Tuesday, May 25, 2010
What color braces should i get?
Green...or purple... Rainbow!!
Black and white...
Green and white. Those are my favorite colors! If your looking for it to be discrete then go with white.
baby pink and baby blueor you can do red and blue for the 4th of july
Not yellow. Anything,but yellow. unless you like your teeth looking like s***.
What color Braces are cool 4 summer??
I have braces and i have no clue what color to get pleez help w/ many sugestions!! thanx
They come in colors now? Or do you mean the little elastics that keep the wire in? I always got clear...even when they had colors. They have purple? What about hot pink? That sounds fun for a girl in the summer.
yellow or pink or yellow%26pink, um green orange.. lime green
blues, greens, yellows, and oranges
any kinds of color in summer,you think you feel okey
teal blue, pink and orange
Bright colors.. (pink, lime green, orange, yellow etc..)
like a teal or light pinkREALLY CUTE!
{hot pink%26lime green}
{hot pink%26orange}
{baby pink%26baby blue}
I think colors that are cool for summer are orange and hot pink ( it is SO cool ) and like a dark lime green with pink, it is then watermelon colors (it looks spiffy too!) i am getting hot pink for summer because that is the color of my swim suit, so that is a great possibility, because during the summer you wear your swim suit most of the time and wouldn't you want your braces to match it! i think it is weird when braces dont match what you are wearing, if would be ugly having a orange swim suit and green braces!
They come in colors now? Or do you mean the little elastics that keep the wire in? I always got clear...even when they had colors. They have purple? What about hot pink? That sounds fun for a girl in the summer.
yellow or pink or yellow%26pink, um green orange.. lime green
blues, greens, yellows, and oranges
any kinds of color in summer,you think you feel okey
teal blue, pink and orange
Bright colors.. (pink, lime green, orange, yellow etc..)
like a teal or light pinkREALLY CUTE!
{hot pink%26lime green}
{hot pink%26orange}
{baby pink%26baby blue}
I think colors that are cool for summer are orange and hot pink ( it is SO cool ) and like a dark lime green with pink, it is then watermelon colors (it looks spiffy too!) i am getting hot pink for summer because that is the color of my swim suit, so that is a great possibility, because during the summer you wear your swim suit most of the time and wouldn't you want your braces to match it! i think it is weird when braces dont match what you are wearing, if would be ugly having a orange swim suit and green braces!
What Color Braces do u think i should get!??
plz tell me by next week
i think u should get wat color suit u best!! but never ever get clear cuz it will get kinda nasty ....when u can c all the junk!!
get your favorite color !
unless you just really want to show them off, get clear braces.
you should geydslfknsd;ofkngarsn;ofih.
GREEN, nothin better than green teeth especilly round Hallowen
clear or your favorite color:)
Get any color except yellow. Never choose yellow.
i have blue and silver ones on now and they are hott! LOL!
I always got silver to blend with the metallic braces. I don't like colors in my mouth like that.Don't get clear, I hear, though. It will turn an icky color because of food and such.Oh, yeah, and please don't get red! They always make me think that the wearer's teeth are bleeding. You teeth will be sore, so wearing red might have a negative effect on your mind lol.
silver and gold this time . next time get them to match your cell phone.
you could also get colors to match the holidays. i did that when i had my braces. i thought is was fun going to have my colors changed. [i think i might miss having braces]lorl[laughing out really loud]
i think u should get wat color suit u best!! but never ever get clear cuz it will get kinda nasty ....when u can c all the junk!!
get your favorite color !
unless you just really want to show them off, get clear braces.
you should geydslfknsd;ofkngarsn;ofih.
GREEN, nothin better than green teeth especilly round Hallowen
clear or your favorite color:)
Get any color except yellow. Never choose yellow.
i have blue and silver ones on now and they are hott! LOL!
I always got silver to blend with the metallic braces. I don't like colors in my mouth like that.Don't get clear, I hear, though. It will turn an icky color because of food and such.Oh, yeah, and please don't get red! They always make me think that the wearer's teeth are bleeding. You teeth will be sore, so wearing red might have a negative effect on your mind lol.
silver and gold this time . next time get them to match your cell phone.
you could also get colors to match the holidays. i did that when i had my braces. i thought is was fun going to have my colors changed. [i think i might miss having braces]lorl[laughing out really loud]
What colers should i get for my braces?
I get my colers changed today and I want good colers for vacation as of now i have green and pink on and dont want them again.
What is your favorite color? What color do u wear the most? Pick 1 of the 2, how can u go wrong?
go with purple.
i find hot pink and orange really pretty. also, purple seems to look cute. most girls get pink and green.
What is your favorite color? What color do u wear the most? Pick 1 of the 2, how can u go wrong?
go with purple.
i find hot pink and orange really pretty. also, purple seems to look cute. most girls get pink and green.
What causes bone loss in your teeth? how do i prevent it to happen??
The bacteria in your plaque eats away at your teeth and bone. So brush and floss every day. Many people choose not to floss, but the plaque gets pushed down under the gumline and eats away at your bone. It is important to FLOSS to remove the plaque before it hardens and can only be removed by a dentist or hygienist. It would be a good idea to book an appointment for a cleaning. They will instruct you on a cleaning routine to maintain your newly cleaned mouth.
Lack of calcium and vitamin D.
I would say not having enough vitamins and calcium especially. A well balanced and healthy diet is mandatory.
Everything in us is constantly being remade by what we eat.
If we do not eat well, our body has no resources to build with.You need to use an anti-bacterial mouthwash to kill of the bacteria. By killing the germs it will definitely discourage the accumulation of the plaque and junk on your teeth.
Germs that live below the gums give off chemicals that cause the bone to deteriorate around the teeth. Flossing once a day and brushing 2 x a day helps remove these germs and get rid of inflammation. Also have a habit of teeth grinding and clenching can speed up the process. Regular check ups with your dentist and cleanings can help keep the germ levels down and they can monitor whether or not you grind your teeth.
Actually, a multitude of reasons, but mainly not brushing well around the gums, then the gums recede and the bone around the tooth releases. The gums continue to shrink back the bone continues to withdraw so it is a vicious cycle. Brush your gums and teeth, eat a healthy diet, not many sweets which cause bacteria to grow,. Remember teeth were meant to last a lifetime.
bone loss can be due deficiency of vitamin C and D,prolonged gingivitis or periodontitis or abscess ,trauma , deep cavity , excessive pressure from orthodontic appliances, osseous dieseases like osteoporosis , debilated conditions like diabetes , advanced age
bone loss can be prevented by takin vitamin C and D ,get treatment for gingivitis or periodontitis or abscess ,avoid trauma ,get deep cavities restored early,if suffering from osseous dieseases than get there treatment done,proper orthodontic care
What causes bad breath and how can you get rid of it?
80% of bad breath comes from bacterias on your tongue, roof of your mouth and internal cheeks and gums. most people think it's just a tounge problem.
what i would reccomend is a mouth rinse prior to brushing, brush for at least two min, then brush the inside of your cheeks, the roof of your mouth and of course, your tounge. rinse well, floss followed by a mouth wash.
they do make separate cleaners for your cheeks and tounge, over the counter, and of course both mouth washes/rinses.
also, talk to your dentist on your bi-yearly visits if more help is needed. good luck.
mouth wash
bacteria in the mouth get a good dental routine
bacteria on the tongue can cause bad breath, the tongue should periodically be cleaned using a toothbrush lightly.
bacteria use mouthwash brush teeth and tongue and floss twice daily
Most of the time it is your toung. Or it could be a bad tooth. Lots of time I notice people who don't eat have bad breath.
Bad breath can be caused by a number of things, like smoking, eating, etc. Other bad breath is caused by the bacteria in your mouth.
Remedy: Brush teeth and tongue after meals, and first thing in the morning, use Listerine as directed, keep breath mints or breath spray with you for the in-between moments.
Sugar and food. Brush, floss and chew sugar-free gum. You may have a gum disease or rotting tooth so you may have to visit the dentist.
hahahah you havent got bad breath hen cos i sit beside you at work every day
Certain foods, such as garlic and onions
Particles of food remain in the mouth
Dry mouth (xerostomia)
Tobacco products
May be it is the sign of a medical disorder, such as a local infection in the respiratory tract, chronic sinusitis, postnasal drip, chronic bronchitis, diabetes, gastrointestinal disturbance, liver or kidney ailment.
Brush your teeth after you eat
Floss at least once a day
Brush your tongue
Drink plenty of water
Use a fairly new toothbrush.
Schedule regular dental checkupsThis links will tell you more details
GET A TONGUE SCRAPER (dont brush your tongue until you scrape it and not with your toothbrush!) Mouthwash dries your mouth out which makes it a breeding ground for bacteria. You will be amazed at what comes off of your tongue. try it. Seriously. and floss too!
Bad breath is caused often because you haven't brushed and flossed well .If you don't keep teeth and gums free of the bacterial buildup, they'll start to cause odor as the bacteria rot leftover food particles in your mouth. A few seeds of cardamom chewed for a brief while will clear your mouth of bad breath. Chew parsley leaves,which are sure to keep your breath fresh. More useful remedies at http://useinfo5.blogspot.com/
What can you do for a tooth ache?
As a dentist myself I always recommend Motrin (Ibuprofen), this is the best Over The Counter pain reliever as it will not only help with pain but will also help with inflammation. I usually recommend that my patients take between 600-800mg for ages over 18. Also try an ice pack, this will help numb the area affected and help with inflammation as well. An oral anesthetic like Orajel will also help numb the area. If the pain becomes severe you may want to consider calling your dentists emergency number for advice or to have him/her call you in a narcotic pain medication. Good luck and feel better soon
Aside from taking Ibuprofen or another pain relieving OTC medication, it depends on the severity of the pain. If it is really severe, you need immediate attention from a private dentist or the hospital. I have found that using lavender oil on the cheek in the area of the pain is really helpful as well. Avoid eating or drinking anything cold or hot as this will make the nerves, which are already sensitive, even more irritated and painful. The main thing is to get immediate help from a professional, even if you detest dentists. Hope you feel better soon.
i generally put a clove in my mouth and takes a pane killer medicine try this buddy may it will hely you
Anbesol or Orajel is what I use. Personally, Anbesol works better. They just numb the area and can be used to sores too, not just toothaches. It shouldn't run you more than $7 at the store, wherever you buy it. Sometimes Advil or Tylenol just doesn't cut it, but if the pain does not subside after about a week, make an appointment with your dentist and have him/her check it out. It is imperitive that you keep up with dental health because certain dental problems are linked to heart disease.
first, i say brush your teeth...dats wat i did first.
if dat dont work, bite on a clove where your tooth pain is comin from...i did dat, its nasty but works.
But if all else fails, go to da dentist.
u may need a root canal or a cleanin because sadly, dats how its turning out for me...
Hi there,
Yes, I, too know the miseries of toothache and it does seem that drastic action is the only way to get rid of the darned thing. It really is painful and it wrecks so much that, even as a guy of fifty one years, I could cry and wriggle around on the floor in fits of shear agony!! A coward? Most definitely. I hate dental surgeons for the simple reason that, even in the twenty first century, we still have to be subjected to treatments that are as traumatic as the toothache itself and you have to part with mucho currencio while feeling that you could pass out on the very spot. My philosophy is, cluck like a chicken,like me, and take good old paracetamol and a hot water bottle covered with a handtowel held over the offending cheek. Good luck and happy screaming!!!
Go to the dentist as soon as possible if you don't it will get even worse...swollen and then the doctor won't be able to do anything with it.But for now the best pain reliever is BC Powder...works really really fast!
What can my friend do about this ?
Yesterday my friend was walking by himself to the store and he got into a fight and one dude punched his two front teeth out of his mouth and he dont have dental insurance. where can he go to get some replacable teeth for cheap or put in his mouth. thanks for the help and please give a star thank you.
maybe he can get some grillz, but that might cost some money. I say he should have made a report so this person could have gotten caught if it wasn't your friends fault. then this loser would have to pay for your friend's teeth and for any other damages.
This link might helphttp://groups.msn.com/arayofhope/yourweb...
get a lawer. He would be buying me a new grill!
call health care network at 634-2400. the can help he if he stay in Racine
Dear Dolar Tha Scholar:This is strange you ask this kind of question because sometimes people feel like fighting and do get into fist-fights. And sometimes it never resolves the problem because the person who loses thinks they can come back for revenge. I would strongly recommend to go seek HELP from a close professional dentist location and maybe also asking for counselling advise too. I would tell your friend to take up some karate,boxing,heavy weight lifting classes and more for self-defense and not to go looking for trouble. Also, troubled people can give you trouble and then their's an even bigger problem. Some-one has to win or lose in the fight to the end, just like dirty-politics. Just don't harm anyone in the process please. Sincerely,
maybe he can get some grillz, but that might cost some money. I say he should have made a report so this person could have gotten caught if it wasn't your friends fault. then this loser would have to pay for your friend's teeth and for any other damages.
This link might helphttp://groups.msn.com/arayofhope/yourweb...
get a lawer. He would be buying me a new grill!
call health care network at 634-2400. the can help he if he stay in Racine
Dear Dolar Tha Scholar:This is strange you ask this kind of question because sometimes people feel like fighting and do get into fist-fights. And sometimes it never resolves the problem because the person who loses thinks they can come back for revenge. I would strongly recommend to go seek HELP from a close professional dentist location and maybe also asking for counselling advise too. I would tell your friend to take up some karate,boxing,heavy weight lifting classes and more for self-defense and not to go looking for trouble. Also, troubled people can give you trouble and then their's an even bigger problem. Some-one has to win or lose in the fight to the end, just like dirty-politics. Just don't harm anyone in the process please. Sincerely,
What can I use, buy or make to replace a temporary dental crown for a front tooth?
There is nothing that you can do, buy or shelac onto your teeth that will do what a properly fitting, correctly shaped and normally colored temporary crown made by a dentist will do. All you can do is go see the dentist (preferably the one who did the crown prep) so he/she can replace the missing one.
Many drug stores carry temporary filling material...the sell it in case a filling falls out and can't be replaced for a few days.
Nothing, go to a dentist and get another temp put on, not worth playing around with, it will cost you in the long run.
What can I paint on my teeth to make whiter without looking like...well, I painted my teeth?
They arent nasty or anything but I want them a bit brighter -quickly
i dont think that you can paint your teeth,haha.
i think the best thing to use is NEW listerine whitening mouthwash,and use Crest Whitening Expressions toothpaste!
Umm, I wouldn't paint ANYTHING on my teeth, and I don't recommend anyone else do it, either. Seriously-- if you want brighter teeth, fast-- go by some white strips. I think you can get Crest Premium strips that'll whiten a bit quicker than the regular strips.
i dont think that you can paint your teeth,haha.
i think the best thing to use is NEW listerine whitening mouthwash,and use Crest Whitening Expressions toothpaste!
Umm, I wouldn't paint ANYTHING on my teeth, and I don't recommend anyone else do it, either. Seriously-- if you want brighter teeth, fast-- go by some white strips. I think you can get Crest Premium strips that'll whiten a bit quicker than the regular strips.
What can i eat with my train track braces ?
i am havin my train track brace on later but i dont kno if they will hurt but i aso dont kno wat to eat. What can i eat with them on ?
For the first few days, stick to soft foods, or at least foods that dont require much chewing.As the days go by, gradually re-introduce a normal diet. Chewing does increase blood flow to the gums.
i suppose it will be like normal braces... for the first couple of days you'll only be able to eat real soft stuff.. cos of the pain. like yoghurt, custard, noodles etc. After the pain dies down basically just stay away from chewy lollies, or real hard things, that could break them
With braces you are really suppose to avoid any food that is really hard or sticky. I have braces and am also a dental assistant and I eat everything I always did before I got braces. I chew gum, crunch ice, eat caramel, etc. I have had my braces for almost 2 years and have never had a bracket come off. If something would come off it is easily fixed. Be a little careful but don't deprive yourself of the good stuff.
