very very bad toothache and im 38wks pregnant...i havent been to sleep at all thats how bad it hurts, i had a dentist appt this friday but im going to go today...But can they ease the pain, or they just going to look at it...?
Relax you will be fine, and your tooth will stop annoying you.
The dentist will know what to do. You aren't the first pregnant woman to have a tooth ache.;-)
Sweetheart I hope everything work out for you , you will have to get this one taken out.
I know how you feel, with the toothache. You will probally need a rootcanal. Go to the dentist! He will probally send you to an Endodontist! Dont panic, It is a painless procedure and you will be more than thankful afterwards!! Goodluck!
Toothaches or shall we say strange pain on one of your teeth or the gum-line is usually the starting point of severe or worst dental problems. Aside from giving you sleepless nights of painful miseries and difficult chewing, it could actually threaten your health and worst could kill you. Before it's too late, get dental health care advices and solutions at http://www.themouthdoctor.com/dentalheal... and free yourself from the dangers of dental problems.
Get the tooth out now. The pregnancy will not be affected
Relax you will be fine, and your tooth will stop annoying you.
The dentist will know what to do. You aren't the first pregnant woman to have a tooth ache.;-)
Sweetheart I hope everything work out for you , you will have to get this one taken out.
I know how you feel, with the toothache. You will probally need a rootcanal. Go to the dentist! He will probally send you to an Endodontist! Dont panic, It is a painless procedure and you will be more than thankful afterwards!! Goodluck!
Toothaches or shall we say strange pain on one of your teeth or the gum-line is usually the starting point of severe or worst dental problems. Aside from giving you sleepless nights of painful miseries and difficult chewing, it could actually threaten your health and worst could kill you. Before it's too late, get dental health care advices and solutions at http://www.themouthdoctor.com/dentalheal... and free yourself from the dangers of dental problems.
Get the tooth out now. The pregnancy will not be affected
Very tiny bumps on gums and inside of cheeks..please help?
I have no idea what these are. They look like very tiny pimples and are painful enough that my whole mouth aches. Does anyone know what it could be or what I can do to help them heal? Thank you!
sounds like a canker sore -they hurt really bad for about 4 days then they will just go away. It hurts when you rub your tongue on them but you just can't help doing it. Have you been eating alot of citrus, tomato or aciddy juices/sodas? Are they white?
i think you should go to the doctor
put some ambesol on them and go to the dentist. you might have mouth herpes
Maybe it is a vitamin deficiency? Vitamin C? Or too much Vit. C?Go see your dentist or doctor asap.
canker sores maybe? These are caused when a person eats too many salty foods or sweets. Regardless if that's what it is or not, I would suggest washing your mouth out with Listerine.
Omg! Go to the dentist as soon as possible. You might have to get a root canal.
I'd go to either an oral specialist or a doctor, your mention of pain along with the rashlike symptoms makes me think you might have an outbreak of shingles. or a form of herpes.
sounds like a canker sore -they hurt really bad for about 4 days then they will just go away. It hurts when you rub your tongue on them but you just can't help doing it. Have you been eating alot of citrus, tomato or aciddy juices/sodas? Are they white?
i think you should go to the doctor
put some ambesol on them and go to the dentist. you might have mouth herpes
Maybe it is a vitamin deficiency? Vitamin C? Or too much Vit. C?Go see your dentist or doctor asap.
canker sores maybe? These are caused when a person eats too many salty foods or sweets. Regardless if that's what it is or not, I would suggest washing your mouth out with Listerine.
Omg! Go to the dentist as soon as possible. You might have to get a root canal.
I'd go to either an oral specialist or a doctor, your mention of pain along with the rashlike symptoms makes me think you might have an outbreak of shingles. or a form of herpes.
Very sensitive to hot liquid (unfinished root canal)?
I have a molar with filling, after the filling had been done it was sensitive to mainly cold liquids/foods. About a month or so I had a persistant pain in it the result being that I've had a root canal started. The dentist put a covering (dressing) over it but left a crater in it. My next appointment was in August. About a week ago it became agonising if I got any hot liquid in it at all.So back on Monday, removed the dressing, filled it in this time and redressed it. Now it's still sensitive to hot (cold seems to soothe it) but Im getting pain in the teeth beside it (canines and incisors) as well (sometimes when I've not even been eating/drinking) which lasts anywhere between 5 and 20 minutesI can probably live with it till my next appointment but I'd like to know whats causing it.
our teeth has pulp inside it
pulp is collection of nerve tissue and small blood vessels
nerve tissue are most sensitive tissue
direct touch to them gives extreme pain
i feel that ur teeth's pulp tissue would not be removed completely so any hot liquids passes through dressing to the nerve tissue and that is giving u pain
our teeth has pulp inside it
pulp is collection of nerve tissue and small blood vessels
nerve tissue are most sensitive tissue
direct touch to them gives extreme pain
i feel that ur teeth's pulp tissue would not be removed completely so any hot liquids passes through dressing to the nerve tissue and that is giving u pain
Very scared of going to the dentist?
I haven't seen a dentist for almost 10 years, I'm currently 25 years old. I'm not sure why but I seem to have developed a massive phobia of going to the dentist, despite never having had any traumatic experiences. The only dental work I ever needed as a child was the extraction of 3 premolars for braces at the age of 13, and that went pretty smoothly, I don't remember it being particularly horrific or anything like that.I've been starting to get a bit of occasional pain from a couple of teeth though and I know I need to see a dentist because they will only get worse if I leave them. But I'm absolutely terrified at the thought, it makes me feel physically sick. I don't have any huge holes in my teeth or anything like that, but I'm certain I'll need at least a couple of fillings. It's not really pain that worries me, I think it's more finding out what needs done, and the vulnerability of lying in the chair that scares me.What can I do to reduce my fear about this?
When I get freaked out about something where intellectually I know the situation does not warrant the amount of fear and anxiety I am feeling, I try to remind myself to have a little perspective.Example. I have to go in for a root canal (yes, I have had several). But what situation would I rather face? That root canal.or something like cancer? What if I were going in for radiation or chemotherapy or even surgery to remove a tumor?When I start to think about how truly bad things can (and do) get, I realize that in the big picture, something like a filling or even a root canal is small potatoes. It could be so much worse.Now as for your fear, please remember you are not alone in this. I hear commercials on the radio all the time for local dentists who say they specialize in fearful patients! They promise anxiety-free dentistry, and my understanding is that they achieve it through things like medications (mild sedatives), laughing gas, or even having you watch a movie or listen to music while they work on you.I once had a complete gum cleaning (they had to numb everything with novacaine) while watching that Sandra Bullock/Hugh Grant movie, "Two Weeks Notice". Believe it or not I got so into the movie I was actually laughing at the funny parts, and was almost able to forget I was having something mildly unpleasant done to my teeth.Get the phone book out and start calling dentists. Tell them up front you have extreme anxiety over coming in, and ask what measures they offer to alleviate your concerns. Don't be afraid to ask to come in and see their office and even speak with the dentist briefly before committing to an appointment.A good dentist will do everything in his or her power to make you feel comfortable and keep things as pleasant as possible under the circumstances. And there are a lot of good dentists out there.Don't wait much longer -- pain in your teeth is a definite sign something is going on. Everyone is different, but I have a mouthful of fillings, and with the exception of ONE, I had zero warning pains with any of them. If you are to the point of having pain, you need to have those teeth looked at. Good luck! You can do this!
