Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What can I do to get rid of the bad smell from my mouth?

Sometimes I spit blood
ok brush your teeth 2 or 3 times a day up to you and straight after brushing brush your tounge if you carry on doing this you will not spit blood.
are you a smoker? you really should get that checked out!! spitting blood is not good
I would have said mouth wash/gum/breath mints. but if your spitting up blood you should see your regular dr. first and then try those other things and if that doesnt work check with your dentist. sometimes spitting up blood can be serious
Could be a problem with your gums, get them checked by a dentist. From http://www.drcaird.com/gums.html...
Could be anything but, sounds like you may have poor dental care resulting in gum disease, because of the bleeding. Other reasons for the smell come from not brushing and flossing routinely, a stomach problem, cavities, etc. Better get to a dentist.
Use regularly mouth gargle products. You may consult your dentist for a better brand or you may ask also your dentist about your problem. You may have internal body problem that cause bad smell from your mouth and may be also with your blood spitting.
When u brush make sure to brush your tongue and roof of mouth. Also brush cheeks and inside lips. Brush and then brush again. Use listerine also for sanitary reasons as it is an antiseptic.
You should try a waterpik, you can start with lower pressure and work your way up. It may hurt at first if your gums are already bleeding, but it will clean in your gums and make them tougher so they will quit bleeding.
And use a good mouth wash to get those bad breath germs.
And FYI if there is blood in your mouth anywhere, it will cause a very bad smell, when my husband had sinus surgery he still had blood at the back of his throat and spitting it out, his breath was awful during that time.

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