For the first few days, stick to soft foods, or at least foods that dont require much chewing.As the days go by, gradually re-introduce a normal diet. Chewing does increase blood flow to the gums.
i suppose it will be like normal braces... for the first couple of days you'll only be able to eat real soft stuff.. cos of the pain. like yoghurt, custard, noodles etc. After the pain dies down basically just stay away from chewy lollies, or real hard things, that could break them
With braces you are really suppose to avoid any food that is really hard or sticky. I have braces and am also a dental assistant and I eat everything I always did before I got braces. I chew gum, crunch ice, eat caramel, etc. I have had my braces for almost 2 years and have never had a bracket come off. If something would come off it is easily fixed. Be a little careful but don't deprive yourself of the good stuff.
What can I eat with braces?
i just got my braces on today; i want to eat %26 drink --any good recipes for me?? my cheek is all torn up from the braces and i need help
hey, I feel your pain! I just got braces and top and bottom expanders. It really does hurt to eat at first but the easiest things for me are mashed potatoes, applesauce,soup, pudding, jello, smoothies, ice cream, Mac 'N cheese. After your teeth stop hurting then you can pretty much have what you want.you should probably use the wax if any thing is getting cut or torn up or have someone check it out.
well i have braces and i eat everything...who cares!!!
Try soup. It work for me :)
I have have all the things someone could think of in there mouth "no perverts" i mean with the dentist like i have had herps " hinges" and braces and all that stuff well i would suggest do NOT eat caramel because it makes you brackets lose and that sucks um, nothing sticky but gum is fine but like taffy and stuff no, eat anything you want but its like common sense when its like a snickers bar or something.
If you cheek is torn up from the braces put some of the dental wax on the braces that are bothering but go back tomorrow to get this checked out right away. You can eat whatever you are feeling up to eating. My son sticks with things like mashed taters, soft veggies, cereal, mac and cheese or scrambled eggs etc.
From what I remember of them.Get some wax and put on the braces.Soft food at first cause your probably in pain.Soft veg.,soup.Then when your ready solids.Stay away from gummy stuff,gum,hard candy,and probably candy.
Try mashed potatoes, yogurt, pudding, soups. Then ease into pasta and rice... Before you know it you'll be eating eveything. I had braces before.
there is nothing you can really eat for the first week except for soup
and then after a week and a half with them on you can eat mash potatoes
and then with in 2 weeks you should be able to eat about anything
i have been through this it is painful at first for a day or two, or after a tighten! Try some soup or applesauce or you can take Advil and have French fries or other soft foods! Watch out for gummy stuff that can break braces same with hard candy! For your gums, put on the wax that you should have gotten, if you didn't get it, talk to your orthodontist. good luck
The main plain with braces is nothing sticky or chewy no gum, Carmel or taffy. Try and cut things like carrot sticks, bagels and pizza crust into small Pieces. Do not bite into anything that may cause a bracket to come off. As far as your cheek being all torn up you should have been given wax from your orthodontist when your braces were put on. If you did not receive any wax than get some from your orthodontist or you may even get was at most drug stores but it is not as soft as the kind the orthodontist has. Best wishes %26 good luck to you!
You can eat whatever you want. I did, and nothing ever happened. Just chew sugar free gum instead of the kind with sugar. It's pretty hard to break them off your teeth, and even if you do it's no big deal.Go to the orthodontist and tell them that its ripping your cheek up there's probably a wire that's too long or something.
Anything that's not hard. Any drinks are okay. After one week, you'll be able to eat anything. Although, don't eat gum.
anything soft is eatableand do you have wax to put on your braces?? they help a lot by not tearing up your cheeks. ask you orthodantist
you can really eat anything u want to but u will have to brush after every meal. i have a very good recipe that is cold and might sooth you teeth if they hurt.
orange julies1/2 can frozen o.j. concentrate
1 cup milk
1 cup water
1/3 cup sugar
1 t spoon vanilla
8-10 ice cubesblend till smooth
hey, I feel your pain! I just got braces and top and bottom expanders. It really does hurt to eat at first but the easiest things for me are mashed potatoes, applesauce,soup, pudding, jello, smoothies, ice cream, Mac 'N cheese. After your teeth stop hurting then you can pretty much have what you want.you should probably use the wax if any thing is getting cut or torn up or have someone check it out.
well i have braces and i eat everything...who cares!!!
Try soup. It work for me :)
I have have all the things someone could think of in there mouth "no perverts" i mean with the dentist like i have had herps " hinges" and braces and all that stuff well i would suggest do NOT eat caramel because it makes you brackets lose and that sucks um, nothing sticky but gum is fine but like taffy and stuff no, eat anything you want but its like common sense when its like a snickers bar or something.
If you cheek is torn up from the braces put some of the dental wax on the braces that are bothering but go back tomorrow to get this checked out right away. You can eat whatever you are feeling up to eating. My son sticks with things like mashed taters, soft veggies, cereal, mac and cheese or scrambled eggs etc.
From what I remember of them.Get some wax and put on the braces.Soft food at first cause your probably in pain.Soft veg.,soup.Then when your ready solids.Stay away from gummy stuff,gum,hard candy,and probably candy.
Try mashed potatoes, yogurt, pudding, soups. Then ease into pasta and rice... Before you know it you'll be eating eveything. I had braces before.
there is nothing you can really eat for the first week except for soup
and then after a week and a half with them on you can eat mash potatoes
and then with in 2 weeks you should be able to eat about anything
i have been through this it is painful at first for a day or two, or after a tighten! Try some soup or applesauce or you can take Advil and have French fries or other soft foods! Watch out for gummy stuff that can break braces same with hard candy! For your gums, put on the wax that you should have gotten, if you didn't get it, talk to your orthodontist. good luck
The main plain with braces is nothing sticky or chewy no gum, Carmel or taffy. Try and cut things like carrot sticks, bagels and pizza crust into small Pieces. Do not bite into anything that may cause a bracket to come off. As far as your cheek being all torn up you should have been given wax from your orthodontist when your braces were put on. If you did not receive any wax than get some from your orthodontist or you may even get was at most drug stores but it is not as soft as the kind the orthodontist has. Best wishes %26 good luck to you!
You can eat whatever you want. I did, and nothing ever happened. Just chew sugar free gum instead of the kind with sugar. It's pretty hard to break them off your teeth, and even if you do it's no big deal.Go to the orthodontist and tell them that its ripping your cheek up there's probably a wire that's too long or something.
Anything that's not hard. Any drinks are okay. After one week, you'll be able to eat anything. Although, don't eat gum.
anything soft is eatableand do you have wax to put on your braces?? they help a lot by not tearing up your cheeks. ask you orthodantist
you can really eat anything u want to but u will have to brush after every meal. i have a very good recipe that is cold and might sooth you teeth if they hurt.
orange julies1/2 can frozen o.j. concentrate
1 cup milk
1 cup water
1/3 cup sugar
1 t spoon vanilla
8-10 ice cubesblend till smooth
What can i do?
my teeth are kinda yellow, i brush and brush and use listerine is there anything else i can do,,in pictures i never smile with my teeth i hate them!
Try talk to your dentist about the Blue-Light laser procedure. Basically you just sit for 1 hour and your teeth will be improved by 5 or more shades whiter!
white strips. they actually work but cost a little bit.
Add some baking soda to your toothpaste everytime you brush for a month.You'll look like a movie star
Buy crest white strips. You can brush and use mouthwash all you want but it won't remove the stains from your teeth, You need to use something like crest whitestrips or see your dentist for professional whitening.
ok...have you tried white strips..i did and i love mi teeth !! there not that much try them..and good luck!!
go to the dentist and have them bleached, or use the extra whitening tooth paste, and strips and stuff really works but you have to be consistent when using them/
If that is the color of your teeth, then you cant change it with bleach. But if the yellow is caused by stains, go to Walmart or some other store like it and buy an over the counter bleaching system. Brushing your teeth too hard will cause the enamel to break down and that will open your teeth to other problems.Otherwise, talk to a dentist for his/her opinion. Good luck.
I got a worse situation -my teeth are all white except my canine which is bright yellow XDMy mom is a dentist and has given this tooth considerable time and energy but not much can be changed. Sometimes, the yellow color is your natural tooth color. You can get your teeth whitened, which should make them more white (don't expect a Hollywood star smile tho) or if you are willing to go to extremes: veneers. What happens is your teeth (only the front ones that show) are covered with a permenant crown. This means that it puts a white coating over your yellow teeth, never to see that color again.
However talk to your dentist before doing this because financing can be rather uncomfortable, and cavities under veneers are a pain in the ***.
get ur teeth whitened
Try talk to your dentist about the Blue-Light laser procedure. Basically you just sit for 1 hour and your teeth will be improved by 5 or more shades whiter!
white strips. they actually work but cost a little bit.
Add some baking soda to your toothpaste everytime you brush for a month.You'll look like a movie star
Buy crest white strips. You can brush and use mouthwash all you want but it won't remove the stains from your teeth, You need to use something like crest whitestrips or see your dentist for professional whitening.
ok...have you tried white strips..i did and i love mi teeth !! there not that much try them..and good luck!!
go to the dentist and have them bleached, or use the extra whitening tooth paste, and strips and stuff really works but you have to be consistent when using them/
If that is the color of your teeth, then you cant change it with bleach. But if the yellow is caused by stains, go to Walmart or some other store like it and buy an over the counter bleaching system. Brushing your teeth too hard will cause the enamel to break down and that will open your teeth to other problems.Otherwise, talk to a dentist for his/her opinion. Good luck.
I got a worse situation -my teeth are all white except my canine which is bright yellow XDMy mom is a dentist and has given this tooth considerable time and energy but not much can be changed. Sometimes, the yellow color is your natural tooth color. You can get your teeth whitened, which should make them more white (don't expect a Hollywood star smile tho) or if you are willing to go to extremes: veneers. What happens is your teeth (only the front ones that show) are covered with a permenant crown. This means that it puts a white coating over your yellow teeth, never to see that color again.
However talk to your dentist before doing this because financing can be rather uncomfortable, and cavities under veneers are a pain in the ***.
get ur teeth whitened
What can i do to stop my mouth from stinking and spittle oozing while i am sleeping?someone help please?
whenever i am sleeping i always have spit in my mouth and it even ooze out while i am sleeping,disgusting isnt it?when i wake up from bed there is spit in my mouth too and my mouth stinks like hell,i only fine peace with my mouth after brushing it.This have been happening since i was a little kid.At times my mouth continue to stink even after i brush my teeth.someone out there should help me please.
This happens to everyone. You are perfectly normal.You could sleep on your back.As for bad breath, try brushing your tongue when you brush your teeth, and try Listerene.
Duct tape your mouth prior to going to bed.
You are breathing through your mouth because it is the best way to get air deeply into your system. In reality, your nose should be doing that. Airborne stuff is getting into your mouth easily and stinking it up. And that hole makes it easy for drool to come out.Try to find a way to ventilate your nasal passages, then your mouth will stop breathing for you and it will be closed.I'm really sorry, but i am not affected by this, so i can't recomend anything. Just open your nose
This happens to everyone. You are perfectly normal.You could sleep on your back.As for bad breath, try brushing your tongue when you brush your teeth, and try Listerene.
Duct tape your mouth prior to going to bed.
You are breathing through your mouth because it is the best way to get air deeply into your system. In reality, your nose should be doing that. Airborne stuff is getting into your mouth easily and stinking it up. And that hole makes it easy for drool to come out.Try to find a way to ventilate your nasal passages, then your mouth will stop breathing for you and it will be closed.I'm really sorry, but i am not affected by this, so i can't recomend anything. Just open your nose
What can i do to soothe wisdom teeth pain?
do those ointments work?
Wisdom teeth, or third molars, are the last teeth to develop and appear in the mouth. They are called "wisdom teeth" because they usually appear during a person's late teens or early twenties, which has been called the "age of wisdom" The normal position of wisdom teeth is behind the upper and lower second, or 12-year molars. Many times the jaws are not large enough to accommodate the four wisdom teeth. This is why wisdom teeth cause more problems than any other teeth in the mouth. In fact, for nine out of ten people at least one wisdom tooth remains underneath the gum due to lack of space in the mouth.
One word: Ibuprofen. Or three words: get em out.
vitamin E gel tabs poke a hole in it and rub it on the area with pain
Wisdom teeth, or third molars, are the last teeth to develop and appear in the mouth. They are called "wisdom teeth" because they usually appear during a person's late teens or early twenties, which has been called the "age of wisdom" The normal position of wisdom teeth is behind the upper and lower second, or 12-year molars. Many times the jaws are not large enough to accommodate the four wisdom teeth. This is why wisdom teeth cause more problems than any other teeth in the mouth. In fact, for nine out of ten people at least one wisdom tooth remains underneath the gum due to lack of space in the mouth.
One word: Ibuprofen. Or three words: get em out.
vitamin E gel tabs poke a hole in it and rub it on the area with pain
What Can I Do To Remove White Spots From My Teeth ?
i got them after wearing braces ! ive been in depression b/c of it ! please somebody help me , i can whiten my teeth in a dentist's office b/c it is way too costly ! help me !
The white stains are common after having braces. You cannot remove these, they are permanent. However, you can bleach your teeth to try and get a closer match to the stains. Crest Whitening strips work for alot of people.
What does your dentist tell you- will home bleaching work? You can try that at minimal cost.
Two suggestions, bring your teeth three times a day with baking soda, and use crest white strips for 1 month. If the spots continue, have a chat with at least 3 areas dentist on affordable ways to lose the white spots. Pick the dentist that offers the best and cost effective plan.
First, check to make sure it is not glue. If it is, your orthodondist should have removed it all. If it is not, try a combination of baking soda, hydrgen peroxide, and tooth paste. I do this twice a month to keep my teeth white and smooth. I prefer Colgate Total tooth paste. It works very well.
The white stains are common after having braces. You cannot remove these, they are permanent. However, you can bleach your teeth to try and get a closer match to the stains. Crest Whitening strips work for alot of people.
What does your dentist tell you- will home bleaching work? You can try that at minimal cost.
Two suggestions, bring your teeth three times a day with baking soda, and use crest white strips for 1 month. If the spots continue, have a chat with at least 3 areas dentist on affordable ways to lose the white spots. Pick the dentist that offers the best and cost effective plan.
First, check to make sure it is not glue. If it is, your orthodondist should have removed it all. If it is not, try a combination of baking soda, hydrgen peroxide, and tooth paste. I do this twice a month to keep my teeth white and smooth. I prefer Colgate Total tooth paste. It works very well.
What can I do to prevent my constant cavities!?
I don’t eat a lot of sweets, and I do drink water that has fluoride in it. I brush my teeth after each meal. I brush 3 times a day. I floss 2 times a day. I use “Listerine Tooth Defense Anticavity Fluoride Rinse” 2 times a day. So in theory, I should have clean, cavity free teeth, right? Not the case. After all that oral hygiene I am still getting constant cavities. I go to the dentist every 4 - 5 months to get cavities filled. On each visit there is anywhere between 2 - 5 cavities. I’d also like to add that some of the cavities seem to be recurring in the same places on the same teeth. So my question is, how can I prevent these constant cavities? What can I do that I am not already doing? Any advise or suggestions from anyone will help!
Thank you!
Have you discussed this with your dentist? That would be the BEST answer.
Some people just have weak enamel, either genetics or from medication as a baby.