Dentist now a days is painless
Some dentists offer valium or some other type of relaxing medication for those who are fearful. So you may want to request that from the dentist, so you won't be experiencing this type of anxiety.
Try to relax and take your mind off of it. If it helps talk to a friend or somebody you really trust who isn't afraid of the dentist. I just posted a week ago about being terrified of my dentist appointment that is now only 2 days away. Like you I haven't had any traumatic experiences, but I am afraid of what they'll tell me (i.e. "You need a root canal", or "Your wisdom teeth need to be pulled.") All in all I ended up talking to my best friend and she reassured me that it won't be that bad, and I won't feel anything and I started to feel a little better. If talking to someone like that doesn't help you, talk to your dentist ahead of time, some of them practice sedation dentistry which will completely relax you. Hang in there.
I suffer the same problem. I just make sure the dentist I go to has nitros oxide and tell them to crank it up. I went once and they were out of gas so I just left and rescheduled. I wouldn't see one unless they have the gas... they charge 10 or 15 more per visit for it but its worth it to me.
Rent Little Shop of Horrors Starring Rick Moranis and Steve Martin.
There are dentists out there that offer anesthesia for their patients that will allow them to be asleep as they're getting their teeth worked on, and some also offer television viewing through a special visor.
I even know a few people who are terribly frightened of the dentist that they even need to be knocked out even for cleanings.
I used to feel the same as you.
I had went to the dentist for the first time in over 15 years which was 7 years ago.
Now I go for my cleanings every 6 months and last November, I needed 3 very small fillings and my dentist was so good that I didn't even feel the needle!
Once you get a dentist that you really like and are very comfortable with, going to the dentist becomes a breeze.
I loath dentists too. Be tough and go for it. I threaten my Dentist - I tell him if he hurts me I'll be back with my BIG cousins - He always laughs but I think he is more careful and it makes me feel better anyway.PS, It's not so bad nowadays, just irritating and frustrating.
When I get freaked out about something where intellectually I know the situation does not warrant the amount of fear and anxiety I am feeling, I try to remind myself to have a little perspective.Example. I have to go in for a root canal (yes, I have had several). But what situation would I rather face? That root canal.or something like cancer? What if I were going in for radiation or chemotherapy or even surgery to remove a tumor?When I start to think about how truly bad things can (and do) get, I realize that in the big picture, something like a filling or even a root canal is small potatoes. It could be so much worse.Now as for your fear, please remember you are not alone in this. I hear commercials on the radio all the time for local dentists who say they specialize in fearful patients! They promise anxiety-free dentistry, and my understanding is that they achieve it through things like medications (mild sedatives), laughing gas, or even having you watch a movie or listen to music while they work on you.I once had a complete gum cleaning (they had to numb everything with novacaine) while watching that Sandra Bullock/Hugh Grant movie, "Two Weeks Notice". Believe it or not I got so into the movie I was actually laughing at the funny parts, and was almost able to forget I was having something mildly unpleasant done to my teeth.Get the phone book out and start calling dentists. Tell them up front you have extreme anxiety over coming in, and ask what measures they offer to alleviate your concerns. Don't be afraid to ask to come in and see their office and even speak with the dentist briefly before committing to an appointment.A good dentist will do everything in his or her power to make you feel comfortable and keep things as pleasant as possible under the circumstances. And there are a lot of good dentists out there.Don't wait much longer -- pain in your teeth is a definite sign something is going on. Everyone is different, but I have a mouthful of fillings, and with the exception of ONE, I had zero warning pains with any of them. If you are to the point of having pain, you need to have those teeth looked at. Good luck! You can do this!
Dentist now a days is painless
Some dentists offer valium or some other type of relaxing medication for those who are fearful. So you may want to request that from the dentist, so you won't be experiencing this type of anxiety.
Try to relax and take your mind off of it. If it helps talk to a friend or somebody you really trust who isn't afraid of the dentist. I just posted a week ago about being terrified of my dentist appointment that is now only 2 days away. Like you I haven't had any traumatic experiences, but I am afraid of what they'll tell me (i.e. "You need a root canal", or "Your wisdom teeth need to be pulled.") All in all I ended up talking to my best friend and she reassured me that it won't be that bad, and I won't feel anything and I started to feel a little better. If talking to someone like that doesn't help you, talk to your dentist ahead of time, some of them practice sedation dentistry which will completely relax you. Hang in there.
I suffer the same problem. I just make sure the dentist I go to has nitros oxide and tell them to crank it up. I went once and they were out of gas so I just left and rescheduled. I wouldn't see one unless they have the gas... they charge 10 or 15 more per visit for it but its worth it to me.
Rent Little Shop of Horrors Starring Rick Moranis and Steve Martin.
There are dentists out there that offer anesthesia for their patients that will allow them to be asleep as they're getting their teeth worked on, and some also offer television viewing through a special visor.
I even know a few people who are terribly frightened of the dentist that they even need to be knocked out even for cleanings.
I used to feel the same as you.
I had went to the dentist for the first time in over 15 years which was 7 years ago.
Now I go for my cleanings every 6 months and last November, I needed 3 very small fillings and my dentist was so good that I didn't even feel the needle!
Once you get a dentist that you really like and are very comfortable with, going to the dentist becomes a breeze.
I loath dentists too. Be tough and go for it. I threaten my Dentist - I tell him if he hurts me I'll be back with my BIG cousins - He always laughs but I think he is more careful and it makes me feel better anyway.PS, It's not so bad nowadays, just irritating and frustrating.
Valium 2 hrs before?
okay realy quick question. i have wisdom teeth surgery in a bout 2 hrs and my dentist said take one valium 2 hrs before ? is this right? because last night i also took 1 and it did nothing for my anxiety
valium induces sleep.so most propapbly ud be numb enough to sense anxiety and pain after two hours.last nite after taking valium u might have slept peacefully i guess.
Yes, the doctor meant two hours before.If you're paying attention to your anxiety, you probably won't notice that it's less.Good luck with the teeth. It'll be good when it's over.
My dentist told me to take it one hour before surgery. And it does help.
valium induces sleep.so most propapbly ud be numb enough to sense anxiety and pain after two hours.last nite after taking valium u might have slept peacefully i guess.
Yes, the doctor meant two hours before.If you're paying attention to your anxiety, you probably won't notice that it's less.Good luck with the teeth. It'll be good when it's over.
My dentist told me to take it one hour before surgery. And it does help.
Use a syringe to clean wisdome teeth or warm salt water?
which is better? i find using the syringe to really irritate my one hol because that tooth was horizontal in my gum. should i rinse with warm salt water or keep using the syringe. i dont know what to do. it hurt so bad im afraid to eat too. please help me.
If your wisdom teeth have been taken out within the week, it will be sore. If it is more, and the pain is getting worse, you should go have it checked out. In the mean time, keep using the syringe with warm salt water to clean out the area. You need to keep it as clean as possible. Clean it everytime you eat...hope you feel better
use warm salt water in the syringe, i had to do this before.