I think I'd try another dentist...not that yours is necessarily wrong, but if they're refilling the same places...they aren't putting the fillings in correctly to begin with!Some people just have genetically weaker enamel. There may not be a LOT you can do, but getting fillings that often is really excessive, especially when you're doing so much to prevent it! Get a second opinion and see if there are any teeth you can have 'sealed'.
time to look at your diet - maybe you are lacking in calcium which makes your teeth weak to cavities.I would suggest you eat a slice of cheese after every meal, the cheese makes cavity creating molecules unable to breed, and so therefore will cut down cavity action. Stop eating acidy fruit as the last thing you eat after a meal, the acid in the fruit makes cavity germs more active...it is not true that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, just a myth.So a slice of cheese as the last thing to eat, bump up your calcium intake, eat acidy fruit in the middle of your meal times.good luck
well i have no cavities so maybe go to the dentist mo and see what will happen and take a couple steps back and breath ; ] =0
try getting an automatic toothbrush. No matter how well you think you are brushing, it will not replace the job an automatic toothbrush will do. Also, try a prescription fluoride product that your dentist will prescribe. Thirdly, do not get those tooth colored fillings in back teeth, they are more prone to breakdown and do not last as long as the metal (amalgam) ones do. ANd lastly, I hate to even go there, but if you keep getting cavities and your dentist has NOT suggested any of these things, consider switching dentists. I think you may have a case of an overly aggressive dentist.
You could just have little natural enamel on your teeth and they are prone to cavities.When I was growing up I had cavities all the time (because my teeth didn't have much enamel). Now all my teeth are either fake, filled, or crowned. Thousands of dollars later...If your dentist can't explain what the problem is, then I'd get a second opinion.
How many sodas do you drink? or sweet tea? or juices? All of those things contribute to tooth decay, especially recurrent decay. Think about this, when you put something liquid in your mouth, from the time you start drinking it until 20 minutes after you finish it, your mouth is making the acid that causes cavities. When you put something chewy in your mouth, like dried fruit or candy, from the time you start it until 40 minutes after you finish it, your mouth is making that acid. Hard candies like peppermints are TERRIBLE for you teeth. Look at how much time you expose your teeth to that acid and it may help you prevent some of the cavities. Keep a food diary for a day or two and add up the exposures. It might tell you a lot.
Good luck!
If you are truely honest about your diet, then it's possible that your saliva flow is reduced. Are you taking any medications that have this side effect (xerostomia)? Have you had any radiotherapy? Does your mouth feel dry most of the time? Are you over 40 years of age?
If any of these answers is "yes", then you may have reduced saliva flow. The saliva can be stimulated by drinking more water, by chewing sugar-free gum or by medications like pilocarpine.
Another alternative is to use a CARBAMIDE PEROXIDE bleaching gel in a professionally made tray as this has a pH 12, so reduces the acidity in your mouth. A side effect is whiter teeth, but I'm sure you'd cope with that! It has been used to treat rampant caries (ie whole mouth decay)
well for a start stop using the listerine.!! a few yearsago it was found that the PH in listerine was too high and softened the enamel on teeth and peoples teeth were rotting causing unexplained amount of cavities, also you are brushing too often twice a day is sufficient, over vigorous brushing can damage the teeth also it is either that or you have a satanic dentist, have you asked him why you need all these fillings? if you havent i suggest that you do.
Thank you!
Have you discussed this with your dentist? That would be the BEST answer.
Some people just have weak enamel, either genetics or from medication as a baby.
I think I'd try another dentist...not that yours is necessarily wrong, but if they're refilling the same places...they aren't putting the fillings in correctly to begin with!Some people just have genetically weaker enamel. There may not be a LOT you can do, but getting fillings that often is really excessive, especially when you're doing so much to prevent it! Get a second opinion and see if there are any teeth you can have 'sealed'.
time to look at your diet - maybe you are lacking in calcium which makes your teeth weak to cavities.I would suggest you eat a slice of cheese after every meal, the cheese makes cavity creating molecules unable to breed, and so therefore will cut down cavity action. Stop eating acidy fruit as the last thing you eat after a meal, the acid in the fruit makes cavity germs more active...it is not true that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, just a myth.So a slice of cheese as the last thing to eat, bump up your calcium intake, eat acidy fruit in the middle of your meal times.good luck
well i have no cavities so maybe go to the dentist mo and see what will happen and take a couple steps back and breath ; ] =0
try getting an automatic toothbrush. No matter how well you think you are brushing, it will not replace the job an automatic toothbrush will do. Also, try a prescription fluoride product that your dentist will prescribe. Thirdly, do not get those tooth colored fillings in back teeth, they are more prone to breakdown and do not last as long as the metal (amalgam) ones do. ANd lastly, I hate to even go there, but if you keep getting cavities and your dentist has NOT suggested any of these things, consider switching dentists. I think you may have a case of an overly aggressive dentist.
You could just have little natural enamel on your teeth and they are prone to cavities.When I was growing up I had cavities all the time (because my teeth didn't have much enamel). Now all my teeth are either fake, filled, or crowned. Thousands of dollars later...If your dentist can't explain what the problem is, then I'd get a second opinion.
How many sodas do you drink? or sweet tea? or juices? All of those things contribute to tooth decay, especially recurrent decay. Think about this, when you put something liquid in your mouth, from the time you start drinking it until 20 minutes after you finish it, your mouth is making the acid that causes cavities. When you put something chewy in your mouth, like dried fruit or candy, from the time you start it until 40 minutes after you finish it, your mouth is making that acid. Hard candies like peppermints are TERRIBLE for you teeth. Look at how much time you expose your teeth to that acid and it may help you prevent some of the cavities. Keep a food diary for a day or two and add up the exposures. It might tell you a lot.
Good luck!
If you are truely honest about your diet, then it's possible that your saliva flow is reduced. Are you taking any medications that have this side effect (xerostomia)? Have you had any radiotherapy? Does your mouth feel dry most of the time? Are you over 40 years of age?
If any of these answers is "yes", then you may have reduced saliva flow. The saliva can be stimulated by drinking more water, by chewing sugar-free gum or by medications like pilocarpine.
Another alternative is to use a CARBAMIDE PEROXIDE bleaching gel in a professionally made tray as this has a pH 12, so reduces the acidity in your mouth. A side effect is whiter teeth, but I'm sure you'd cope with that! It has been used to treat rampant caries (ie whole mouth decay)
well for a start stop using the listerine.!! a few yearsago it was found that the PH in listerine was too high and softened the enamel on teeth and peoples teeth were rotting causing unexplained amount of cavities, also you are brushing too often twice a day is sufficient, over vigorous brushing can damage the teeth also it is either that or you have a satanic dentist, have you asked him why you need all these fillings? if you havent i suggest that you do.
What Can I Do To getThis Gum Infection Away? No Antbiotics!?
My gum hurts alot when i eat and i have no antibiotics what shall i do ='[
Listerine is a good mouth wash!!! But,
I am NOT going to tell you what to do, but I will tell you what
I do if I have a sore throat, cough, or mouth infection and it works.!!!
I cut off a thin slice of RAW onion and chop it up into small pieces, and put it in my mouth, preferably between my teeth and gums and just leave it there, and let the saliva trickle down my throat.
It may tingle at first and a lot of people don't like the taste
but if it helps. The tingle disappears as the infection goes
But I do it at least every night before bed.
Raw onion kills bacteria and wards off infections, yeast infections, also flu, colds etc. If you take it at night, by morning the onion smell is almost gone.
try corsodyl mint mouth wash - tastes rancid but is great for gum infections! you can get it from boots etc
You probably brushed too hard, or it's just... infected. lol. I would brush more gently around the infected area. And, use peroxide or listerine, or some type of mouthwash for a few nights to help it heal.
get an emergency app with the dentist - if you dont it will only get worse no matter what you try
For a start see your doctor or dentist. Try washing your mouth out with a strong salt and water mixture, spit it out dont swallow. You must get this seen to or you can lose your teeth.
call your dentist and get a prescription for Peridex (chlorhexadine) mouthwash/gargle.
Every so many hours rinse your mouth with hot water and salt.
The best thing is to see a dentist.
Se a dentist, but also think about whether your diet is deficient in vitamins and take a supplement.
Brush your gums often with a soft tooth brush. At least every time you eat. Look at your gums and see if you have any abscesses. These look like raised pimples often with white patches. This means there is infection in your gums. In addition to brushing you must faithfully rinse you mouth. There are various mixtures which are helpful. there are commercial products, but also home remedies. Mix hydrogen peroxide with half water, ( if your have infection use full strength) to heal the irritation). Infected gums are very bad for your health. Fight it with all your might!!
Gargle with warm, salty water or diluted TCP. Both will kill germs in the mouth. Just depends which one you can handle the taste of!
Sounds like you have Gum Disease. You could perhaps do with a visit to your dentist. Learning to brush your teeth correctly is important, this is something your dentist can advise you on. Regular checkups are also important as is using the right toothbrush. An antibacterial mouthwash twice a day might help you to. If you have a gum infection, then you do need some antibiotics, which the dentist can give you. Hope you get better soon.
Don't do peroxide - it stains teeth. Try the others people have recommended. Are you sure it's infected? Surely your dentist wouldn't lie to you.
Get some aloe vera. Peel away the thick skin and grind the fleshy parts. Apply it on the gum. No harm in applying a few times.
It has healing effects. Try it. I have and it worked.
Salt is a healer.Put a teaspoon of salt in a cup with some hot water then rinse it around your teeth and gums. Do this a few times before bed and by the morning you should be pain free. If you suffer with your gums, change your toothpaste for Sensodyne, I have used it forever.
I use Oraldene for all my gum and throat ailments. The pink variety is best even though you won't be able to taste your food while using it. Not only does it relieve the sore symptoms but it actually kills the bacteria that cause the problem. Find it with the toothbrushes or ask at the pharmacy.Even though it probably hurts to brush you should still do it gently otherwise the problem will get worse with all the accumulated food and the extra bacteria that will attract. Floss as well of course.
I think i have that or something simillar ive got the denist monday so ive gta stick out this pain untill thn this is what ive been doing. Apply teatree oil on a cotton swab to the area gargle warm salt water aviod like all aviod except lquids anti inflamitory plain relief and thats about it it still hruts and my face has now gone a bit swolen :(
Listerine is a good mouth wash!!! But,
I am NOT going to tell you what to do, but I will tell you what
I do if I have a sore throat, cough, or mouth infection and it works.!!!
I cut off a thin slice of RAW onion and chop it up into small pieces, and put it in my mouth, preferably between my teeth and gums and just leave it there, and let the saliva trickle down my throat.
It may tingle at first and a lot of people don't like the taste
but if it helps. The tingle disappears as the infection goes
But I do it at least every night before bed.
Raw onion kills bacteria and wards off infections, yeast infections, also flu, colds etc. If you take it at night, by morning the onion smell is almost gone.
try corsodyl mint mouth wash - tastes rancid but is great for gum infections! you can get it from boots etc
You probably brushed too hard, or it's just... infected. lol. I would brush more gently around the infected area. And, use peroxide or listerine, or some type of mouthwash for a few nights to help it heal.
get an emergency app with the dentist - if you dont it will only get worse no matter what you try
For a start see your doctor or dentist. Try washing your mouth out with a strong salt and water mixture, spit it out dont swallow. You must get this seen to or you can lose your teeth.
call your dentist and get a prescription for Peridex (chlorhexadine) mouthwash/gargle.
Every so many hours rinse your mouth with hot water and salt.
The best thing is to see a dentist.
Se a dentist, but also think about whether your diet is deficient in vitamins and take a supplement.
Brush your gums often with a soft tooth brush. At least every time you eat. Look at your gums and see if you have any abscesses. These look like raised pimples often with white patches. This means there is infection in your gums. In addition to brushing you must faithfully rinse you mouth. There are various mixtures which are helpful. there are commercial products, but also home remedies. Mix hydrogen peroxide with half water, ( if your have infection use full strength) to heal the irritation). Infected gums are very bad for your health. Fight it with all your might!!
Gargle with warm, salty water or diluted TCP. Both will kill germs in the mouth. Just depends which one you can handle the taste of!
Sounds like you have Gum Disease. You could perhaps do with a visit to your dentist. Learning to brush your teeth correctly is important, this is something your dentist can advise you on. Regular checkups are also important as is using the right toothbrush. An antibacterial mouthwash twice a day might help you to. If you have a gum infection, then you do need some antibiotics, which the dentist can give you. Hope you get better soon.
Don't do peroxide - it stains teeth. Try the others people have recommended. Are you sure it's infected? Surely your dentist wouldn't lie to you.
Get some aloe vera. Peel away the thick skin and grind the fleshy parts. Apply it on the gum. No harm in applying a few times.
It has healing effects. Try it. I have and it worked.
Salt is a healer.Put a teaspoon of salt in a cup with some hot water then rinse it around your teeth and gums. Do this a few times before bed and by the morning you should be pain free. If you suffer with your gums, change your toothpaste for Sensodyne, I have used it forever.
I use Oraldene for all my gum and throat ailments. The pink variety is best even though you won't be able to taste your food while using it. Not only does it relieve the sore symptoms but it actually kills the bacteria that cause the problem. Find it with the toothbrushes or ask at the pharmacy.Even though it probably hurts to brush you should still do it gently otherwise the problem will get worse with all the accumulated food and the extra bacteria that will attract. Floss as well of course.
I think i have that or something simillar ive got the denist monday so ive gta stick out this pain untill thn this is what ive been doing. Apply teatree oil on a cotton swab to the area gargle warm salt water aviod like all aviod except lquids anti inflamitory plain relief and thats about it it still hruts and my face has now gone a bit swolen :(
What can I do to get rid of the bad smell from my mouth?
Sometimes I spit blood
ok brush your teeth 2 or 3 times a day up to you and straight after brushing brush your tounge if you carry on doing this you will not spit blood.
are you a smoker? you really should get that checked out!! spitting blood is not good
I would have said mouth wash/gum/breath mints. but if your spitting up blood you should see your regular dr. first and then try those other things and if that doesnt work check with your dentist. sometimes spitting up blood can be serious
Could be a problem with your gums, get them checked by a dentist. From http://www.drcaird.com/gums.html...
Could be anything but, sounds like you may have poor dental care resulting in gum disease, because of the bleeding. Other reasons for the smell come from not brushing and flossing routinely, a stomach problem, cavities, etc. Better get to a dentist.
Use regularly mouth gargle products. You may consult your dentist for a better brand or you may ask also your dentist about your problem. You may have internal body problem that cause bad smell from your mouth and may be also with your blood spitting.
When u brush make sure to brush your tongue and roof of mouth. Also brush cheeks and inside lips. Brush and then brush again. Use listerine also for sanitary reasons as it is an antiseptic.
You should try a waterpik, you can start with lower pressure and work your way up. It may hurt at first if your gums are already bleeding, but it will clean in your gums and make them tougher so they will quit bleeding.
And use a good mouth wash to get those bad breath germs.
And FYI if there is blood in your mouth anywhere, it will cause a very bad smell, when my husband had sinus surgery he still had blood at the back of his throat and spitting it out, his breath was awful during that time.
ok brush your teeth 2 or 3 times a day up to you and straight after brushing brush your tounge if you carry on doing this you will not spit blood.
are you a smoker? you really should get that checked out!! spitting blood is not good
I would have said mouth wash/gum/breath mints. but if your spitting up blood you should see your regular dr. first and then try those other things and if that doesnt work check with your dentist. sometimes spitting up blood can be serious
Could be a problem with your gums, get them checked by a dentist. From http://www.drcaird.com/gums.html...
Could be anything but, sounds like you may have poor dental care resulting in gum disease, because of the bleeding. Other reasons for the smell come from not brushing and flossing routinely, a stomach problem, cavities, etc. Better get to a dentist.
Use regularly mouth gargle products. You may consult your dentist for a better brand or you may ask also your dentist about your problem. You may have internal body problem that cause bad smell from your mouth and may be also with your blood spitting.