If your wisdom teeth have been taken out within the week, it will be sore. If it is more, and the pain is getting worse, you should go have it checked out. In the mean time, keep using the syringe with warm salt water to clean out the area. You need to keep it as clean as possible. Clean it everytime you eat...hope you feel better
use warm salt water in the syringe, i had to do this before.
Usally mesio angularly impacted lower wisdom tooth perform at local or general anes ..??
is it harder to remove it or ..?? easy .?
well no matter whether they are mesio or disto angularly impacted it can be treated under local anaesthesia .
mesio angulars are comparativly easier to operate.
i did local and it hurt but it was better than general. i have tried better.
well no matter whether they are mesio or disto angularly impacted it can be treated under local anaesthesia .
mesio angulars are comparativly easier to operate.
i did local and it hurt but it was better than general. i have tried better.
Urgent Help Needed- Dental Help?
Hi, My teeth and I have a problem. My teeth have been aching for months now and I have been taking several pain killers a day just to get through the pain. I know I have been taking more than the recommended intake a day. The pain is from cavities in my teeth that have been there for quite some time now. I have tried to find a dentist but all of them are private and dont accept Medicare or the centrelink health care card. I havent been able to brush my teeth for over a month as it intensifies the pain to make it unbearable. I take 2-4 pain killers at night just to sleep and sometimes even that doesnt work. Massaging my gums with a toothbrush seems to dull the pain a bit but I cant walk around all day with a toothbrush hanging out of my mouth. I live in Queanbeyan on the border of ACT. Does anyone know of a dentist that can help me and quick? As winter is here and the cold deffinatly doesnt help at all. Or any other ideas to ease the pain even? Thanks
my mom is a dental assistant so i know a little about teeth and you should at least go to a dentist thats cheap to get the cavities filled or even get your teeth pulled if the cavities are too bad to be taken care of.
my mom is a dental assistant so i know a little about teeth and you should at least go to a dentist thats cheap to get the cavities filled or even get your teeth pulled if the cavities are too bad to be taken care of.
Unecessary treatment?(UK)?
do you think dentists ever do fillings which are not needed?(to get the money) i have just come back from getting 2 fillings,and was just thinking that there is no way i could know if they were genuine or not!. i just took his word for it.the teeth were right at the sides,so i can't see them.not saying he was being dishonest,but maybe some dentists are!!
what do you think?
HMMM, good question. However, there is an ethical side to this. Most dentists-being the professionals they trained to become ARE honest. There are some that do production work-they want to use their trade like a factory--in and out. More is better. Sometimes this is due to the very very poor insurance reimbursements. Other times, it is greed and inferior techniques. Ask where the dentist went to school and when-it can be an indication and he/she should be proud to tell you. BUT, the way to tell a good one is make sure FIRST that the instruments are sterilized (best way is to use the same technique as hospitals do-Autoclave). Then, whenever treatment is suggested an xray MUST be taken prior to the filling. This is the only in depth way to "see" how much decay is there. Maybe the decay was only on the biting surface. There are five surfaces to a tooth and any or all of them could be involved in restoration. The cost is comparable to the size of the filling. If you have had continuing care though, the filling should not be that large. Its best to treat a small bit of decay when found. The dentist should examine the area and show you this for you to feel comfortable and understand. One of the best ways to feel more secure is to know your professional...visit for your routine visits 2 x year. Dont go only when you have a concern or pain. And ask questions. A terrific dentist will welcome them and want to explain. On the other hand, be careful if treatment is pushed or threatened. You can always have another opinion. Remember, too, the newer fillings are usually composites that when completed look exactly like natural teeth. Unfortunately, we here in the states dont always see really well taken care of teeth from Europe. Good for you and keep your teeth healthy. You need them for life.
Although most dentists are honorable, there are always a few rotten apples. My example: I had never had a cavity or tooth pain, I went to a new dentist who told me I had 6 cavities. Considering my history, I found this highly improbable. So, I went to another dentist and had another exam. He found NO cavities. So, there's a case in point for you. If you have serious doubts about any medical care, get another opinion.
what do you think?
HMMM, good question. However, there is an ethical side to this. Most dentists-being the professionals they trained to become ARE honest. There are some that do production work-they want to use their trade like a factory--in and out. More is better. Sometimes this is due to the very very poor insurance reimbursements. Other times, it is greed and inferior techniques. Ask where the dentist went to school and when-it can be an indication and he/she should be proud to tell you. BUT, the way to tell a good one is make sure FIRST that the instruments are sterilized (best way is to use the same technique as hospitals do-Autoclave). Then, whenever treatment is suggested an xray MUST be taken prior to the filling. This is the only in depth way to "see" how much decay is there. Maybe the decay was only on the biting surface. There are five surfaces to a tooth and any or all of them could be involved in restoration. The cost is comparable to the size of the filling. If you have had continuing care though, the filling should not be that large. Its best to treat a small bit of decay when found. The dentist should examine the area and show you this for you to feel comfortable and understand. One of the best ways to feel more secure is to know your professional...visit for your routine visits 2 x year. Dont go only when you have a concern or pain. And ask questions. A terrific dentist will welcome them and want to explain. On the other hand, be careful if treatment is pushed or threatened. You can always have another opinion. Remember, too, the newer fillings are usually composites that when completed look exactly like natural teeth. Unfortunately, we here in the states dont always see really well taken care of teeth from Europe. Good for you and keep your teeth healthy. You need them for life.
Although most dentists are honorable, there are always a few rotten apples. My example: I had never had a cavity or tooth pain, I went to a new dentist who told me I had 6 cavities. Considering my history, I found this highly improbable. So, I went to another dentist and had another exam. He found NO cavities. So, there's a case in point for you. If you have serious doubts about any medical care, get another opinion.
Underbite problem?
i have a small underbite and my jaw shifts to the right no more than a cmand my underbite goes out no further than a couple of mmi really dont want surgery (if its necessary)wat other things can i do in order to fix this problem permanently?
hey if you jaw is shifted to the right it sounds as if you have a cross bite as well as a small underbite ad go to your ortho and see what he can do for you if you require surgery ad consider it as over time you teeth will wear unevenly and may cause pains but you never know he might be able to fix with just braces or head gear or some other device ad book a appointment with an ortho =] xxxxx
hey if you jaw is shifted to the right it sounds as if you have a cross bite as well as a small underbite ad go to your ortho and see what he can do for you if you require surgery ad consider it as over time you teeth will wear unevenly and may cause pains but you never know he might be able to fix with just braces or head gear or some other device ad book a appointment with an ortho =] xxxxx
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Underbite cost?
I know it depends on different people or situation, but I just want you to share the experience of costs as you know about fixing underbite..thanks
It depends on the severity. They may have to move both the lower jaw backward, and the upper jaw forward. I think on average its around 20,000 to 30,000 total. Yeah, thats a big chunk. I don't know how much insurance will pay. But I know that to get an insurance company to cover it you most likely have to prove that its a medical need, and not a cosmetic one.
I was supposed to have this surgery done (Class III Malocclusion) while I was in High School , but my mum didn't want to deal with it. I'm going to be funding it myself now, probably after I finish my bachelor's.Good luck to you!
Its jaw surgery your asking.
Well my daughter had to get upper jaw surgery. I was told it could cost $30,000. You should look into your insurance to see if they pay a " % " of it.
It depends on the severity. They may have to move both the lower jaw backward, and the upper jaw forward. I think on average its around 20,000 to 30,000 total. Yeah, thats a big chunk. I don't know how much insurance will pay. But I know that to get an insurance company to cover it you most likely have to prove that its a medical need, and not a cosmetic one.
I was supposed to have this surgery done (Class III Malocclusion) while I was in High School , but my mum didn't want to deal with it. I'm going to be funding it myself now, probably after I finish my bachelor's.Good luck to you!
Its jaw surgery your asking.
Well my daughter had to get upper jaw surgery. I was told it could cost $30,000. You should look into your insurance to see if they pay a " % " of it.
Unable to open mouth more than 1/2 an inch after root canal?
I had a root canal done a week ago today. The root canal tooth is a little sore when chewing on it and around the gumline, which I expect is normal.
What concerns me is that I'm unable to open my mouth more than about half an inch. It's hard to eat and I can barely get a spoon in my mouth without lots of pain. I've been ripping my food into little pieces to fit. The pain seems to stem from the same side as the root canal. I noticed as soon as I had my first novicane injection, about 5-10 minutes later my mouth felt very 'heavy' when trying to open it.This doesn't seem to be getting better from day to day. I'm so frustrated and feeling hopeless. I've been trying not to force it and I've really been babying my jaw. I've been taking the pain meds (800mg of Ibuprofren) not for my tooth, but for my jaw!What's happening? Is this normal? How long will it take to heal? Should I be concerned? Could this be permanent? Nerve damage? Lock Jaw!?
Hi My name is Jeffrey M Salerno DDSIt is common to have pain in the jaw after a procedure where your mouth is opened for extended periods of time. If the Root canal was on a lower tooth than the injection has to penetrate tissue of the oral mucosa, connective tissue and muscle tissue before the anesthetic is deposited near the nerve. This commonly cause some pain and tenderness in opening and closing of the jaw. But it usually subsides and will gradually improve over time.I suggest using warm salt water rinses in that area( the warm water brings blood into the area which helps repair the damage). Use a heating pad on that side of your face. Continue with Motrin 800mg ( no more that 1 every 6 hrs). If it does not improve give your dentist a call.
You can have an infection so You need to go to the dentist. Just walk in and show them. Don't bother calling because they will make you get an appointment.
I have had four root canals and hadn't had this happen to me before until the last one I had about 2 months ago. I went for a whole 2 weeks without being able to open my mouth. One day I was eating and simply forgot about babying it and just opened my mouth to put the fork in and my jaw popped. It was very loud and it hurt so bad it made me dizzy. After the pain of it subsided however, I was able to open my mouth normally. It was very weird and like I said, out of the 4, it has only happened once, so I'm not sure if most people go through this and I got lucky the first 3 ;). I would make an appt and try to find out what happened. I didn't do that myself because my dentist is 4 hours away, so I just dealt with it. I did call them and tell them and the receptionist told me I would have to make an appt, so you might be better off just walking in and showing them. Good luck, I know how it hurts.
It sounds like your TMJ or the muscles going to it have been overworked or during the injections the nerve was injured. It isn't normal for this to happen, but it does happen. When giving an injection it is impossible to tell exactly what you are hitting. Nerves do get traumatized, but usually it is temporary. Some anesthetic is too strong for certain areas of the mouth and shouldn't be used. The nerve can be damaged and it could take several weeks to repair. My first advice to you would be to call your dentist and ask his/her advice. I would recommend that you place hot towels on your jaw and cheek muscles, take anti inflammatory medication regularly for several days, massage your jaw joint and down your cheek. Don't force your mouth open it could get locked and that is very painful. To be honest I'm not sure if its your muscles in a spasm or a nerve trauma. It should be temporary either way, but just not sure of what time frame to say.
You probably are a person who clenches your teeth or grinds them at night. Your muscles are tight from this daily routine and then having your jaw open for a long period of time would really make it overworked. Call your dentist...
What concerns me is that I'm unable to open my mouth more than about half an inch. It's hard to eat and I can barely get a spoon in my mouth without lots of pain. I've been ripping my food into little pieces to fit. The pain seems to stem from the same side as the root canal. I noticed as soon as I had my first novicane injection, about 5-10 minutes later my mouth felt very 'heavy' when trying to open it.This doesn't seem to be getting better from day to day. I'm so frustrated and feeling hopeless. I've been trying not to force it and I've really been babying my jaw. I've been taking the pain meds (800mg of Ibuprofren) not for my tooth, but for my jaw!What's happening? Is this normal? How long will it take to heal? Should I be concerned? Could this be permanent? Nerve damage? Lock Jaw!?
Hi My name is Jeffrey M Salerno DDSIt is common to have pain in the jaw after a procedure where your mouth is opened for extended periods of time. If the Root canal was on a lower tooth than the injection has to penetrate tissue of the oral mucosa, connective tissue and muscle tissue before the anesthetic is deposited near the nerve. This commonly cause some pain and tenderness in opening and closing of the jaw. But it usually subsides and will gradually improve over time.I suggest using warm salt water rinses in that area( the warm water brings blood into the area which helps repair the damage). Use a heating pad on that side of your face. Continue with Motrin 800mg ( no more that 1 every 6 hrs). If it does not improve give your dentist a call.
You can have an infection so You need to go to the dentist. Just walk in and show them. Don't bother calling because they will make you get an appointment.
I have had four root canals and hadn't had this happen to me before until the last one I had about 2 months ago. I went for a whole 2 weeks without being able to open my mouth. One day I was eating and simply forgot about babying it and just opened my mouth to put the fork in and my jaw popped. It was very loud and it hurt so bad it made me dizzy. After the pain of it subsided however, I was able to open my mouth normally. It was very weird and like I said, out of the 4, it has only happened once, so I'm not sure if most people go through this and I got lucky the first 3 ;). I would make an appt and try to find out what happened. I didn't do that myself because my dentist is 4 hours away, so I just dealt with it. I did call them and tell them and the receptionist told me I would have to make an appt, so you might be better off just walking in and showing them. Good luck, I know how it hurts.
It sounds like your TMJ or the muscles going to it have been overworked or during the injections the nerve was injured. It isn't normal for this to happen, but it does happen. When giving an injection it is impossible to tell exactly what you are hitting. Nerves do get traumatized, but usually it is temporary. Some anesthetic is too strong for certain areas of the mouth and shouldn't be used. The nerve can be damaged and it could take several weeks to repair. My first advice to you would be to call your dentist and ask his/her advice. I would recommend that you place hot towels on your jaw and cheek muscles, take anti inflammatory medication regularly for several days, massage your jaw joint and down your cheek. Don't force your mouth open it could get locked and that is very painful. To be honest I'm not sure if its your muscles in a spasm or a nerve trauma. It should be temporary either way, but just not sure of what time frame to say.
You probably are a person who clenches your teeth or grinds them at night. Your muscles are tight from this daily routine and then having your jaw open for a long period of time would really make it overworked. Call your dentist...
Ummm... Gums are acting weird?