When u brush make sure to brush your tongue and roof of mouth. Also brush cheeks and inside lips. Brush and then brush again. Use listerine also for sanitary reasons as it is an antiseptic.
You should try a waterpik, you can start with lower pressure and work your way up. It may hurt at first if your gums are already bleeding, but it will clean in your gums and make them tougher so they will quit bleeding.
And use a good mouth wash to get those bad breath germs.
And FYI if there is blood in your mouth anywhere, it will cause a very bad smell, when my husband had sinus surgery he still had blood at the back of his throat and spitting it out, his breath was awful during that time.
What can i do to get my teeth whiter.?
use the whitening strips? theyre expensive though so yeah
brush, floss, and gargle daily! don't use bleach, a friend once did that and lost all the enamel on her teeth.
visit a dentist, they have some controlled ways of whitening teeth.
girl, you goota brush them!! You can use cosmetic hitening every now and then but you have to brush them. There is no substitute for hard work of brushing.
Sucking on lemons works, but also wears off the enamel.
there are whitening strips at walmart that you can get that you put on twice a day for some what days. i used them and they really work! and they're only like 15 dollars depending on what kind and brand you get. the classic works great, but there are others that are more expensive that you don't have to leave on for so long. or if your really willing to spend money you can have the dentist whiten them for a hundred dollars or so. good luck.
Ok..I'm frm India..so i'd best be at "Ayurveda"..if thts out of ur sync then discountinue readin this..if not..here's a eon old remedy... take 2ml. of mustard oil, add a pinch of salt+essence of two clove buds+a tiny bit of bakin soda, turn it into a paste..it'd taste astringent but ..but would help both for whitening teeth and strengthening gums...if u live in a vicinity close to Indians..then u can get a tooth paste called "Meswahak". Trust me its a fail proff, no fancy...absolutely human safe process..no hi tech market hyped products.
brush ur teeth atleast 2 times a day and use rembrant toothpaste. it worked for me so good luck 2 u
Hello,Avoid eating food and drink that stains your teeth and use a whiten toothpaste. Drinks lot of milk. That's the natural way to get your teeth nice and white. Try brushing 3 times a day. Brush with Neem tree's bark it is very good for teeth. For more details, please visit our website.
What can i do to get my teeth whiter, cuz thier getin yellow?
and i want them to be purly white with out wastin to much money
Crest white strips work for me and cheaper than the dentist.
white strips
use 1 teaspoon of baking soda and 2 drops of hyprogene peroxide mix until paste and then brush teeth w/ it every night
Brush your teeth morning and night and you will have white teeth.
whitening toothpaste and a whitening prerinse. don't use the baking soda and peroxide crap because it scratches the teeth, you'll get weird stains.
Um...Crest White Strips. They are only about $30. Not too bad and they really help.
any money spent on your teeth is not a waste. go to the dentist, they will clean and polish them for you. i just went today,$40.00.
Get those off-the-shelves teeth whitener then, relatively cheaper than proffessional dental whiteners but works decently.Or you can google some home-remedies, not that effective though.
a good cleaning from the hygenist can really help. after that, use a mouthwash for whitening and stay away from coffee,tea and tobacco as much as possible. bleahing works too but, it costs and i've heard it can be uncomfortable.
I bleached my teeth professionally once a long time ago. I recently went to the dentist because I wanted to do the Zoom. They told me my teeth were not dark enough and I could use crest whit-ting strips because they work really good.
A cheap way is to take baking soda put it on a toothbrush, a little water and brush for awhile. This will whiten your teeth.If you don't mind spending a little money, an economical thing is crest whitestrips, the dentist told me this is the same whitener that they use in dentist's offices but it is not as strong. I've used these white strips and they work really well. You could probably spend 20-30 dollars on these, but make sure you use them every day for the amount of time the directions say.
this same thing happend to me but i stopped eating junk food and i ate lots of vegatables if u dont like veggies eat heathy stuff and floss your teeth 5 times a day.
I just had a dentist appointment today!If you think you really need to get them a lot whiter you might want to get some kind of crest whitening strips. They are pretty expensive though, around $40 I believe.You should brush at least 2 times a day but maybe 3 if it works for you and make sure to floss. This isn't really about your teeth but 80% of bacteria are on your tongue so you might want to use a tongue scrape.
crest white strips really help. However to get the whitest teeth go to a dentist that does tooth bleaching . you won't waste your money.
Well, my companion sat next to me says 'brush them', but I'm assuming you're already doing this - at least twice a day :-)Other thigns you can do to reduce the yellowing, is to cut down/quit smoking if you do, use whitenening toothpaste, and cut down on your tea drinking.
There is also some fantastic stuff you can get from boots called "rapid-white" which you put on a gum shield, then into your mouth.
Put some baking soda on ur toothbrush... and brush away...
Oh... don't use any toothpaste that night...
do what gurly girl said and chew orbit teeth whiting gum it gets your teeth 40% whiter!
get em whitin', crest white strips, aquafresh tooth paste (it does wonders) good luck
There are the Crest White Strips that you leave on for only FIVE MINUTES! a day and you begin to see results after only one week! They're about 30-40 bucks.
Crest white strips work for me and cheaper than the dentist.
white strips
use 1 teaspoon of baking soda and 2 drops of hyprogene peroxide mix until paste and then brush teeth w/ it every night
Brush your teeth morning and night and you will have white teeth.
whitening toothpaste and a whitening prerinse. don't use the baking soda and peroxide crap because it scratches the teeth, you'll get weird stains.
Um...Crest White Strips. They are only about $30. Not too bad and they really help.
any money spent on your teeth is not a waste. go to the dentist, they will clean and polish them for you. i just went today,$40.00.
Get those off-the-shelves teeth whitener then, relatively cheaper than proffessional dental whiteners but works decently.Or you can google some home-remedies, not that effective though.
a good cleaning from the hygenist can really help. after that, use a mouthwash for whitening and stay away from coffee,tea and tobacco as much as possible. bleahing works too but, it costs and i've heard it can be uncomfortable.
I bleached my teeth professionally once a long time ago. I recently went to the dentist because I wanted to do the Zoom. They told me my teeth were not dark enough and I could use crest whit-ting strips because they work really good.
A cheap way is to take baking soda put it on a toothbrush, a little water and brush for awhile. This will whiten your teeth.If you don't mind spending a little money, an economical thing is crest whitestrips, the dentist told me this is the same whitener that they use in dentist's offices but it is not as strong. I've used these white strips and they work really well. You could probably spend 20-30 dollars on these, but make sure you use them every day for the amount of time the directions say.
this same thing happend to me but i stopped eating junk food and i ate lots of vegatables if u dont like veggies eat heathy stuff and floss your teeth 5 times a day.
I just had a dentist appointment today!If you think you really need to get them a lot whiter you might want to get some kind of crest whitening strips. They are pretty expensive though, around $40 I believe.You should brush at least 2 times a day but maybe 3 if it works for you and make sure to floss. This isn't really about your teeth but 80% of bacteria are on your tongue so you might want to use a tongue scrape.
crest white strips really help. However to get the whitest teeth go to a dentist that does tooth bleaching . you won't waste your money.
Well, my companion sat next to me says 'brush them', but I'm assuming you're already doing this - at least twice a day :-)Other thigns you can do to reduce the yellowing, is to cut down/quit smoking if you do, use whitenening toothpaste, and cut down on your tea drinking.
There is also some fantastic stuff you can get from boots called "rapid-white" which you put on a gum shield, then into your mouth.
Put some baking soda on ur toothbrush... and brush away...
Oh... don't use any toothpaste that night...
do what gurly girl said and chew orbit teeth whiting gum it gets your teeth 40% whiter!
get em whitin', crest white strips, aquafresh tooth paste (it does wonders) good luck
There are the Crest White Strips that you leave on for only FIVE MINUTES! a day and you begin to see results after only one week! They're about 30-40 bucks.
What can I do to counteract novacaine?
I have a dentist appt in 2hrs and don't want to be numb all night...please help
Ask the dentist to use novocaine without epinephrine. It won't last as long. If you get an injection for the upper teeth, drinking something warm will make the feeling go away.
there isn't anything you can do, the body has to metabolize the drug at it's own rate. Of course you can always ask the dentist to use less or to not use it at all.
Sometimes they can give you shorter acting ones if necessary. Discuss this w/ your dentist.
Ask the dentist to use novocaine without epinephrine. It won't last as long. If you get an injection for the upper teeth, drinking something warm will make the feeling go away.
there isn't anything you can do, the body has to metabolize the drug at it's own rate. Of course you can always ask the dentist to use less or to not use it at all.
Sometimes they can give you shorter acting ones if necessary. Discuss this w/ your dentist.
What can I do now, I have braces and.?
I take pretty good care of my teeth brush at least one or twice a day and floss and recently started using a recommended mouthwash for braces that is supposed to prevent cavities but I just notice a very small cavity appearing under one of my brackets. What am I gonna do when I get my braces off, how do they fix cavities on the front of a tooth, can they even? I am freaking out because I have never had a cavity on the front of my tooth and I know people who have cavities where every bracket was and I don't want that to be me. I thought cavities from braces only appear when you never brush your teeth or take care of them which I definately do.
Keep taking good care of your teeth so that cavity doesn't get any larger. Your dentist will be able to use a white filling %26 match it to the color of your tooth. It'll be ok.
eat mashed potatoes
Have your dentist check them ASAP. I think that's the best thing. And notify your parents too. They deserve to know.
yea the have some method were they fill it with a white gell then shoot it with a blue lazer. had it done to a chipped tooth now you couldnt even tell. look up (direct bonded filling)
Well if its small maybe you can prevent it from getting any bigger. Brush your teeth after every meal and try and stay away from sweets. most common reason for cavities. hope this helps.
You dont take care of your teeth if you are getting a cavity. Do you use the pick (its a device that goes in between each bracket cleaning it out)? And are you sure its a cavity? I had braces for 4 years and never once had this happen.
A cavity only gets worse if it's ignored. I had braces for many years in my jr. high school days and wasn't worried about brushing so i ended up have 10 cavities+ a few years down the line.
don't drink soda while wearing braces, brush after every meal and flossing is super important too. floss at least twice a day.
make sure no plaque is left around the braces themselves because white stains will appear once they're off and it'll be super hard getting the anamel back on the teeth to fix it.
dont worry much about the small cavity, you're ortho will know what to do
Keep taking good care of your teeth so that cavity doesn't get any larger. Your dentist will be able to use a white filling %26 match it to the color of your tooth. It'll be ok.
eat mashed potatoes
Have your dentist check them ASAP. I think that's the best thing. And notify your parents too. They deserve to know.
yea the have some method were they fill it with a white gell then shoot it with a blue lazer. had it done to a chipped tooth now you couldnt even tell. look up (direct bonded filling)
Well if its small maybe you can prevent it from getting any bigger. Brush your teeth after every meal and try and stay away from sweets. most common reason for cavities. hope this helps.
You dont take care of your teeth if you are getting a cavity. Do you use the pick (its a device that goes in between each bracket cleaning it out)? And are you sure its a cavity? I had braces for 4 years and never once had this happen.
A cavity only gets worse if it's ignored. I had braces for many years in my jr. high school days and wasn't worried about brushing so i ended up have 10 cavities+ a few years down the line.
don't drink soda while wearing braces, brush after every meal and flossing is super important too. floss at least twice a day.
make sure no plaque is left around the braces themselves because white stains will appear once they're off and it'll be super hard getting the anamel back on the teeth to fix it.
dont worry much about the small cavity, you're ortho will know what to do
What can i do for my wisom tooth??
i'm 22 and my bottom left one is just starting to grown in ..it only hurts when u chew on that side and i froget about it being there so then after i chew on that side it will hurt for awhile.is there ne thing i can put on it to like numb it or stop the hurting???i do not have a dentist....
I heard that if you get a kiss from a monkey, It'll all be better!
lol. Yeah, that's what I said for 3 years...not bothering me enough to have it removed. And now, just 3 weeks ago, I've had all 4 removed at the same time.It's not as bad as you'd think. They knock you out and give you meds to help with the pain. I think mine only hurt for about 3 days after the surgery and since I've been pain free.If it hurts, then it's enough to get it removed. The longer you put it off, the worse it will get and you might have to have what I had, getting a piece of my bone removed as well because the root grew down into my bone.Until you can see a Dentist (which I highly recommend) you can use Oragel and frequent salt water rinses. Unfortunately, Oragel only last for like 2-3 minutes at a time and you're not suppose to use it for more than 4 times a days I believe.I hope this helps, and trust me, don't be afraid...I've had a few more serious surgeries than my wisdom teeth being extracted yet I was petrified cause I thought I would be in pain for months afterwards...but aside from looking like the Great Pumpkin from Charlie Brown (yeah, your face will swell a little) for a few days (not like you'll want to go anywhere anyways after it) it's all gravy (and Mashed Potatoes and Applesauce. lol. The diet of having your teeth removed).
The pain should only be temporary until its fully through use:1- hot salty mouthwashes (Helps with pain)
2- baby teething gel (This numbs the area)
3- take ibuprofen and paracetamol together its a great painkiller but watch you dont take too much!
4- use clove oil for pain relief (works wonders!)
Go to an oral surgeon and get them removed, this is the only permanent solution to your pain. All other pain relieving methods will only be temporary. The majority of people do not have room in their mouth for their wisdom teeth also, they could be coming in sideways. If left to grow in they can cause many problems; teeth crowding (all your teeth being push together), infections, cyst, etc etc.
I heard that if you get a kiss from a monkey, It'll all be better!
lol. Yeah, that's what I said for 3 years...not bothering me enough to have it removed. And now, just 3 weeks ago, I've had all 4 removed at the same time.It's not as bad as you'd think. They knock you out and give you meds to help with the pain. I think mine only hurt for about 3 days after the surgery and since I've been pain free.If it hurts, then it's enough to get it removed. The longer you put it off, the worse it will get and you might have to have what I had, getting a piece of my bone removed as well because the root grew down into my bone.Until you can see a Dentist (which I highly recommend) you can use Oragel and frequent salt water rinses. Unfortunately, Oragel only last for like 2-3 minutes at a time and you're not suppose to use it for more than 4 times a days I believe.I hope this helps, and trust me, don't be afraid...I've had a few more serious surgeries than my wisdom teeth being extracted yet I was petrified cause I thought I would be in pain for months afterwards...but aside from looking like the Great Pumpkin from Charlie Brown (yeah, your face will swell a little) for a few days (not like you'll want to go anywhere anyways after it) it's all gravy (and Mashed Potatoes and Applesauce. lol. The diet of having your teeth removed).
The pain should only be temporary until its fully through use:1- hot salty mouthwashes (Helps with pain)
2- baby teething gel (This numbs the area)
3- take ibuprofen and paracetamol together its a great painkiller but watch you dont take too much!
4- use clove oil for pain relief (works wonders!)
Go to an oral surgeon and get them removed, this is the only permanent solution to your pain. All other pain relieving methods will only be temporary. The majority of people do not have room in their mouth for their wisdom teeth also, they could be coming in sideways. If left to grow in they can cause many problems; teeth crowding (all your teeth being push together), infections, cyst, etc etc.
What can i do about this really severe pain because of my braces?? help!!?
they tightened them today, but never THIS TIGHT before, the wire is about almost thick as a paper clip both top n bottom they tightened, then they put them loopy looking things near my braces[[for the elastics/rubberbands]] and its like practically holding my bite shut.this really really really hurts, what i can i do besides chew gum[[cz i cant even open my mouth to even chew]] any suggestions on meds, like advil? tyelnol or homade stuff?? =[
every night use Peroxyl mouthwash for like a week to keep ur gums storng from cuts and use dental wax and rubber coverups so u wont get blisters, they hurt a little but arent that bad. avoid sleeping on ur side, try to keep ur head straight up for a couple of daysevery morning and every night use the Peroxyl mouthwash again for 2 weeks then after that just use ACT mouthwash to keep ur teeth and gum s healthy. get some Super floss, made for braces-i sugest elictrical toothbrushes they keep ur mouth cleanerdont worry-trust me- i have had my braces on for almost 4 years, i just got em off 4 days ago-i luv my new smile!-Nati
Tylenol is good, that's what i used to take.it'll still hurt a bit though...i never found a med that made all the pain away. Try eating soft foods for a few days..the pain eventually will go away within a week.
i currently have braces and the best way to rid of the pain is to
1 take 2 advils
2 eat something like jamba juice or ice cream
3 sit down and watch your favorite TV show or movie to try and take your mind off the pain
4 just relax and make sure you don't have a busy schedule the day of your appointment to make this all possible
hope i helped! it took me a while to come with a solution to this problem myself!
Take some tylenol, have a milkshake, and sleep off the pain. That's what i had to do, it will go away soon .
ahh I remember when I got the dreaded rubber bands : / I think I tool ibuprofen. and I'm sure tylenol would work well too...the pain will EVENTUALLY go away, just try to remember to where it and the faster it will stop hurting b/c if you keep it off for a while and put it back on it hurts all over again.. GOOD LUCKtodays been the first day in 3 months I haven't worn the rubber band all day... lol (other than when eating.)
try the baby teething gels i know this sounds stupid but i have braces and use it before and after tightning it really works. it doesnot take much of that stuff to feel no at all.
Get lots of advil on hand, ice cream, and some TV or movies to watch. You can't do much about it really. If they rub your mouth get wax to stop the bothering but otherwise, advil is gunna be your best friend
every night use Peroxyl mouthwash for like a week to keep ur gums storng from cuts and use dental wax and rubber coverups so u wont get blisters, they hurt a little but arent that bad. avoid sleeping on ur side, try to keep ur head straight up for a couple of daysevery morning and every night use the Peroxyl mouthwash again for 2 weeks then after that just use ACT mouthwash to keep ur teeth and gum s healthy. get some Super floss, made for braces-i sugest elictrical toothbrushes they keep ur mouth cleanerdont worry-trust me- i have had my braces on for almost 4 years, i just got em off 4 days ago-i luv my new smile!-Nati
Tylenol is good, that's what i used to take.it'll still hurt a bit though...i never found a med that made all the pain away. Try eating soft foods for a few days..the pain eventually will go away within a week.
i currently have braces and the best way to rid of the pain is to
1 take 2 advils
2 eat something like jamba juice or ice cream
3 sit down and watch your favorite TV show or movie to try and take your mind off the pain
4 just relax and make sure you don't have a busy schedule the day of your appointment to make this all possible
hope i helped! it took me a while to come with a solution to this problem myself!
Take some tylenol, have a milkshake, and sleep off the pain. That's what i had to do, it will go away soon .
ahh I remember when I got the dreaded rubber bands : / I think I tool ibuprofen. and I'm sure tylenol would work well too...the pain will EVENTUALLY go away, just try to remember to where it and the faster it will stop hurting b/c if you keep it off for a while and put it back on it hurts all over again.. GOOD LUCKtodays been the first day in 3 months I haven't worn the rubber band all day... lol (other than when eating.)
try the baby teething gels i know this sounds stupid but i have braces and use it before and after tightning it really works. it doesnot take much of that stuff to feel no at all.
Get lots of advil on hand, ice cream, and some TV or movies to watch. You can't do much about it really. If they rub your mouth get wax to stop the bothering but otherwise, advil is gunna be your best friend
What can happen if i kiss a girl and i have cuts in my mouth?
beacuse my braces are cuting my mouth up and i see my g/f every day and i kiss her
Your immune system is always at work even if you have cuts in your mouth or not. Unless she has some communicable disease you should be safe to kiss away. You can rinse before and after with Listerine or Crest Pro Care if you are really concerned about any infection problem. Just rinse with some warm salt water (2 tsps of salt in juice glass of really warm water) to help heal your sores. Wear you wax as much as possible too. Happy kissing!
Don't kiss her are you stupid?! Thats gross you can spread diseases. Both of you losers should get over it!
Your immune system is always at work even if you have cuts in your mouth or not. Unless she has some communicable disease you should be safe to kiss away. You can rinse before and after with Listerine or Crest Pro Care if you are really concerned about any infection problem. Just rinse with some warm salt water (2 tsps of salt in juice glass of really warm water) to help heal your sores. Wear you wax as much as possible too. Happy kissing!
Don't kiss her are you stupid?! Thats gross you can spread diseases. Both of you losers should get over it!
What can happen if an abscessed tooth goes untreated for a couple of days?
So I've had an abscessed tooth for five days now (I couldn't go sooner due to problems with my insurance and places being closed over weekends), and I had these symptoms: extreme pain, high fever, extreme fatigue for four days, now I am on antibiotics and feel much better, but I have to ask- should I be concerned that some damage was done during those four days? I am still in pain, but not as much, and I just developed a new symptom- a tingling sensation and numbness in my hand.
Generally, a week or so won't make a big difference, though if things keep acting strange after you're done with the antibiotics, get in contact again with your dentist/doctor. The thing to remember is that your mouth is close to major nerve centers, so the infection have had some effect on them, and/or in the course of clearing out is going to come into some contact with these extreme nerve centers. Go see a doctor if your hand or other extremity gets cold, completely numb, or starts turning blue, cause at that point something is moreso wrong.
Dont worry about damage being done. As long as you started on the antibiotics you will be fine. Ive had 2 molars with the same problem. But since you are still pain, id suggest you go buy some motrin 500 mg. ASAP. My dentist prescribed me ibuprofen which is the same thing.
Generally, a week or so won't make a big difference, though if things keep acting strange after you're done with the antibiotics, get in contact again with your dentist/doctor. The thing to remember is that your mouth is close to major nerve centers, so the infection have had some effect on them, and/or in the course of clearing out is going to come into some contact with these extreme nerve centers. Go see a doctor if your hand or other extremity gets cold, completely numb, or starts turning blue, cause at that point something is moreso wrong.
Dont worry about damage being done. As long as you started on the antibiotics you will be fine. Ive had 2 molars with the same problem. But since you are still pain, id suggest you go buy some motrin 500 mg. ASAP. My dentist prescribed me ibuprofen which is the same thing.
What Can Cure Teeth Ache?because i have a teeth ache and it is so ACHING please ...ASAP?
You should visit your dentist ASAP as you probably have an abcess, which will need antibiotics. In the meantime, oil of cloves is very good.
A sinus infection can cause a tooth ache. That's easily cured by antibiotics.
oil of cloves is great to use to you can get to dentist just ask your pharmasist for it its around the health and beauty area
Go make a cup of tea right now. After the tea bag has steeped in the hot water for a bit, take it out, press the excess liquid out, and when it's cooled enough for comfort, place it where the toothache is. (It's okay to bite down on it, just don't break the tea bag!) Leave it in place, allowing the strong tea to flow around the tooth. I believe the tannic acid in the tea has anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve the pain. You can also try over the counter Anbesol, which will numb the area temporarily until you can get to a dentist to have it treated. But make no mistake, you MUST have it treated, or it will become seriously infected, and that can make you very sick. Good luck.
Severe dental problems usually start in simple bad cavity, bleeding or strange pain on one of your teeth or the gum-line, but it could threaten your health and worst could kill you. Before it's too late, get dental health care advices and solutions at http://www.themouthdoctor.com/dentalheal... and free yourself from the dangers of dental problems.
You should visit your dentist ASAP as you probably have an abcess, which will need antibiotics. In the meantime, oil of cloves is very good.
A sinus infection can cause a tooth ache. That's easily cured by antibiotics.
oil of cloves is great to use to you can get to dentist just ask your pharmasist for it its around the health and beauty area
Go make a cup of tea right now. After the tea bag has steeped in the hot water for a bit, take it out, press the excess liquid out, and when it's cooled enough for comfort, place it where the toothache is. (It's okay to bite down on it, just don't break the tea bag!) Leave it in place, allowing the strong tea to flow around the tooth. I believe the tannic acid in the tea has anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve the pain. You can also try over the counter Anbesol, which will numb the area temporarily until you can get to a dentist to have it treated. But make no mistake, you MUST have it treated, or it will become seriously infected, and that can make you very sick. Good luck.
Severe dental problems usually start in simple bad cavity, bleeding or strange pain on one of your teeth or the gum-line, but it could threaten your health and worst could kill you. Before it's too late, get dental health care advices and solutions at http://www.themouthdoctor.com/dentalheal... and free yourself from the dangers of dental problems.
What can be the reason for pain after gettin a tooth filled by dentist?
Because the dentist didn't remove all the infection.
a hole in the filling with air in it
The nerves in your teeth are still exposed to food and poisons generated by bacteria
Depends on what type of pain you are experiencing. Is it sensitive when you bite down? If so the dentist may need to do a little adjustment to take it out of your bite. Is it a throbbing dull ache? If so it might be a deep filling possibly in need of a root canal. Is it just slightly sensitive to hot/cold? If so you just need to give it some time, it is normal for slight sensitivity to occur.
Because there was pressure applied to your gum and tooth, and there are nerves in your gum. It's a natural reaction to the pressure. If it continues over 24 hours, call your dentist. It's possible, though not probable, of damage to your jaw, another tooth, or nerve. Normally, taking an aspirin/tylenol/ibuprofren type pain reliever will help.
What can be done to heal the inner cheek? I bit mine very bad while I was at the dentist.?
Nothing. Fortunately, mouth wounds heal VERY quickly so in a few days your bitten inner cheek should be fine. But you might have a scar. You get them sometimes.
All you can do is rinse with warm salt water. Don't use Listerine or any product with hydrogen peroxide---that will just make it worse.If it REALLY hurts, take either Tylenol or Ibuprofen.
Use a good brand anticeptic mouthwash, or gargle with salty water, it will heal in time.
Your mouth is pretty good at healing itself quickly. Your main problem will be trying not to bite it again, because it might be a little swollen.
ouch! You can rinse it with a little warm salt water. Yes it will burn a little, but will cleanse it and help it to heal faster. The mouth heals quickly.
If you have a really deep bite, you may want to contact your dentist right away as it could need stitches.
rinse with warm salt water; take advil as needed, and just give it time. it will heal
What can a dentist do for me that I can't do for myself?
I brush and floss regularly, but lately I am concerned that this is not enough. My teeth seem extra sensitive to cold or touch. I don't have dental coverage and I'm wondering what can a dentist do for me that I can't do for myself?
A dentist can do invasive things (fill cavities), remove tartar from inadequate brushing and remove stains (called a "scale and polish"); and do more thorough exams (x-rays) than you can; otherwise, there is little a dentist can do that you cannot do yourself. If you go to a dentist about your sensitivity problem, s/he will give you the following advice: (a) don't brush so hard/use a soft-bristled brush; (b) lay off the teeth-bleaching products; (c) use a toothpaste to reduce sensitivity (a decent one is Sensodyne ProNamel, if you live in Canada or the U.S.). The FDA recommends, if you are experiencing no dental or gum problems, one dental exam and cleaning each two years. Contrast that to dentists, who claim you need two exams and cleanings a year. At my last dental exam, I was told my teeth were clean and healthy (little tartar/scale) but stained (I drink coffee, tea and red wine). I had no cavities or other problems, although I did have problems with gum disease and cavities as a young adult. My dental routine consists of flossing and brushing once daily (rarely I brush twice), being careful to brush all surfaces of my teeth (front, biting surface and back), and quickly brushing over my gums and tongue--taking about 3 minutes total to brush. I also use inexpensive mouthwash occasionally. I use a whitening toothpaste, but I quit using other whitening products because they made my teeth sensitive. So after getting this clean bill of dental health, the hygienist cleaned and polished my teeth in about 10 minutes. The cost for the x-rays and exam + cleaning cost about $110. I had not seen a dentist in 7 1/2 years. Long story short: If you are not having any serious problems, you can go at least 2 years between exams. Follow the flossing and brushing suggestions above, and you should have clean and healthy teeth, even if they aren't movie-star white. Shop carefully for a dentist, and avoid any who won't give you price quotes on the phone, or who seem intent on selling you extra services. If one dentist claims you have lots of cavities or need a bunch of fillings replaced, go get another opinion.
Drill and fill cavities, in fact, x-ray and find the cavities, sometimes the sensitivity could be due to a cavity.
gum disease is a big deal, and regular dental maintenance can prevent or postpone gum disease. Since gum disease has links to heart disease, seeing a dentist at least every other year is a good idea.
Dentists are also trained to identify other illnesses, like cancer of the mouth.
Now now now, a dentist can do many things that you cant do yourself. Thats why they go to school for so long to do it! If your teeth are sensitive to cold, you could be having some recession of the gums. Use a flouride rinse such as ACT to strengthen the surface of the tooth that is exposed by the gums receding. If they are sensitive to touch, you might be having some issues with the nerves in your teeth, cavities or something else. Just to make sure i would suggest that you go to your dentist, it will only cost you 50-100 for a check up and a couple xrays if needed...good luck!
Charge you ridiculous amounts of money.
A dentist can do invasive things (fill cavities), remove tartar from inadequate brushing and remove stains (called a "scale and polish"); and do more thorough exams (x-rays) than you can; otherwise, there is little a dentist can do that you cannot do yourself. If you go to a dentist about your sensitivity problem, s/he will give you the following advice: (a) don't brush so hard/use a soft-bristled brush; (b) lay off the teeth-bleaching products; (c) use a toothpaste to reduce sensitivity (a decent one is Sensodyne ProNamel, if you live in Canada or the U.S.). The FDA recommends, if you are experiencing no dental or gum problems, one dental exam and cleaning each two years. Contrast that to dentists, who claim you need two exams and cleanings a year. At my last dental exam, I was told my teeth were clean and healthy (little tartar/scale) but stained (I drink coffee, tea and red wine). I had no cavities or other problems, although I did have problems with gum disease and cavities as a young adult. My dental routine consists of flossing and brushing once daily (rarely I brush twice), being careful to brush all surfaces of my teeth (front, biting surface and back), and quickly brushing over my gums and tongue--taking about 3 minutes total to brush. I also use inexpensive mouthwash occasionally. I use a whitening toothpaste, but I quit using other whitening products because they made my teeth sensitive. So after getting this clean bill of dental health, the hygienist cleaned and polished my teeth in about 10 minutes. The cost for the x-rays and exam + cleaning cost about $110. I had not seen a dentist in 7 1/2 years. Long story short: If you are not having any serious problems, you can go at least 2 years between exams. Follow the flossing and brushing suggestions above, and you should have clean and healthy teeth, even if they aren't movie-star white. Shop carefully for a dentist, and avoid any who won't give you price quotes on the phone, or who seem intent on selling you extra services. If one dentist claims you have lots of cavities or need a bunch of fillings replaced, go get another opinion.
Drill and fill cavities, in fact, x-ray and find the cavities, sometimes the sensitivity could be due to a cavity.
gum disease is a big deal, and regular dental maintenance can prevent or postpone gum disease. Since gum disease has links to heart disease, seeing a dentist at least every other year is a good idea.
Dentists are also trained to identify other illnesses, like cancer of the mouth.
Now now now, a dentist can do many things that you cant do yourself. Thats why they go to school for so long to do it! If your teeth are sensitive to cold, you could be having some recession of the gums. Use a flouride rinse such as ACT to strengthen the surface of the tooth that is exposed by the gums receding. If they are sensitive to touch, you might be having some issues with the nerves in your teeth, cavities or something else. Just to make sure i would suggest that you go to your dentist, it will only cost you 50-100 for a check up and a couple xrays if needed...good luck!
Charge you ridiculous amounts of money.