Yesterday when I was flossing, a few areas in the corners between teeth, started to get red and puffy. it hasn't gone away, and when I brushed this morning, it was bleeding almost everywhere! I also found this morning that the puffyness was not only in those areas, but in more that I thought. It was behind my teeth, too. What is it, and what should I do about it?
Could be slight gingivitis. Do not floss as hard as you have been, brush more gently (and more often, like twice a day)and use a mouthwash. The swelling will go down in a few days. If not, go and see your dentist.
could be gingivitis or, could be they are sore form the brushing
Sounds like you have an onset of Gingivitis. I would recommend a trip to the dentist to be sure. If that is not an option, I recommend the use of a mouthwash such as Listerine.
your gums are like that because you haven't been flossing that well. they get bulbous and red if you don't floss everyday or well enough. the bleeding will occur too. you should go see a dentist because that could be a sign of first stage gingivitis.
good luck!
may be gum disease has attacked you silently. always maintain proper oral care and have regular dental check up. also consider visiting this useful site http://www.themouthdoctor.com to be able to stop bleeding gums. be able to use an effective oral care product that will kill bad bacteria in the mouth.
Could be slight gingivitis. Do not floss as hard as you have been, brush more gently (and more often, like twice a day)and use a mouthwash. The swelling will go down in a few days. If not, go and see your dentist.
could be gingivitis or, could be they are sore form the brushing
Sounds like you have an onset of Gingivitis. I would recommend a trip to the dentist to be sure. If that is not an option, I recommend the use of a mouthwash such as Listerine.
your gums are like that because you haven't been flossing that well. they get bulbous and red if you don't floss everyday or well enough. the bleeding will occur too. you should go see a dentist because that could be a sign of first stage gingivitis.
good luck!
may be gum disease has attacked you silently. always maintain proper oral care and have regular dental check up. also consider visiting this useful site http://www.themouthdoctor.com to be able to stop bleeding gums. be able to use an effective oral care product that will kill bad bacteria in the mouth.
Ugh i got rubber bands!?
i have braces and today i got rubber bands! THEY HURT SO BAD!!!!!!!!!... i mean seriously i feel like crying they are so painful...it also doesnt help that he gave me chains on the bottom row of my teeth to make them move together. how long will the rubber bands hurt? will i have to deal with this terrible pain for long?!
For me, the pain got better but never really went away, so as long as I had bands my teeth were always sore. However, I had braces as an adult so my teeth were harder to move.
When my cousin got them she just got used to them after a while.
They will probably hurt for a couple of days. Take aspirin or tylenol.
I totally understand your pain! I've had braces for the past two years now and have had to use rubber bands for about a year and a half. I know they are very painful at first but wear them consistently even though it may be tempting to take them off at times. The more you wear them the quicker you get used to them, within about 3 to 4 days the pain should subside for the most part. I cried numerous times because of my braces but after two years and 3 months they are finally coming off in 3 days! It is worth all the pain and suffering you go through, trust me. I have also had a power chain before as well they are painful too but within a few days your teeth will feel a lot better. If you take any pain relievers try Ibuprofen it should help ease the pain, you can even try oragel on your gums, you may have to reapply often but it might give you some comfort. Good luck and I wish you the best! If you need anymore advice about braces, I've got plenty!
I'm so sorry! I had braces for 5 years and I probably had rubber bands for 24 of those 60 months. You can expect it to hurt SOME for at least the next week...but the cryingly painful part, the part where you cringe every time you take them off or put the back on, will only last 3 days, tops. But DO wear them...if you don't they'll just give them to you again next month and you'll go through it all over again. Plus the more you wear them, the sooner you can get out of braces and show your straight teeth! I totally know how you feel...braces can be more painful than a filling (I take my fillings without pain meds thanks to braces!). But you'll make it. Just 3 more days and you won't want to cry anymore, as long as you wear them all the time.
It really depends on how far-off your bite is/how crooked your lower teeth are. The pain could just be an over-night thing or it could last up to about 3 days.. I'd count on 3 days, and just try your best not to focus on it. I know it's really difficult. One good tip is not to mess with them. The more you play around with your teeth/take out rubber bands and put them back in/etc, the more sensitive they get.. and thus they hurt more intensely and longer.
I got the powerwire thing and rubberbands too...it does hurt at first, but it goes away after a week or two. For now, you'll just have to eat soft foods and bear it.Also, if it realllllly hurts, you may have 2 connected rubberbands. I did that once, it hurt like crazy.
Eugh. Tell me about it! I just got rubber bands today and I'm in extreme pain. I also have a power chain all across the top row. I took tylenol earlier but it hasn't kicked in yet. So I'm still in pain.Perhaps taking motrin will help. I don't know what else to say. Just know that you're not the only one crying right now. I've been taking like four minute breaks with them.So good luck! I guess becoming beautiful has it's setbacks, eh?
For me, the pain got better but never really went away, so as long as I had bands my teeth were always sore. However, I had braces as an adult so my teeth were harder to move.
When my cousin got them she just got used to them after a while.
They will probably hurt for a couple of days. Take aspirin or tylenol.
I totally understand your pain! I've had braces for the past two years now and have had to use rubber bands for about a year and a half. I know they are very painful at first but wear them consistently even though it may be tempting to take them off at times. The more you wear them the quicker you get used to them, within about 3 to 4 days the pain should subside for the most part. I cried numerous times because of my braces but after two years and 3 months they are finally coming off in 3 days! It is worth all the pain and suffering you go through, trust me. I have also had a power chain before as well they are painful too but within a few days your teeth will feel a lot better. If you take any pain relievers try Ibuprofen it should help ease the pain, you can even try oragel on your gums, you may have to reapply often but it might give you some comfort. Good luck and I wish you the best! If you need anymore advice about braces, I've got plenty!
I'm so sorry! I had braces for 5 years and I probably had rubber bands for 24 of those 60 months. You can expect it to hurt SOME for at least the next week...but the cryingly painful part, the part where you cringe every time you take them off or put the back on, will only last 3 days, tops. But DO wear them...if you don't they'll just give them to you again next month and you'll go through it all over again. Plus the more you wear them, the sooner you can get out of braces and show your straight teeth! I totally know how you feel...braces can be more painful than a filling (I take my fillings without pain meds thanks to braces!). But you'll make it. Just 3 more days and you won't want to cry anymore, as long as you wear them all the time.
It really depends on how far-off your bite is/how crooked your lower teeth are. The pain could just be an over-night thing or it could last up to about 3 days.. I'd count on 3 days, and just try your best not to focus on it. I know it's really difficult. One good tip is not to mess with them. The more you play around with your teeth/take out rubber bands and put them back in/etc, the more sensitive they get.. and thus they hurt more intensely and longer.
I got the powerwire thing and rubberbands too...it does hurt at first, but it goes away after a week or two. For now, you'll just have to eat soft foods and bear it.Also, if it realllllly hurts, you may have 2 connected rubberbands. I did that once, it hurt like crazy.