What ca you do for your teeth other then brushing them ?
when you have a whole in one an it hurts so much but can't afford a dentist ?
go to your local pharmacy and buy over the counter temp filling material. and try go to your dentist as soon as you can so the hole doesn't get bigger or the tooth gets infected
The fact is eventually you will have to have the hole taken care of or it will abscess and cause you even more painful (and costly) problems in the future.
For people who can't afford a dentist, they do the best they can to keep their teeth healthy so they don't get a cavity. Use mouthwash twice a day, and brush your teeth 3 times a day. You also can floss. When your drinking pop or and sweet liquids, try to use a straw so the liquid won't harm your teeth and cause a cavity. Hope that helped.
Anbesol.I had a really bad tooth once that I needed a root canal in, and in the few days before I had it done, I would put Anbesol on the tooth to make the pain go away. I think it's also a disinfectant.Use Listerine every time you brush too, to kill bacteria.
go to your local pharmacy and buy over the counter temp filling material. and try go to your dentist as soon as you can so the hole doesn't get bigger or the tooth gets infected
The fact is eventually you will have to have the hole taken care of or it will abscess and cause you even more painful (and costly) problems in the future.
For people who can't afford a dentist, they do the best they can to keep their teeth healthy so they don't get a cavity. Use mouthwash twice a day, and brush your teeth 3 times a day. You also can floss. When your drinking pop or and sweet liquids, try to use a straw so the liquid won't harm your teeth and cause a cavity. Hope that helped.
Anbesol.I had a really bad tooth once that I needed a root canal in, and in the few days before I had it done, I would put Anbesol on the tooth to make the pain go away. I think it's also a disinfectant.Use Listerine every time you brush too, to kill bacteria.
What are you supposed to eat when you first get your braces?
i soo hungry but i can't eat lol i can't chew or nothin mannnnn
really smoth and soft foods like soups and mashed up things
Anything that isn't hard or chewy. Ask your dentist or orthodontist.
Try porridge or wheatabix. I lived on custard for a week.
eat soup and ice cream..when u can actually chew it well just cut things up..i wouldnt recommend eating apples or popcorn stuff like that untill your comfortable with eating with your braces
Yogurt,rice pudding...anything soft.I know it sucks! Don't worry after two weeks you can eat real food again.Good luck with the braces and i hope you have gorgeous teeth at the end of it like mine! :)
The first weeks or months in braces can be frustrating because you can't eat some of the normal food you enjoy. And once your teeth stop hurting, the pain may return for a few days when you get an adjustment, putting you back on a soft food diet.
Remember that whatever you eat, cut it into small pieces and chew carefully and slowly. To get more protein into your diet, try adding protein powder or tofu to some of your meals or drinks.
You want to eat something that's easy to clean,off your Braces.Liquids and things that don't have to be chewed a lot.
Been there! It's painful, I know. I remember eating soft stuff... like oatmeal, soup, milk shakes, etc. Goodluck!
You need soft foods. Applesauce is good along with yogurt. Water ice (or Italian ice) is good too especially because it is cold!
anything that a toddler can eat
applesauce works really well. you can eat cereal that has been softened up in the milk for a while. gradually let the foods you eat get more solid. but like i said, applesauce is great to start with.
i ate milkshakes, fries, pasta, toast, soup, oatmeal, cereal, mashed potatoes, ice cream, frappincinos,scrambled eggs, jello, pudding, yogurt.anything soft or doesnt need lots of chewing***avoid straws!
Yeah. The hunger that braces can cause! I had my braces for 2 weeks and I am having a bad time eating right! lol.When I started out with braces I usually ate ice cream, drank some soup, milkshakes, juice. After about 3 weeks, move your way up to kinda hard food like lays potato chips, or subway sandwiches.
really smoth and soft foods like soups and mashed up things
Anything that isn't hard or chewy. Ask your dentist or orthodontist.
Try porridge or wheatabix. I lived on custard for a week.
eat soup and ice cream..when u can actually chew it well just cut things up..i wouldnt recommend eating apples or popcorn stuff like that untill your comfortable with eating with your braces
Yogurt,rice pudding...anything soft.I know it sucks! Don't worry after two weeks you can eat real food again.Good luck with the braces and i hope you have gorgeous teeth at the end of it like mine! :)
The first weeks or months in braces can be frustrating because you can't eat some of the normal food you enjoy. And once your teeth stop hurting, the pain may return for a few days when you get an adjustment, putting you back on a soft food diet.
Remember that whatever you eat, cut it into small pieces and chew carefully and slowly. To get more protein into your diet, try adding protein powder or tofu to some of your meals or drinks.
You want to eat something that's easy to clean,off your Braces.Liquids and things that don't have to be chewed a lot.
Been there! It's painful, I know. I remember eating soft stuff... like oatmeal, soup, milk shakes, etc. Goodluck!
You need soft foods. Applesauce is good along with yogurt. Water ice (or Italian ice) is good too especially because it is cold!
anything that a toddler can eat
applesauce works really well. you can eat cereal that has been softened up in the milk for a while. gradually let the foods you eat get more solid. but like i said, applesauce is great to start with.
i ate milkshakes, fries, pasta, toast, soup, oatmeal, cereal, mashed potatoes, ice cream, frappincinos,scrambled eggs, jello, pudding, yogurt.anything soft or doesnt need lots of chewing***avoid straws!
Yeah. The hunger that braces can cause! I had my braces for 2 weeks and I am having a bad time eating right! lol.When I started out with braces I usually ate ice cream, drank some soup, milkshakes, juice. After about 3 weeks, move your way up to kinda hard food like lays potato chips, or subway sandwiches.
What are wisdom teeth?
They're the smart ones all the way in the back.
3rd molars that usually erupt between17-25 years old if they have room to erupts.
These are the teeth in the very back of your mouth, upper and lower, that make you smart. That is why you will notice that people who have their wisdom teeth removed usually become very dumb in a short period of time.OR do they become numb in a short period of time?I forget.
last teeth to appear in late teens early 20s to get them you are older and supposed to be wise hence 'wisdom teeth'.however they can be the most painfull teeth if they grow wrong ,i.e,'impacted wisdom teeth'.can also be the last teeth to fall out or be removed when you get older.
well actually there in the very back of youre mouth you dont have to be a certain age to get them either im only 11 and i have both of mine
They are the smartest teeth in your mouth.
they make u smarter
When people lived in caves their teeth would be severely degraded by the time they were in their early 20s, as obviously they didn't have brushes and mouthwash in those days! The wisdom teeth would come through, giving you a few extra teeth and bolstering the crappy ones still there. In those days teeth were a matter of life and death- no teeth and you couldn't eat
they grow on ur feet.and also make u smarter
iam manju i will studay in R.C college
^^^^Lol WTF? I got all mine out and it was the worst pain ive ever gone through. The bottom left tooth was jarred in so the guy had to cut it in half and pull out half a tooth at a time.
Wisdom teeth are the last four teeth grow at the mid of teenager and the immediate of twentieth. According to human physical develoment, wisdom teeth represent hard tissue in human body system. i think the reason they always grow last, maybe to give more support to the existing teeth. they also added, so a human being can reach a maxmum full potential teeth of 32. It's up to God plan to reserve these 4 wisdom teeth to give extra help during the late adulthood and the the old age. To my understanding, they are big, strong and perminent; they are not replace like milk teeth. So people should have to take more cuation by not eating agents that can spoil the final wisdom teeth. Another answer, is that, they grow last because they're more painful than any other teeth in our live. During the time of their grow, some people will not chew hard %26 taugh food; its hurt a lots. that's why they grow when you reach the age you can endure those painful moment.
i'm now afraid!
i knew all about what they were and where they grow,but a few mention late teens to twenties they come thru.
i'm 30 bloody 2 and get jip with mine every few months when they have a growth spurt!my dentist doesn't seem worried but now i am!!!!
they are the teeth in the very back of your mouth that mean half of your life is gone.(my mom told me that.)
What Are The Symptoms of A Tooth infection?
There are a couple of things you should look out for when it comes to oral health. Pain, sensitivity to hot and cold, discoloration, and bleeding are all signs of infection. If you are experiencing any discomfort you should see a dentist right away.
ache in the tooth
Just had one, it was a cavity. I had bleeding around the tooth, pain in nerves in the mouth around the tooth, tooth aching.
Ive had 2.
Pain in the tooth when touch by anything even pressure from saliva hurts.
When you go to the dentist they will perscribe an antiboitic and then fix the problem (mine was a MAJOR cavity)
pain, redness, swelling and sometimes puss. I suggest if you have these to see a dentist soon!
typical signs of an infection are:persistant fever,
pain %26 swelling in affected area,
increase in white blood count...
Toothache, which is the most common symptom. An infection or irritation of the tooth pulp usually causes the pain.
Bad breath or a foul taste in the mouth.
White, gray, brown, or black spots on the teeth.
Loose fillings.
A broken tooth or a tooth that is sensitive to pressure.
Pain in the area, swelling, bleeding, fever
My husband had a tooth infection. You would be experiencing SEVERE PAIN. Sometimes (not all the times) the gum area would be red. For a long time my husband had the tooth pain without the redness (so he assumed it wasn't too bad). He had it checked and it was in fact an infection.The only way to know for sure is to see a dentist or call an dentist for a phone consultation and tell them your symptoms. My husband had to go to an emergency dental clinic.For now, I would take ibuprofen and advil for pain, that's the only thing that would help him. 3 or 4 tablets. Hope you find relief.
It can be all of what was listed above- and if the infection is severe- you will see pus coming from below the gumline. Get to the dentist immediately in any case. These infections can spread to other parts of the body and are severe.
pain,believe me!
pain, swelling of the cheek, unable to open your mouth as wide as normal and lots more pain!!
Here are some signs of a tooth infection or abcess:1. Bad taste/bad breath
2. A dull ache
3. Tender to bite on or tender to touch
4. Pus or swelling next to the tooth.
5. sensitivity to hot and coldP.s iam a dental nurse if you have one or more of these go and get it treated!!
What are the steps for getting braces on??
Hello everyone! I'm getting braces on July 3. Spacers on June 28. Please tell me the step or how they put the braces on. i want braces. but i dont want the pain. please help me so i dont get so scard. thank!
***spacers dont hurt watsoever***pink and light blue are cute colors***NEVER get white or clear bands cause white looks like food is stuck in ur braces and clear like it u eat ketchup or a lollipop or somethin, they stain***they put the bands, and then every time u go back u get to choose new colorsk
i have gotton em on over 6 times (dont ask!)it doesnt hurt dont worry-it is just a long process and it tastes kinda badthey give u a band on ur molars fiist, to see ur size and stufffirst theu put this positioner thing is ur mouth, it makes your mouth stretch a lkot so they can see ur teeth, it will bother u for a minute or 2 but u will get used to it, u keep that thing on the WHOLE timethen there are these things that look like shots and stuff, i got really freaked out when i first saw them but actually, they dont go in ur mouth! this is the cement that they put on ur braces then they stick the braces on ur teeth
**the cement kinda tastes bad!then they will put the rubber bands on ur braces with things that look like sisscors (they dont hurt) after that they put the wire-this is the most anoying part cause after they slip it in ur mouth, they have to cut it to make it fit rightthen that is it!Ur done
but after u do it, ask ur doctor for dental wax, and rubber cover upwhen u get home use ACT mouthwash and for the first hour, ur teeth may be a little numb so drink mainly fluids-clear fluidsthen for the first day or 2 ur teeth may be a little sensitive so stick with eating soup, pasta, and soft foods-avoid strawsevery night use Peroxyl mouthwash for like a week to keep ur gums storng from cuts and use dental wax and rubber coverups so u wont get blisters, they hurt a little but arent that bad. avoid sleeping on ur side, try to keep ur head straight up for a couple of daysevery morning and every night use the Peroxyl mouthwash again for 2 weeks then after that just use ACT mouthwash to keep ur teeth and gum s healthy. get some Super floss, made for braces-i sugest elictrical toothbrushes they keep ur mouth cleanerdont worry-trust me- i have had my braces on for almost 4 years, i am gettin em off on July 3-my friend says it acutally hurts more to get em off so yea
It's really not that bad. They just go in and glue everything on. The bands around your back molars, then the little metal pieces on each teeth to band the wire to... It's hard to explain, but not a bad process to endure I promise.
http://www.braceface.com/gettingbraces.h...This should help.
The spacers don't hurt AT ALL and it takes about 10 minutes, not even to get them put in. They're look like staples and just make space for the bands they put on your back teeth.I found it to be a little painful and really uncomfortable when they were putting on the bands because they have to try on a million sizes before finding the right size, and it does hurt a little to have them pulled on and off.The rest is cake- just gluing on the little metal brackets. Not painful AT ALL.Hopefully, your orthodontist won't have to file your teeth. I had to have my 4 front teeth filed, which is when he takes literally a nail file for your teeth and files inbetween extremely close teeth to make a little space. It hurts bad, and I mean really, really bad.
I had them years ago. Painwise, its not bad like getting tooth filled.but I would take couple of tylenol 1/2 hr before your appt time just so you'll be comfortable..after getting braces on, your teeth will be tender for couple of days. This procedure takes about couple of hours.so after appt, take another 2 tylenol. Then you should be okay.good luck!
Depending on how old you are the pain is marginal. I had them put on at 11 and then again at 23. Let me tell you, having them as an adult is not so much fun.
Anyway, the spacers or like thick, small rubbr bands they put btw. your molars so that when they put the brackets around your molars there is space.
The day you get the braces, you have probably taken some pill that makes your mouth dry out some so that the glue/cement will stick the brace to your tooth. Then they put the braces on, use some kind of ultraviolet light thing to cement them, then put the wires in. They will check to make sure nothing is poking you anywhere, go over proper care, what to and not to eat, and send you on your way with a bag full of stuff, including flossers that can get in btw the wires, wax (you put it on spots that may come up later that are poking you) and s/ other stuff.It's really not that bad, and totally worth it when you get them off, but there is some pain, just take some aleve or sthing and eat soft stuff, like soup, yogurt, etc. for a couple of days and you will be fine.Good luck
while it may be uncomfortable for a couple days, there is very little pain. for the first few days, stick to eating yogurt, mashed potatoes; soft foods
good luck!!
***spacers dont hurt watsoever***pink and light blue are cute colors***NEVER get white or clear bands cause white looks like food is stuck in ur braces and clear like it u eat ketchup or a lollipop or somethin, they stain***they put the bands, and then every time u go back u get to choose new colorsk
i have gotton em on over 6 times (dont ask!)it doesnt hurt dont worry-it is just a long process and it tastes kinda badthey give u a band on ur molars fiist, to see ur size and stufffirst theu put this positioner thing is ur mouth, it makes your mouth stretch a lkot so they can see ur teeth, it will bother u for a minute or 2 but u will get used to it, u keep that thing on the WHOLE timethen there are these things that look like shots and stuff, i got really freaked out when i first saw them but actually, they dont go in ur mouth! this is the cement that they put on ur braces then they stick the braces on ur teeth
**the cement kinda tastes bad!then they will put the rubber bands on ur braces with things that look like sisscors (they dont hurt) after that they put the wire-this is the most anoying part cause after they slip it in ur mouth, they have to cut it to make it fit rightthen that is it!Ur done
but after u do it, ask ur doctor for dental wax, and rubber cover upwhen u get home use ACT mouthwash and for the first hour, ur teeth may be a little numb so drink mainly fluids-clear fluidsthen for the first day or 2 ur teeth may be a little sensitive so stick with eating soup, pasta, and soft foods-avoid strawsevery night use Peroxyl mouthwash for like a week to keep ur gums storng from cuts and use dental wax and rubber coverups so u wont get blisters, they hurt a little but arent that bad. avoid sleeping on ur side, try to keep ur head straight up for a couple of daysevery morning and every night use the Peroxyl mouthwash again for 2 weeks then after that just use ACT mouthwash to keep ur teeth and gum s healthy. get some Super floss, made for braces-i sugest elictrical toothbrushes they keep ur mouth cleanerdont worry-trust me- i have had my braces on for almost 4 years, i am gettin em off on July 3-my friend says it acutally hurts more to get em off so yea
It's really not that bad. They just go in and glue everything on. The bands around your back molars, then the little metal pieces on each teeth to band the wire to... It's hard to explain, but not a bad process to endure I promise.
http://www.braceface.com/gettingbraces.h...This should help.
The spacers don't hurt AT ALL and it takes about 10 minutes, not even to get them put in. They're look like staples and just make space for the bands they put on your back teeth.I found it to be a little painful and really uncomfortable when they were putting on the bands because they have to try on a million sizes before finding the right size, and it does hurt a little to have them pulled on and off.The rest is cake- just gluing on the little metal brackets. Not painful AT ALL.Hopefully, your orthodontist won't have to file your teeth. I had to have my 4 front teeth filed, which is when he takes literally a nail file for your teeth and files inbetween extremely close teeth to make a little space. It hurts bad, and I mean really, really bad.
I had them years ago. Painwise, its not bad like getting tooth filled.but I would take couple of tylenol 1/2 hr before your appt time just so you'll be comfortable..after getting braces on, your teeth will be tender for couple of days. This procedure takes about couple of hours.so after appt, take another 2 tylenol. Then you should be okay.good luck!
Depending on how old you are the pain is marginal. I had them put on at 11 and then again at 23. Let me tell you, having them as an adult is not so much fun.
Anyway, the spacers or like thick, small rubbr bands they put btw. your molars so that when they put the brackets around your molars there is space.
The day you get the braces, you have probably taken some pill that makes your mouth dry out some so that the glue/cement will stick the brace to your tooth. Then they put the braces on, use some kind of ultraviolet light thing to cement them, then put the wires in. They will check to make sure nothing is poking you anywhere, go over proper care, what to and not to eat, and send you on your way with a bag full of stuff, including flossers that can get in btw the wires, wax (you put it on spots that may come up later that are poking you) and s/ other stuff.It's really not that bad, and totally worth it when you get them off, but there is some pain, just take some aleve or sthing and eat soft stuff, like soup, yogurt, etc. for a couple of days and you will be fine.Good luck
while it may be uncomfortable for a couple days, there is very little pain. for the first few days, stick to eating yogurt, mashed potatoes; soft foods
good luck!!
What are the signs of...?
What are the signs of tooth decay?
dunno my teeth ar perfect
go to the dds
a black tooth. duh.
they hurt, especially when brushing, and near the gums they get really dirty looking
Pain and a black spot on the tooth.
Pain, brown or black plaque on the tooth are the usual signs a hole in your tooth well that's indicates a cavity.
By the time the tooth turns dark you are in serious trouble. Watch for hot and cold sensitivity, sweetness causes pain,
discoloration is very late in the game. Get to the dentist. Remember you can't always see a cavity but an x-ray can.
Signs of tooth decay I've been told is the colour of the tooth changes you can see when a hole is starting, but most important that you go to the dentist regularly as a tooth can start to decay from the inside out, i know i went for a general check up an had no pain in my mouth, but after taking x'ray found that my bottom second molar was starting to decay form the inside out. i was lucky to save the tooth!OUCH!!!
Usually sensitivity/pain to sweets is a sign of a cavity. You may or may not notice a black spot or discoloration on the tooth. Alot of times you can have a cavity and not feel a thing. That's why going to a dentist on a regular basis and having x-rays taken at intervals based on his/her recommendation is so important. A dentist can see decay on x-rays and take care of it BEFORE it causes pain. So, to answer your question... it could be a few signs... sensitivity to sweets, cold, air or having a "toothache". Discoloration on a tooth could also be a sign. If you think you have a cavity... please see your dentist to be sure.
dunno my teeth ar perfect
go to the dds
a black tooth. duh.
they hurt, especially when brushing, and near the gums they get really dirty looking
Pain and a black spot on the tooth.
Pain, brown or black plaque on the tooth are the usual signs a hole in your tooth well that's indicates a cavity.
By the time the tooth turns dark you are in serious trouble. Watch for hot and cold sensitivity, sweetness causes pain,
discoloration is very late in the game. Get to the dentist. Remember you can't always see a cavity but an x-ray can.
Signs of tooth decay I've been told is the colour of the tooth changes you can see when a hole is starting, but most important that you go to the dentist regularly as a tooth can start to decay from the inside out, i know i went for a general check up an had no pain in my mouth, but after taking x'ray found that my bottom second molar was starting to decay form the inside out. i was lucky to save the tooth!OUCH!!!
Usually sensitivity/pain to sweets is a sign of a cavity. You may or may not notice a black spot or discoloration on the tooth. Alot of times you can have a cavity and not feel a thing. That's why going to a dentist on a regular basis and having x-rays taken at intervals based on his/her recommendation is so important. A dentist can see decay on x-rays and take care of it BEFORE it causes pain. So, to answer your question... it could be a few signs... sensitivity to sweets, cold, air or having a "toothache". Discoloration on a tooth could also be a sign. If you think you have a cavity... please see your dentist to be sure.
What are the ingredients for toothpastes?
Don't you have a tube to look at for yourself?
Active Ingredients: Fluoride
Antibacterial agents, most often Triclosan is used to control plaque
Desensitizing agents
Anti-tartar agents
Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)
Enzymes, to enhance the antibacterial properties of saliva
Xylitol, a non-sugar sweetener, which reduces levels of cariogenic (decay causing) bacteria in the mouth and enhances remineralization
(Natural toothpastes may contain a variety of ingredients - anything from oil of ginger to seaweed extract.)
Inactive ingredients: Water
Detergents, to make the toothpaste foam
Binding agents
Humectants to retain moisture
Flavoring, sweetening, and coloring agents like peppermint, spearmint, cinnamon, wintergreen, and menthol
Abrasives for cleaning and polishing
路 Purified water Dicalcium Phosphate- White, tasteless, crystalline powder. A source of calcium. 路 Glycerine- from Coconut oil, it is used as a sweetener and Humectant. (To keep it moist) 路 Silica- Occurs widely in nature as sand, quartz and flint. It is used as an abrasive in the toothpaste. 路 Hamposyl L -95 (Sodium Lauroyl Sarcosinate) it is NOT Sodium Lauryl Sulfate- it is a mild-cleansing agent derived from Coconut oil. It is an anti-enzyme cavity fighter and mild foaming agent. 路 Sodium Carboxmethyl Cellulose- A natural hydrophilic colloid that acts as a thickener and polyelectrolyte. 路 Grapefruit Seed Extract- is a broad spectrum antimicrobial compound synthesized in a unique process from the seeds and pulp of grapefruits. The final product is a combination of naturally occurring elements including bioflavinoids, amino acids, fatty acids, phenolic compounds, tocopherols, ascorbic acid and dehydroascorbic acids. It is used as a preservative, as has gained a reputation as being supportive for people with flues, colds and sore throats. It has been recommended by several leading medical doctors/authors for relief of symptoms associated with yeast imbalance, it has a wide array of topical applications.
The following is an in depth analysis of the ingredients of toothpaste and their functions. I hope this answers your question. http://sci-toys.com/ingredients/toothpas...
Floride is the most important .It exist in black tea too.
What are the health risks associated with dip tobacco (the kind you put between your lip and gums?)?
Science-based please...
Here is a website you can start with:
http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/smoke...While I can appreciate your desire to have scientific data, I sincerely hope that you are wise enough to trust the dental community and/or people who have experienced health risks as a result of using smokeless tobacco.There are many photos of the results of smokeless tobacco use and the effects can be quite devastating.At a minimum, I would recommend you decrease your usage, decrease the amount and lastly, try not to put it in exactly the same spot every time you use it.Please don't take these suggestions as some sort of endorsement for the use of smokeless tobacco. I was simply providing information that you might find useful if you chose to continue using smokeless tobacco.
Lip cancer, tongue cancer and throat cancer.
Gum disease, mouth cancer, decays your teeth, and in an off branch sorta way people not wanting to kiss you.And also make sure people know what container you have been spitting into because other people don't want to accidentally swallow your spit..
maybe this story will convince you.www.oralcancerfoundation.org/n...
cancer, gum disease, gingivitis, tooth decay, basically its just not good for you or your body
Here is a website you can start with:
http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/smoke...While I can appreciate your desire to have scientific data, I sincerely hope that you are wise enough to trust the dental community and/or people who have experienced health risks as a result of using smokeless tobacco.There are many photos of the results of smokeless tobacco use and the effects can be quite devastating.At a minimum, I would recommend you decrease your usage, decrease the amount and lastly, try not to put it in exactly the same spot every time you use it.Please don't take these suggestions as some sort of endorsement for the use of smokeless tobacco. I was simply providing information that you might find useful if you chose to continue using smokeless tobacco.
Lip cancer, tongue cancer and throat cancer.
Gum disease, mouth cancer, decays your teeth, and in an off branch sorta way people not wanting to kiss you.And also make sure people know what container you have been spitting into because other people don't want to accidentally swallow your spit..
maybe this story will convince you.www.oralcancerfoundation.org/n...
cancer, gum disease, gingivitis, tooth decay, basically its just not good for you or your body
What are the difference of braces & retainers?
Braces are used during correction and alignment of the teeth. It can be in ceramic (tooth-coloured) or the original metal ones. It is fixed dentures attached to each tooth and furthermore stringed with wires that has to be cut shorter at each dental visit. The wires will pull tighter after each cut therefore pulling the teeth straighter. Braces may take from few months to few years.After braces treatment, retainers are used to help retain the aligned teeth. It usually is plastic and colourless, more convenient in aesthetic sense. It is not fixed and can be removed when needed (during mealtimes or when brushing teeth). It is advised to put on your retainers every day and night for at least few months to retain the new aligned teeth. After it has stable down, retainers can be worn only at nights for the next few years. Retainers can sometimes be used as treatment alone for teeth that are not too disaligned.Alternative treatment now is porcelain veneers which is a faster way to align teeth and improve teeth colour, however can be much more expensive.
Braces are attached to your teeth and can do more for your teeth. Retainers are something you can remove.usually worn at night.
Generally, a retainer is made to fit inside your mouth and can come out whenever you want. Braces are little metal...track type things that are sorta cemented into place. I'm probably doing a terrible job of discribing it. Try Wikipedia.org. :)
braces move the teeth into place retainers hold them there until the teeth r steady enough to stay there on there own
Braces move the teeth.Retainers keep them in place.You may have a retainer fitted behind the teeth after braces are removed, and this can stay there for years, just to make sure the teeth do not move back. You can also have a removable retainer that you put in at night while you sleep. x
Ok, I've got this one:
Braces straighten your teeth.
Retainers keep them straight once the braces are off.
Most of the time, if you don't wear a retainer after braces are removed, your teeth will eventually go back to being crooked.
Retainers can be cemented to your teeth OR
retainers can be worn and removed as needed for cleaning and stuff.
Braces or orthodontics are used to move or correct the position of the teeth. Once corrected, they are retained or held in this new position by the use of a "retainer" which keeps them from shifting or moving back into their previous position. Braces are generally fixed or attached to the teeth. Some patients use the tray method that "looks" like a retainer but is actually an orthodontic appliance or braces. In either case after treatment, both will need to use retainers either fixed or removable, to help hold or "retain" the new corrected position of their teeth.Braces "move" teeth, retainers "hold" them in place. Hope I've been of some help and good luck!
Braces get your teeth back in allignment.. Retainers keep them there.
What are the dangers of seeing a dentist with a bad heart?
The tell you to tell your dentist if you've had heart disase why
Dentists sometimes anesthetize their patients. If you have a heart problem, there's a chance anesthesia could kill you.Moreover, if you have an eixsting heart problem, you may be at elevated risk of developing endocarditis. This is an inflammation of the heart that results from infection. While the teeth and the heart may not seem related, they are closer than you think. Often your mouth bleeds or gets a little bit cut up during all the scraping, poking and prodding during a dental procedure. Bacteria from your mouth can get into your bloodstream and lead to heart infection. endocarditis can be lethal and may require a heart transplant. It is serious. As it so happens, endocarditis is a problem for some folks with tongue piercings. So think about that before you get a barbell through your lengua.
Bleeding in the mouth can cause bacteria to enter the bloodstream and attack the heart. People with existing heart problems are at a higher risk and should take antibiotics before receiving treatment.
I was born with a heart murmer and I have to take an antibiotic everytime I go to the dentist...even if it's for a simple cleaning. The reason I take the medicine is because it helps protect my heart valve against infective or bacterial endocarditis as well as more severe heart conditions that can arise after certain dental procedures involving possible bleeding. When bleeding occurs during dental treatment, bacteria from the mouth possibly can enter the bloodstream. It is possible that these bacteria could work their way to the heart. This is very similar for heart disease patients. Not just those with a heart murmer. You DEFINATELY need to talk to both your doctor and your dentist if you have a heart condition such as this.
simple - if the dentist doesn't know it, you can die. a prolapsed mitral valve is the one that can cause the most damage. high blood pressue and disfunctioning vavles can lead to massive infection and in turn the infection can kill you in just a few short hours or days.
It kind of depends on what it is that is making your heart "bad". Dentistry is a medicine and science based field. It has an effect on the human body. We prescribe drugs for patients that can effect the whole body. It is therefore important for us to know what is the condition of that patient's body before we start doing anything on them.
People have mentioned bad valves and getting bacteria in the bloodstream that get to the valve, infect the heart and cause damage so severe that a new heart is needed.
But also, if a patient has high blood pressure. We all know that going to the dentist is stressful. Well what will that do to the patient's blood pressure? Epinephrine or adrenaline is in the anaesthetic we use to freeze the patients. A dentist does not want to use adrenal on a patient with high blood pressure because that will cause the blood pressure to rise. High blood pressure may cause prolonged bleeding if a procedure is performed where some bleeding occurs.
Or is the patient on blood thinners to prevent a heart attack or stroke? This is important to know before removing a tooth or two and starting some bleeding that won't stop.
These are just some examples to show you why dentists take a medical history and why it is important for patients to tell dentists what their medical condition is.
well there can be various kinds of bad heart like higher blood pressure , prosthetic valves, rheumatic dieseases etc.
yes its essential information for any dentist as if suffering a higher blood pressure and not a diagnosed case or not under medication can lead to various comlpications like prolonged bleeding after being operated which would not stop for hours till the pressure comes to normal, sometimes it may even lead to a condition called shock in some cases with very high pressure, mostly the anesthetics used in dental clinics contain adrenaline a vasoconstrictor in various concentrations which can elevate the heart rate and therby may lead to further complications and therby dentist would try to bring the blood pressure to normal or at a safe level so that there are no chances of such complications and can even decide the right kind of anaesthetic as per the patients pressure status.
in dental procedures there are more chances of bacteremia as bacterias come in direct contact with the bleeding and thus can reach to the endocardium via blood stream and certain individuals are more liable to endocarditis and valvitis and therby can lead to endocarditis or valvitis or sometimes pericarditis, some people have prosthetic valve and therby are more liable to infections, some people have artificial pace makers or they are suffering from rheumatic dieseases like arthritis which again increases the liability towards infection and dentist would operate under the required dose of antibiotics so that he can save you from getting infected.
so its not good but strictly advisable to report the condition to your dentist inorder to avoid comlpications post operative or while being opetrated .
Dentists sometimes anesthetize their patients. If you have a heart problem, there's a chance anesthesia could kill you.Moreover, if you have an eixsting heart problem, you may be at elevated risk of developing endocarditis. This is an inflammation of the heart that results from infection. While the teeth and the heart may not seem related, they are closer than you think. Often your mouth bleeds or gets a little bit cut up during all the scraping, poking and prodding during a dental procedure. Bacteria from your mouth can get into your bloodstream and lead to heart infection. endocarditis can be lethal and may require a heart transplant. It is serious. As it so happens, endocarditis is a problem for some folks with tongue piercings. So think about that before you get a barbell through your lengua.