Eugh. Tell me about it! I just got rubber bands today and I'm in extreme pain. I also have a power chain all across the top row. I took tylenol earlier but it hasn't kicked in yet. So I'm still in pain.Perhaps taking motrin will help. I don't know what else to say. Just know that you're not the only one crying right now. I've been taking like four minute breaks with them.So good luck! I guess becoming beautiful has it's setbacks, eh?
i hate my life bcuz of me having to put invisable retainers
every day and i dont rrghh
Hey pain now, beautiful teeth after... And keep up with your dental care so you don't ever have to go through this ever again. Don't worry buddy it will pass.
well that sucks
hey don't be like that. once that's over, trust me- you'll be a star.
I geus,i have best doc. for you.
every day and i dont rrghh
Hey pain now, beautiful teeth after... And keep up with your dental care so you don't ever have to go through this ever again. Don't worry buddy it will pass.
well that sucks
hey don't be like that. once that's over, trust me- you'll be a star.
I geus,i have best doc. for you.
Trumpet and Braces.HELP!!!?
Ok, so I just got my braces 2 days ago. I've been playing trumpet for over 5 years, and I'm one of the top 35 musicians in the state, so I'm not just a beginner. I know it might be too soon to know for sure, but the first day, I managed to get a weak and airy C major scale out. It gets less and less airy everyday, but I'm wondering if that will hold up. Will I get better? Will I be able to play like how I used to? Should I use the wax, although it's not painful when I play, but who knows, this is only my 3rd day. What exercises should I do? ANY ADVISE WHATSOEVER?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!...
i think you will be ok after some practice with the braces and tooting yer horn. just like anything you need to get used to it! congrats on your talent and your soon to be beautiful toofers!
there is like this plastic thing you place on your braces so it doesnt cut your lips up and it helps a lot and you might be able to get more air when you play
Everything from eating, kissing, and playing the trumpet will get better as you get used to the braces. After a while they will feel like a part of you and you notice them much until you get something stuck in them. Just give them time.
I had to go thru braces twice, and had them for 7 years!! I played the flute, and for the first 2 weeks, I could barly play at all. I noticed when my lips got used to being stuck out over my braces, I started to play as usual. Your lips are not where they usually are, so its wierd. Hope this helps.
You'll be fine. I have had many students go through this in junior high/high school. It's just a matter of time. You will get used to the braces being on. Just keep practicing. If your mouth does start to hurt, be sure and use the wax for a while. After a couple of weeks you should be close to normal again. The braces may change your tone a slight bit, but nothing that can't be fixed with a little extra work. Things will get better! Good luck to you in the future. Playing an instrument takes a lot of discipline. It will help you in the future, I promise. Not only musically, but in your daily life as well.I know it's helped me. Kept me out of a lot of trouble in high school and college!!
i think you will be ok after some practice with the braces and tooting yer horn. just like anything you need to get used to it! congrats on your talent and your soon to be beautiful toofers!
there is like this plastic thing you place on your braces so it doesnt cut your lips up and it helps a lot and you might be able to get more air when you play
Everything from eating, kissing, and playing the trumpet will get better as you get used to the braces. After a while they will feel like a part of you and you notice them much until you get something stuck in them. Just give them time.
I had to go thru braces twice, and had them for 7 years!! I played the flute, and for the first 2 weeks, I could barly play at all. I noticed when my lips got used to being stuck out over my braces, I started to play as usual. Your lips are not where they usually are, so its wierd. Hope this helps.
You'll be fine. I have had many students go through this in junior high/high school. It's just a matter of time. You will get used to the braces being on. Just keep practicing. If your mouth does start to hurt, be sure and use the wax for a while. After a couple of weeks you should be close to normal again. The braces may change your tone a slight bit, but nothing that can't be fixed with a little extra work. Things will get better! Good luck to you in the future. Playing an instrument takes a lot of discipline. It will help you in the future, I promise. Not only musically, but in your daily life as well.I know it's helped me. Kept me out of a lot of trouble in high school and college!!
Triangle braces.?
What are they suppose to do... they have elastics/rubber band in a triangle shape on both sides of my mouth. are they suppose to straighten...or something.
there suppose to correct your bite.( the way your teeth line up when biting down or something)
It helps with your over bite.
nanananananana HEY! nanananananana HEY!
They're supposed to help with your overbite %26 correct your jaw placement. That's what my orthodontist told me.
there suppose to correct your bite.( the way your teeth line up when biting down or something)
It helps with your over bite.
nanananananana HEY! nanananananana HEY!
They're supposed to help with your overbite %26 correct your jaw placement. That's what my orthodontist told me.
Tounge piercing?
i have a tounge piercing which is about a year old now i still clean it twice daily, but here recently it seems to be sore, almost like i bruised it. i did accidently bite on the bar and i was just wondering if this is normal or possible, it doesnt look bruised or infected! just looking for some experience or thoughts please! thanx!
Did you maybe rip it a little? I have my belly pierced (totally different, i know) and it was really sore like that, but i couldn't see a thing and it didn't even look like it had been ripped. So i showed it to the piercer and he looked at it and said i had ripped it just a tiny bit, enough to make it sore, but not enough to be noticed.
You ought to go see a doctor about that.
You don't need to see a doctor. You probably just knocked it around a little. Give it a while to heal; as long as you're still taking care of it there's nothing to worry about.
I wouldn't listen to most people's advice on this site about piercing because most people don't know anything about taking care of piercings. If you really have a problem in the future, you can always call your piercer.
Good luck! :-)
i Had mine peirced for about 2yrs, and it is normal to have sorness, if you happen to play with the ring, or anything of that sort, it isnt infected till you see white puss coming out of the hole, but clean it like you do, and just be carefull till the soreness gose away
its possable you brused it dont forget your tounge is a muscle and it can be brused if its not better in a few days you might want to see a Doctor or better yet call a shop who dose piercings they would know
change your BJ technique
Take it out for a while, and do some salt rinses. this happened to a friend of mine, and too make a long story short, and having one of the worst infections.she could not wear it ever again...and her tongue is disgusting without it. She says she should have never done it, biggest mistake of her life. But they are cool. if you do not want to see a doctor.do try taking it out, and rinsing, ikt certainly won't hurt. Hope it gets better.
when mine is sore i take it out for a bit.a day or so and that usually helps....may be you have something stuck in the hole that you can't see. if it keeps hurting then i would go to the doctor..but remember they will give you a lecture doctors don't usually like tounge piercing's.
I think a tongue piercing has to be one of the filthiest things a person can do. Search the net for the different bacterias in your mouth. The human mouth if horribly dirty! Really! If you tear the tissue only slightly with the bar in your tongue say like when you are asleep and you accidentally move it around just think of all that bacteria that is getting into you blood stream! And believe me, there is no way to keep the bacteria cleaned from your mouth as you say you have been cleaning it. If you don't believe me ask your doctor. Ewww you will be grossed out. Remove it and be done with it.
Did you maybe rip it a little? I have my belly pierced (totally different, i know) and it was really sore like that, but i couldn't see a thing and it didn't even look like it had been ripped. So i showed it to the piercer and he looked at it and said i had ripped it just a tiny bit, enough to make it sore, but not enough to be noticed.
You ought to go see a doctor about that.
You don't need to see a doctor. You probably just knocked it around a little. Give it a while to heal; as long as you're still taking care of it there's nothing to worry about.
I wouldn't listen to most people's advice on this site about piercing because most people don't know anything about taking care of piercings. If you really have a problem in the future, you can always call your piercer.