Bleeding in the mouth can cause bacteria to enter the bloodstream and attack the heart. People with existing heart problems are at a higher risk and should take antibiotics before receiving treatment.
I was born with a heart murmer and I have to take an antibiotic everytime I go to the dentist...even if it's for a simple cleaning. The reason I take the medicine is because it helps protect my heart valve against infective or bacterial endocarditis as well as more severe heart conditions that can arise after certain dental procedures involving possible bleeding. When bleeding occurs during dental treatment, bacteria from the mouth possibly can enter the bloodstream. It is possible that these bacteria could work their way to the heart. This is very similar for heart disease patients. Not just those with a heart murmer. You DEFINATELY need to talk to both your doctor and your dentist if you have a heart condition such as this.
simple - if the dentist doesn't know it, you can die. a prolapsed mitral valve is the one that can cause the most damage. high blood pressue and disfunctioning vavles can lead to massive infection and in turn the infection can kill you in just a few short hours or days.
It kind of depends on what it is that is making your heart "bad". Dentistry is a medicine and science based field. It has an effect on the human body. We prescribe drugs for patients that can effect the whole body. It is therefore important for us to know what is the condition of that patient's body before we start doing anything on them.
People have mentioned bad valves and getting bacteria in the bloodstream that get to the valve, infect the heart and cause damage so severe that a new heart is needed.
But also, if a patient has high blood pressure. We all know that going to the dentist is stressful. Well what will that do to the patient's blood pressure? Epinephrine or adrenaline is in the anaesthetic we use to freeze the patients. A dentist does not want to use adrenal on a patient with high blood pressure because that will cause the blood pressure to rise. High blood pressure may cause prolonged bleeding if a procedure is performed where some bleeding occurs.
Or is the patient on blood thinners to prevent a heart attack or stroke? This is important to know before removing a tooth or two and starting some bleeding that won't stop.
These are just some examples to show you why dentists take a medical history and why it is important for patients to tell dentists what their medical condition is.
well there can be various kinds of bad heart like higher blood pressure , prosthetic valves, rheumatic dieseases etc.
yes its essential information for any dentist as if suffering a higher blood pressure and not a diagnosed case or not under medication can lead to various comlpications like prolonged bleeding after being operated which would not stop for hours till the pressure comes to normal, sometimes it may even lead to a condition called shock in some cases with very high pressure, mostly the anesthetics used in dental clinics contain adrenaline a vasoconstrictor in various concentrations which can elevate the heart rate and therby may lead to further complications and therby dentist would try to bring the blood pressure to normal or at a safe level so that there are no chances of such complications and can even decide the right kind of anaesthetic as per the patients pressure status.
in dental procedures there are more chances of bacteremia as bacterias come in direct contact with the bleeding and thus can reach to the endocardium via blood stream and certain individuals are more liable to endocarditis and valvitis and therby can lead to endocarditis or valvitis or sometimes pericarditis, some people have prosthetic valve and therby are more liable to infections, some people have artificial pace makers or they are suffering from rheumatic dieseases like arthritis which again increases the liability towards infection and dentist would operate under the required dose of antibiotics so that he can save you from getting infected.
so its not good but strictly advisable to report the condition to your dentist inorder to avoid comlpications post operative or while being opetrated .
What are the complications in extacting tooth in a hypertensive person?
The amount of anesthetic may be limited due to the epinephrine in the anesthetic. The person should not sit up suddenly because the BP could drop. And Bleeding may be slightly increased, but it is manageable.
excess bleedind, angina pectoris, vasovagal syncope, postural syncope
What are the best whitening strpis for you teeth that are out right now??
There are so many brands out there just want to see which ones you have tried and if they made your teeth or gums sensitive afterward. I've heard using them too much affects your gums too. please let me know, thanks!
Crest Whitestrips are great, but they are pretty expensive once you start using them regularly - they are about $30 per box. One brand I definitely recommend is Plus White 5 Minute Speed Whitening Gel. You can get it at Wal-mart for about $5. It doesn't make your teeth quite as sensitive, although it takes a few days more to fully whiten your teeth. You just swipe the gel on the entire front surface of the teeth you want to whiten and pull your lips back and sit like that for 15 minutes. Then you rinse it out. Yes, it is a little bit annoying sitting there like that, but using that method works better than mouth trays and strips, because you can get to the entire surface of the tooth, and whiten it all. I have been using this gel for about a year now, and I get a LOT of compliments on you bright my teeth are. Now, whatever brand you buy will make your teeth sensitive to some degree - what I do to combat this is use Crest Sensitivity toothpaste when the sensitivity gets annoying. Another product I recommend with use with the whitening gel is Listerine Whitening Pre-Brush Rinse. By itself, it does not really give shocking results, but I've found that this product really brightens my teeth. Good luck!
The Crest White Strips work the best to me. Even my dentist commented on how white my teeth were after using them.
I can't wait to see the answer!
2 points!
I use Crest whitestrips. They work. People notice how white my teeth are all the time. I haven't had any issues with my gums, but I know some people say that you can feel a very slight burning sensation if your gums aren't in the best of health.
Crest Whitestrips are great, but they are pretty expensive once you start using them regularly - they are about $30 per box. One brand I definitely recommend is Plus White 5 Minute Speed Whitening Gel. You can get it at Wal-mart for about $5. It doesn't make your teeth quite as sensitive, although it takes a few days more to fully whiten your teeth. You just swipe the gel on the entire front surface of the teeth you want to whiten and pull your lips back and sit like that for 15 minutes. Then you rinse it out. Yes, it is a little bit annoying sitting there like that, but using that method works better than mouth trays and strips, because you can get to the entire surface of the tooth, and whiten it all. I have been using this gel for about a year now, and I get a LOT of compliments on you bright my teeth are. Now, whatever brand you buy will make your teeth sensitive to some degree - what I do to combat this is use Crest Sensitivity toothpaste when the sensitivity gets annoying. Another product I recommend with use with the whitening gel is Listerine Whitening Pre-Brush Rinse. By itself, it does not really give shocking results, but I've found that this product really brightens my teeth. Good luck!
The Crest White Strips work the best to me. Even my dentist commented on how white my teeth were after using them.
I can't wait to see the answer!
2 points!
I use Crest whitestrips. They work. People notice how white my teeth are all the time. I haven't had any issues with my gums, but I know some people say that you can feel a very slight burning sensation if your gums aren't in the best of health.
What are the best whitening strips?
I've tried both Crest and Rembrandt, and I think Rembrandt is the better product. And Rembrandt is cheaper, too! I have the 7-day strips in a white and green box, in 'mint'. After using them for MAYBE 3 days, I was told by a few people that my teeth looked whiter.. I didn't get any compliments when using Crest.
Well i have to say the best so far is crest!
Its safe for your teeth and affordable!Get a brighter smilein just five minutes a day with crest whitening strips!!With just five minutes daily use, you can gradually whiten your teeth for a brighter, more beautiful smile. The enamel-safe whitening ingredients removes surface stains, whitens by deep cleaning and protects from the build-up of everyday stains. You can use Crest Whitestrips Daily Multicare when it is convenient for you, even in the shower or before bed. Once you have achieved the level of whiteness you want, use regularly to help maintain your whiter smile.
well hope i ehlped sweetite and have a great day!!Good luck!
my dentist tells me not you use crest beacuse they leave a white strip and they are unconfortable. SHe recomends remembrant
Actually the best thing is the colgate simply white
What are the best whitening strips to use for your teeth?
Is there another way to whiten teeth besides using whitening strips.
Yes! You can use Crest White Strips, or you can go the expensive way and talk to your doctor. But the best thing to do is pray, pray about all your problems, God is ALWAYS listening to you!
I am a fan of the Crest Whitening strips, I saw results in a couple of days.
bleaching, which you can get little teeth bleaching kits at the grocery store, or go to your dentist and ask 4 places to get surgery and have white, strait teeth, but that can cost serious $$$~~
Try the Aquafresh White Tray. I heard its pretty good and you get results in a week with proper use.http://www.aquafresh.com/
Rembrandt Intense Stain removal toothpaste. Be very wary when using whitening strips because they remove your enamel which doesn't really grow back. It can leave you will super sensitive teeth. My friend used them and she had this problem. Eating daily is now difficult because it hurts and aches. Before you whiten your teeth with the strips ask yourself if its worth it. But seriously invest the $7 in the Rembrandt toothpaste first, if that doesn't work then use the strips if you dare.
crest whitestrips work great..i use them because they are really effective..i used them for a week and i started noticing a difference right than..patients that come into my office use them and ive noticed a difference in the whiteness and brightness of their teeth,using the shade guide at my office i deffinantly noticed a difference, great stuff:)also used remberant whitening toothpaste paste as well..
Crest white strips work great. But you can go to your local dentist and get a standard bleaching trey, they are not as expensive as everyone here is saying. When i had mine done, it was about $200. Which isn't terrible.
Crest White strips, cheaper than going to the dentist the only thing it does not whiten your back teeth/molars due to the strips being too short. But you will see results in a couple of days. And you can't notice the back teeth not white. It runs about $25 per box.
Home teeth whitening systems are not as strong as the kits that professional teeth whitening dentists use, so the results are never as bright. While these teeth bleaching kits are inexpensive and relatively easy to use, they aren't perfect. Try products from http://www.maximumteethwhitening.com... . Then are certified to work like professional teeth whitening,except for the overly cost of course.
there is a best way to get pearly white teeth. try this link that will lead you to heavenly white teeth. check out http://www.maximumteethwhitening.com... this contains high and powerful bleaching ingredients that will give professional whitening results.
http://www.metacafe.com/watch/370806/rem...Have a look at this but am not sure if its safe or real!:)
Yes! You can use Crest White Strips, or you can go the expensive way and talk to your doctor. But the best thing to do is pray, pray about all your problems, God is ALWAYS listening to you!
I am a fan of the Crest Whitening strips, I saw results in a couple of days.
bleaching, which you can get little teeth bleaching kits at the grocery store, or go to your dentist and ask 4 places to get surgery and have white, strait teeth, but that can cost serious $$$~~
Try the Aquafresh White Tray. I heard its pretty good and you get results in a week with proper use.http://www.aquafresh.com/
Rembrandt Intense Stain removal toothpaste. Be very wary when using whitening strips because they remove your enamel which doesn't really grow back. It can leave you will super sensitive teeth. My friend used them and she had this problem. Eating daily is now difficult because it hurts and aches. Before you whiten your teeth with the strips ask yourself if its worth it. But seriously invest the $7 in the Rembrandt toothpaste first, if that doesn't work then use the strips if you dare.
crest whitestrips work great..i use them because they are really effective..i used them for a week and i started noticing a difference right than..patients that come into my office use them and ive noticed a difference in the whiteness and brightness of their teeth,using the shade guide at my office i deffinantly noticed a difference, great stuff:)also used remberant whitening toothpaste paste as well..
Crest white strips work great. But you can go to your local dentist and get a standard bleaching trey, they are not as expensive as everyone here is saying. When i had mine done, it was about $200. Which isn't terrible.
Crest White strips, cheaper than going to the dentist the only thing it does not whiten your back teeth/molars due to the strips being too short. But you will see results in a couple of days. And you can't notice the back teeth not white. It runs about $25 per box.
Home teeth whitening systems are not as strong as the kits that professional teeth whitening dentists use, so the results are never as bright. While these teeth bleaching kits are inexpensive and relatively easy to use, they aren't perfect. Try products from http://www.maximumteethwhitening.com... . Then are certified to work like professional teeth whitening,except for the overly cost of course.
there is a best way to get pearly white teeth. try this link that will lead you to heavenly white teeth. check out http://www.maximumteethwhitening.com... this contains high and powerful bleaching ingredients that will give professional whitening results.
http://www.metacafe.com/watch/370806/rem...Have a look at this but am not sure if its safe or real!:)
What are the best teeth whitening procedures that are not alot of money?
I have braces and when i get them off i am going to get my teeth whitened so there will not be that ugly stripe of yellow on my teeth they will be the same color!!
Overall I would say that most of my patient's have had some measure of success with the Crest Whitestrips, some more than others. Our office uses Crest Supreme which are much stronger than what you can buy in a drugstore and don't cost that much more ($60.00 vs $30.00). You can purchase the drugstore version, but do yourself the favor of using them right after you get your teeth cleaned as any staining and buildup (tartar or plaque) will impede their ability to work. Also, don't use fluoride toothpaste before putting the strips on (same reason). The strips are probably your best low price alternative, much less than in office whitening or custom trays (about $500.00). Most whitening toothpastes just remove stain on the surfaces of your teeth and therefore are not so effective. Whatever method you use it will not whiten your teeth for life, as you age your teeth will get darker and may need to be whitened again.
Good luck!
JAMRDH - a dental hygienist
Well they have whitening mouthwash that you could start using now that works well. It's not too expensive and works. There are crest white strips that work really well, but they are kinda spendy.
Crest White Strips work good. ^^ $30
Well I'm no dentist, but if you really want a procedure, ok, but something very cheap that still works? Cinnamon. It sounds whack, but ground cinnamon in place of toothpaste whitens well, and how much does cinnamon cost?
any type of Crest White Stripes should work, that's what I used when I got my braces off.
What is your definition of a lot of money? If you go to the dentist it could be $300-$600... That seems like a lot of money to me! I have been looking for a good alternative for dental bleaching. I recently tried using "maximum teeth whitening". I have never seen any product that works so well. I noticed a difference the first time that I used it. I think that it cost like $30 for the kit, but they gave me free refills for being a first time customer. It should last me a few months if I use it every day. I will probably only use it a few times a week though. I
Crest white strips didnt work well for me, but Crest Whitening Rinse works the best use it everyday, its a mouthwash and it whites teeth, if you have yellow spots from braces those cant be removed they will always be there
Overall I would say that most of my patient's have had some measure of success with the Crest Whitestrips, some more than others. Our office uses Crest Supreme which are much stronger than what you can buy in a drugstore and don't cost that much more ($60.00 vs $30.00). You can purchase the drugstore version, but do yourself the favor of using them right after you get your teeth cleaned as any staining and buildup (tartar or plaque) will impede their ability to work. Also, don't use fluoride toothpaste before putting the strips on (same reason). The strips are probably your best low price alternative, much less than in office whitening or custom trays (about $500.00). Most whitening toothpastes just remove stain on the surfaces of your teeth and therefore are not so effective. Whatever method you use it will not whiten your teeth for life, as you age your teeth will get darker and may need to be whitened again.
Good luck!
JAMRDH - a dental hygienist
Well they have whitening mouthwash that you could start using now that works well. It's not too expensive and works. There are crest white strips that work really well, but they are kinda spendy.
Crest White Strips work good. ^^ $30
Well I'm no dentist, but if you really want a procedure, ok, but something very cheap that still works? Cinnamon. It sounds whack, but ground cinnamon in place of toothpaste whitens well, and how much does cinnamon cost?
any type of Crest White Stripes should work, that's what I used when I got my braces off.
What is your definition of a lot of money? If you go to the dentist it could be $300-$600... That seems like a lot of money to me! I have been looking for a good alternative for dental bleaching. I recently tried using "maximum teeth whitening". I have never seen any product that works so well. I noticed a difference the first time that I used it. I think that it cost like $30 for the kit, but they gave me free refills for being a first time customer. It should last me a few months if I use it every day. I will probably only use it a few times a week though. I
Crest white strips didnt work well for me, but Crest Whitening Rinse works the best use it everyday, its a mouthwash and it whites teeth, if you have yellow spots from braces those cant be removed they will always be there
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