Good luck! :-)
i Had mine peirced for about 2yrs, and it is normal to have sorness, if you happen to play with the ring, or anything of that sort, it isnt infected till you see white puss coming out of the hole, but clean it like you do, and just be carefull till the soreness gose away
its possable you brused it dont forget your tounge is a muscle and it can be brused if its not better in a few days you might want to see a Doctor or better yet call a shop who dose piercings they would know
change your BJ technique
Take it out for a while, and do some salt rinses. this happened to a friend of mine, and too make a long story short, and having one of the worst infections.she could not wear it ever again...and her tongue is disgusting without it. She says she should have never done it, biggest mistake of her life. But they are cool. if you do not want to see a doctor.do try taking it out, and rinsing, ikt certainly won't hurt. Hope it gets better.
when mine is sore i take it out for a bit.a day or so and that usually helps....may be you have something stuck in the hole that you can't see. if it keeps hurting then i would go to the doctor..but remember they will give you a lecture doctors don't usually like tounge piercing's.
I think a tongue piercing has to be one of the filthiest things a person can do. Search the net for the different bacterias in your mouth. The human mouth if horribly dirty! Really! If you tear the tissue only slightly with the bar in your tongue say like when you are asleep and you accidentally move it around just think of all that bacteria that is getting into you blood stream! And believe me, there is no way to keep the bacteria cleaned from your mouth as you say you have been cleaning it. If you don't believe me ask your doctor. Ewww you will be grossed out. Remove it and be done with it.
Tora what is making them grow large and they hurt?
i have these things called tora in my mouth, like the bone keeps growing. yrs ago i had to have alot of bone cut out of my mouth. why do they keep growing back?
The are actually called Torus or the plural Tori.
Go to this site;http://www.dentalfind.com/glossary/torus...I thought they covered it quite well.
Nothing makes TORI grow... but they are easy to removeYou need to see an oral %26 maxillofacial surgeon (and one which is medically qualified)I found this web site for you to look athttp://www.oceansurgical.com.au/benignja...Good luck!Paul James
The are actually called Torus or the plural Tori.
Go to this site;http://www.dentalfind.com/glossary/torus...I thought they covered it quite well.
Nothing makes TORI grow... but they are easy to removeYou need to see an oral %26 maxillofacial surgeon (and one which is medically qualified)I found this web site for you to look athttp://www.oceansurgical.com.au/benignja...Good luck!Paul James
Top and Bottom Teeth Expanders ?
well I just got braces and I got top and bottom expanders, I have a serious lisp that I can not stand! I don't know if it will go away! and I keep getting food stuck in the top one and the bottom one is cutting up my tung! I need some serious help! I going through total hell!
Hi there!
Talk to your orthodontist about things..maybe adjustments can be made.
I'm 45 and I can't remember what expanders are but let me tell you my story.
I had buck teeth w/a big gap. I had eye teeth that grew in higher than my other teeth and looked like fangs. My lower teeth were not neat either.
I was made to go to a speech therapist for a lisp that I explained was due to crooked teeth.
Thanks to braces and some tooth extractions, I have nice neat teeth and no more lisp. :) It wasn't easy, but it was worth it.. good luck!
Hi there!
Talk to your orthodontist about things..maybe adjustments can be made.
I'm 45 and I can't remember what expanders are but let me tell you my story.
I had buck teeth w/a big gap. I had eye teeth that grew in higher than my other teeth and looked like fangs. My lower teeth were not neat either.
I was made to go to a speech therapist for a lisp that I explained was due to crooked teeth.
Thanks to braces and some tooth extractions, I have nice neat teeth and no more lisp. :) It wasn't easy, but it was worth it.. good luck!
whats your favorite toothpaste brand and why?
i like this vanilla flavored kind from crest because it doesn't have a really strong taste and keeps my teeth clean.
Crest Vivid White becuz it keeps my teeth white and refreshed... idk
Colgate and Colgate Total because they are the only ones that are ADA approved. ADA=American Dental Association.
i like this vanilla flavored kind from crest because it doesn't have a really strong taste and keeps my teeth clean.
Crest Vivid White becuz it keeps my teeth white and refreshed... idk
Colgate and Colgate Total because they are the only ones that are ADA approved. ADA=American Dental Association.
Toothpaste recall help?
I heard that there was a toothpaste recall i have Crest minty fresh liquid gel with scope. Is that on the recall list?
Go to the FDA's website here. http://www.fda.gov/bbs/topics/news/2007/...
All I know is it it says made in china.
i dont know but you could look it up !
Manufacturer: Goldcredit International Enterprises LTD Products: (MainStar America, Selective Imports, Donnamax) Dr. Cool Coolmint
Superdent Coolmint
Cooldent Coolmint
Cooldent Spearmint
Cooldent Fluoride
Everfresh Assortment
Dentakleen Junior Brand - Strawberry
Dentakleen Junior Brand - BlueberryManufacturer: Gold Credit International Trading Co LTD Products:Bright Max Peppermint Flavor
Clean Rite Toothpaste
Clean Rite Toothpaste Kit
Oralmax Extreme Action Kit
Oral Bright Fresh Spearmint Flavor
DentaKleen Junior
Manufacturer: Suzhou City Jinmao Daily Chemicals Co. Ltd.
Product: (Gold City Enterprises/New Star, Miami, FL) ShiR Fresh Mint Fluoride Paste
ShiRFresh Toothpaste
ShiRFresh Mint
ShiRFresh Ice Mint
Manufacturer Shanghai Light Industrial Products:
Freshh Spearmint (Following up with Mandalay International, Ogden, UT)MFR Unknown:
Crescent Toothpaste (Dollar Ocean #4, Wheaton, MD and H%26Y Trading Co, Capitol Heights, MD)
Naturabella nino Dusanzo (Certejenas Inc., Cidra, PR)
------------------------------...FDA has identified the following counterfeit products: Manufacturer: Unknown counterfeit toothpaste falsely packaged as "Colgate," manufactured in South Africa
counterfeit tooth gel falsely packaged as "Colgate," manufactured in South Africa (may not contain DEG)
no crest wasn't on the list
Crest is not on the list. Shir Fresh is. There is also counterfeit Colgate being sold. You can sign up at the FDA site for emails concerning recalls. I strongly recommend this to many people. Many recalls are NOT announced in the media. This way you can stay informaed without depending on other people for the information.
No crest is not on the list. These are off brands that you buy at discount stores and some of the really cheap brands.
http://www.oramd.com/toothpaste/1-badbre... will solve it for you.
Go to the FDA's website here. http://www.fda.gov/bbs/topics/news/2007/...
All I know is it it says made in china.
i dont know but you could look it up !
Manufacturer: Goldcredit International Enterprises LTD Products: (MainStar America, Selective Imports, Donnamax) Dr. Cool Coolmint
Superdent Coolmint
Cooldent Coolmint
Cooldent Spearmint
Cooldent Fluoride
Everfresh Assortment
Dentakleen Junior Brand - Strawberry
Dentakleen Junior Brand - BlueberryManufacturer: Gold Credit International Trading Co LTD Products:Bright Max Peppermint Flavor
Clean Rite Toothpaste
Clean Rite Toothpaste Kit
Oralmax Extreme Action Kit
Oral Bright Fresh Spearmint Flavor
DentaKleen Junior
Manufacturer: Suzhou City Jinmao Daily Chemicals Co. Ltd.
Product: (Gold City Enterprises/New Star, Miami, FL) ShiR Fresh Mint Fluoride Paste
ShiRFresh Toothpaste
ShiRFresh Mint
ShiRFresh Ice Mint
Manufacturer Shanghai Light Industrial Products:
Freshh Spearmint (Following up with Mandalay International, Ogden, UT)MFR Unknown:
Crescent Toothpaste (Dollar Ocean #4, Wheaton, MD and H%26Y Trading Co, Capitol Heights, MD)
Naturabella nino Dusanzo (Certejenas Inc., Cidra, PR)
------------------------------...FDA has identified the following counterfeit products: Manufacturer: Unknown counterfeit toothpaste falsely packaged as "Colgate," manufactured in South Africa
counterfeit tooth gel falsely packaged as "Colgate," manufactured in South Africa (may not contain DEG)
no crest wasn't on the list
Crest is not on the list. Shir Fresh is. There is also counterfeit Colgate being sold. You can sign up at the FDA site for emails concerning recalls. I strongly recommend this to many people. Many recalls are NOT announced in the media. This way you can stay informaed without depending on other people for the information.
No crest is not on the list. These are off brands that you buy at discount stores and some of the really cheap brands.
http://www.oramd.com/toothpaste/1-badbre... will solve it for you.
ToothPaste Question?
On the news, (i live in Oklahoma) the said that some of the ToothPaste that was made in China and in other area had "pestisides" in it. Did anyone else hear about this? I checked mine and it come from the USA. Please share any info about this situation.Thanks
It has been on TV,local news(radio and TV) and 60 minutes did a piece on this problem.
Colgate is the brand that is fraudulent and faulty!
No where does it say made in the USA or endorsed by the American Dental Society/Association.
All where purchased in cheap discount stores (for the present time) such as "family dollar, dollar stores".
An ongoing problem,recalled and to be destroyed. Not the first nor do they expect it to be the last time it happens.
* Remember the scare w/pet foods, snacks,now this!Check your local TV web sites under health or recalls ; news should be there to read.It will teach us the hard way, cheap isn't always the choice nor should we forget to read the labels.
June 1, 2007 FDA Advises Consumers to Avoid Toothpaste From China FDA Detains One Contaminated Shipment, Issues Import AlertThe U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today warned consumers to avoid using tubes of toothpaste labeled as made in China, and issued an import alert to prevent toothpaste containing the poisonous chemical diethylene glycol (DEG) from entering the United States. DEG is used in antifreeze and as a solvent. Consumers should examine toothpaste products for labeling that says the product is made in China. Out of an abundance of caution, FDA suggests that consumers throw away toothpaste with that labeling. FDA is concerned that these products may contain "diethylene glycol," also known as "diglycol." FDA is not aware of any U.S. reports of poisonings from toothpaste containing DEG. However, the agency is concerned about potential risks from chronic exposure to DEG and exposure to DEG in certain populations, such as children and individuals with kidney or liver disease. DEG in toothpaste has a low but meaningful risk of toxicity and injury to these populations. Toothpaste is not intended to be swallowed, but FDA is concerned about unintentional swallowing or ingestion of toothpaste containing DEG. FDA has identified the following brands of toothpaste from China that contain DEG and are included in the import alert: Cooldent Fluoride; Cooldent Spearmint; Cooldent ICE; Dr. Cool, Everfresh Toothpaste; Superdent Toothpaste; Clean Rite Toothpaste; Oralmax Extreme; Oral Bright Fresh Spearmint Flavor; Bright Max Peppermint Flavor; ShiR Fresh Mint Fluoride Paste; DentaPro; DentaKleen; and DentaKleen Junior. Manufacturers of these products are: Goldcredit International Enterprises Limited; Goldcredit International Trading Company Limited; and Suzhou City Jinmao Daily Chemicals Company Limited. The products typically are sold at low-cost, “bargain” retail outlets.
There was a news segment that said don't buy toothpaste at dollar stores because it might have come from China and other countries that don't have our standards. They said if your toothpaste is from the US or Canada then it's ok.
i think other toothpaste contains harmful ingredients that can impair health. if you want to have a an oral care product that you can make as daily oral routine that is safe and effective in cleaning the mouth, teeth and gums consider this link http://www.maximumteethwhitening.com...
It has been on TV,local news(radio and TV) and 60 minutes did a piece on this problem.
Colgate is the brand that is fraudulent and faulty!
No where does it say made in the USA or endorsed by the American Dental Society/Association.
All where purchased in cheap discount stores (for the present time) such as "family dollar, dollar stores".
An ongoing problem,recalled and to be destroyed. Not the first nor do they expect it to be the last time it happens.
* Remember the scare w/pet foods, snacks,now this!Check your local TV web sites under health or recalls ; news should be there to read.It will teach us the hard way, cheap isn't always the choice nor should we forget to read the labels.
June 1, 2007 FDA Advises Consumers to Avoid Toothpaste From China FDA Detains One Contaminated Shipment, Issues Import AlertThe U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today warned consumers to avoid using tubes of toothpaste labeled as made in China, and issued an import alert to prevent toothpaste containing the poisonous chemical diethylene glycol (DEG) from entering the United States. DEG is used in antifreeze and as a solvent. Consumers should examine toothpaste products for labeling that says the product is made in China. Out of an abundance of caution, FDA suggests that consumers throw away toothpaste with that labeling. FDA is concerned that these products may contain "diethylene glycol," also known as "diglycol." FDA is not aware of any U.S. reports of poisonings from toothpaste containing DEG. However, the agency is concerned about potential risks from chronic exposure to DEG and exposure to DEG in certain populations, such as children and individuals with kidney or liver disease. DEG in toothpaste has a low but meaningful risk of toxicity and injury to these populations. Toothpaste is not intended to be swallowed, but FDA is concerned about unintentional swallowing or ingestion of toothpaste containing DEG. FDA has identified the following brands of toothpaste from China that contain DEG and are included in the import alert: Cooldent Fluoride; Cooldent Spearmint; Cooldent ICE; Dr. Cool, Everfresh Toothpaste; Superdent Toothpaste; Clean Rite Toothpaste; Oralmax Extreme; Oral Bright Fresh Spearmint Flavor; Bright Max Peppermint Flavor; ShiR Fresh Mint Fluoride Paste; DentaPro; DentaKleen; and DentaKleen Junior. Manufacturers of these products are: Goldcredit International Enterprises Limited; Goldcredit International Trading Company Limited; and Suzhou City Jinmao Daily Chemicals Company Limited. The products typically are sold at low-cost, “bargain” retail outlets.
There was a news segment that said don't buy toothpaste at dollar stores because it might have come from China and other countries that don't have our standards. They said if your toothpaste is from the US or Canada then it's ok.
i think other toothpaste contains harmful ingredients that can impair health. if you want to have a an oral care product that you can make as daily oral routine that is safe and effective in cleaning the mouth, teeth and gums consider this link http://www.maximumteethwhitening.com...
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